I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1842: All into the battlefield!

【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

Chapter 1842 All enter the battlefield!

With the addition of another person, the situation on the field suddenly became 2V2.

The young man in Huoyunpao, who was blessed with the Daoyun of nothingness, said without looking back: "Di Min, you are still loyal enough."

"After this time is over, I'll treat you to a drink."

After hearing his words, the person behind him smiled lightly, and responded "OK!"

As soon as the words fell, powerful breaths gushed out from the bodies of the two of them at the same time.

Staring at Di Min who suddenly joined the battlefield, Wang You's eyes flickered, and Dao Yun surged all over his body.

This person's realm strength is not weaker than himself at all, and he needs to go all out.

Di Min, who was behind the young man in the fire cloud robe, was also lingering with the charm of karma and dao.

After seeing the change in Wang You's gaze, a trace of solemnity appeared on his calm face.

The next moment, the eyes of the two were fixed at the same time, and the Dao Yun around them surged to provide endless kinetic energy, and they flew towards each other.

The so-called rushing to each other is probably like this.

After the two started fighting, the battlefield became even more lively.

Sporadic speed rhymes and causal rhymes float out from time to time.

The aftermath of the airflow swayed from every corner from time to time.

But the fight between Wang Mang and the Huoyunpao youth is still going on.

Both of them are strengthening their strength and dare not relax at all.

As time passed, beads of sweat oozed from the foreheads of the two of them at the same time.

Wang Mang, who was constantly blessing the power of the Dao, was very depressed at this time.

Grandma, the Daoyun reserve on the opposite side is so strong?

There is no great power around to absorb and replenish it.

Suddenly Wang Mang's mind shook, and he thought of something.

The opposite is also the Supreme Dao. Although I don’t know the specifics, it is undoubtedly the Supreme Dao Rhyme that can resonate with the characteristics of my Supreme Dao.

Doesn't that mean that his power is also unlimited?

The moment this idea appeared, Wang Mang's face froze.

For a moment, Wang Mang felt awkward.

What should I do if the power on the opposite side is endless, I asked again.

Soon Wang Mang had the answer.

If the opponent really has endless power, then he must have the same weakness as himself.

It's time to test your body!

As soon as he thought of this, the gloom in Wang Mang's heart disappeared immediately, physical strength was his strong point!

The only Gu Lue is the person behind him.

That's all, let's take one step at a time.

At this time, the young man in Huoyun Pao on the opposite side was also very distressed.

Dao Yun is the upper power of the power of the Dao, and the consumption of the two must be greater because of the power of the Dao.

In the same duel, it must be Wang Mang on the opposite side who consumes more.

But the other side didn't seem to be unable to hold on at all!


This is really outrageous, and the fight has not changed at this stage, how strong is the power of this way?

Could it be endless?

As soon as this idea appeared, he was immediately passed over.

So the possibilities are endless.

What about conservation of energy?

Gazing at the situation ahead, the young man in the fire cloud robe gritted his teeth and continued to bless Dao Yun.

If the stalemate continues like this, it is estimated that the time of the day will not be finished.

At this thought, he also lowered his face, and said to the few people behind him through voice transmission: "What are you looking at? Have you forgotten all the orders in the clan?"

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

After hearing his voice transmission, the four people watching the battle were stunned.

Then he directly joined the battlefield without hesitation.

After a while, Wang Mang's side fell into a disadvantage.

The figures of the three appeared around Wang Mang at the same time like ghosts.

The other person was going to help Timin.

The three strands of Dao Yun bombarded Wang Mang from different directions.

And because Wang Mang was constantly blessing the power of the Dao, he had no way to free up extra power to resist.

When several strands of Dao Yun were about to fall on Wang Mang, a beam of light flew over and blocked Wang Mang.


Gorgeous light shone, and three strands of Dao Yun erupted at the same time.

But the strange four avenue powers still haven't weakened, and haven't been affected in the slightest.

Seeing this, the three people who came to assist were somewhat puzzled.

As the light faded, Wang Mang's body was revealed immediately.

I saw a simple mirror appearing in front of Wang Mang.

Around him, a shield of pure white light was also formed.

While Wang Mang blessed the power of the Great Dao, he glanced at the mirror from the corner of his eye.

Why does this mirror look so familiar?

Take a closer look, good opportunity, isn't this Liangqi's thing? !

Abyss Xuanming is also here? !

For a moment, Wang Mang looked around.

Didn't see anyone, remote control?

"Wang Daoyou, don't look for me and Xuan Ming are far away."

"This mirror won't last long."

Liang Qi's sound transmission echoed in Wang Mang's mind.

After hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly felt strange.

For a moment, he still felt that it would be nice to have one more friend by his side.

Looking at the white glow that wrapped him up, Wang Mang felt a little uneasy.

I don't know how long this thing can last.

Blessed with the power of the Dao, Wang Mang's mood sank to the bottom.

The next moment, three strands of Dao Yun bombarded from different directions.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang said to the system in his heart: "Hurry up and think of a way, or your host will be sacrificed."

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of the system suddenly sounded:

【Ding! Also ask the host to face it calmly with **** spirit. 】

? ? ?

After hearing this, Wang Mang was immediately stunned, and even the output of the power of the Dao was also affected.

After reacting, Wang Mang~www.readwn.com~ hurriedly stabilized the power of the Dao, cursing secretly in his heart.

Mahler Gobi's system is really unreliable at critical moments.

What a bastard.

As time passed slowly, Wang Mang's mood became more solemn.

Such a situation is not optimistic!

Staring at this situation, Wang Mang was very anxious.

He also took a look at the things in his personal belongings.

In the end, he set his sights on the taboo set that had been left in his personal belongings for a long time.

Seriously, the thought of wearing these and dancing is like eating shit.

"System, can you use the forbidden suit without dancing?"

"One billion dao crystal!"

I thought the system would succumb to Dao Yun's temptation, but it never got such an answer.

【Ding! Answer to the host: This system must not change the host's acquisitions. 】

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【There is really no giant python in my reservoir】【】

Hearing this, Wang Mang pouted helplessly.

The next moment, the system voice sounded again:

[Unless Dao Jing is added. 】

These five short words made Wang Mang stunned.

After thinking about it, Wang Mang gritted his teeth and said, "How much?"

The system seemed to be contemplating for a while, and slowly sounded:

【Ding! Answer the host! 100 billion dao crystals! 】

After hearing this astonishing offer, Wang Mang was dumbfounded.

Grandma, this is a debt to myself!

"Forget it then." Wang Mang refused without thinking.

Think of other ways!

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