I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1849: The battle in the Qiankun map!

As Wang You continued to dance, a series of destructive speed rhymes began to bombard the surroundings continuously.

Under Wang Mang's instruction, Wang You began to dance while driving the power of Dao.

It is worth mentioning that, with the blessing of the taboo suit, the strength of the dao rhyme he uses is very exaggerated!

According to the breath, it is preliminarily estimated to be in the category of the ninth heaven in the eternal realm.

Speed ​​Daoyun is synonymous with speed. After the blessing of the taboo suit, it is even faster at this time.

With a distance of several miles, it landed on some unlucky guy without even taking a breath.

The strength of the Ninth Layer Heavenly Dao Rhyme of the Eternal Realm is definitely needless to think about, it shattered that person's body in an instant, annihilating his vitality!

Wang Mang, who learned about this scene through his perception, was suddenly heartbroken.

Grandma's, no matter how you say it's Dao Crystal!

The one with a base of 100 million!

This happens from time to time. The first website https://m.vip

As Wang Mang's dance came to the first part, the intensity of the Dao Yun he bombarded became more and more terrifying.

At this time, he was like a humanoid turret constantly firing armor-piercing projectiles.

All targets that are targeted will only end in death!

It didn't take long, Wang You saw a target that made his eyes shine!

This person is the Shenxuan Jigu who fought him forward and gave him a big pocket!

Facing Shenxuan Jigu's panicked gaze, the dancing Wang You smiled charmingly.

Seeing the slightly raised corners of Wang You's mouth, Shenxuan Jigu's scalp suddenly went numb.

In the next moment, Time Dao Yun violently burst out of his body.

"Counter clock!" Following his low shout, a phantom of a clock spinning counterclockwise suddenly appeared behind him.

Wisps of the power of time flowed from the counter clock phantom to his body.

After doing all this, Shenxuan Jigu was not careless, and fled towards the distance directly.

Even with the protection of supernatural powers, he will not be careless.

After all, Wang You at this time was too terrifying.

He has only felt this kind of Dao Yun breath from the patriarch.

Not to mention the supreme dao rhyme, nothing will work under the pressure of intensity!

After seeing this guy run away, Wang You was still dancing that somewhat funny dance, and at the same time manipulated Dao Yun to chase the surrounding parcels towards Shenxuan Jigu!

The strength and speed of the Nine Heavens, the speed of Dao Yun, needless to say.

In the blink of an eye, the dancing Wang You appeared beside Shenxuan Jigu.

Shenxuan Jigu: Don't come here! !

The next moment, a burst of speed Daoyun burst out from Wang You's body and blasted towards Shenxuan Jigu.

Without even a chance to react, this dao rhyme landed on Shenxuan Jigu's body.

The terrifying speed Dao Yun began to tear his body apart.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this moment, a melodious bell rang, and the pointer on the phantom counterclockwise began to rotate rapidly.

As the pointer stopped at the word 'past', Shenxuan Jigu's shattered body immediately recovered~www.readwn.com~ This situation made Wang You stunned for a moment.

As for Shenxuan Jigu, he was extremely cautious, and the first thing he did after his body recovered was to continue running.

I can't last long with this supernatural power, so I still have to keep running!

Thinking like this, his body turned into a silver-white light and shadow, passing through the void.

But this distance is nothing to Wang You.

A face-to-face time appeared beside him again.

This situation made Shenxuan Jigu tremble all over.

No, the speed is completely blown.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Di Min not far away.

For a moment, his eyes flashed, and he immediately thought of a way.

Misfortune diverted to the east!

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