I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1854: Start the slaughter! On the old road again!

If others dare to say this, Wang Mang promises to let him know the danger of people's hearts.

However, the person who said this is his good brother who lost his memory.

What else can I do? Pretend you didn't hear it.

"Ahem, that's about it." Wang Mang coughed twice, choosing to avoid the topic.

Glancing at him from the corner of the eye, he happened to see Liang Qi's expectant eyes, and Wang Mang remembered that there was another person in the team.

To be honest, Wang Mang really didn't know how to deal with this person.

In a sense, Liangqi can also be regarded as the benefactor of Abyss Xuanming's reconstruction.

It is also because of this that Wang Mang saved the idea of ​​directly shooting this guy to death.

After contemplating for a while, Wang Mang still had no clue, and asked him directly: "Liang Qi, what do you think?"

"It's impossible to go with Xuan Ming and the others, I won't allow it."

Wang Mang expressed his opinion directly.

After all, as the only true inheritor of the corpse path, Wang Mang didn't believe that he would not control or interfere with those who fell into the corpse path.

I usually have myself here, even if I have any ideas, I definitely don't dare to do anything.

But what happened next meant that he couldn't be by his side.

Relying on Abyss Bo Yang alone, Wang Mang is not at ease.

Liang Qi and Abyss Bo Yang have the same realm, but in terms of means and hole cards, Wang Mang still prefers Liang Qi in his heart.

At this time, Liang Qi had a calm expression on his face, obviously Wang Mang's words could not make his heart rippling.

In his prediction, if he took the initiative to help Wang Mang, he would be able to survive the calamity of death in the deduction.

The current result couldn't be better, right?

"Wang Daoyou, I didn't expect that you still don't trust me after we have experienced so much together." Liang Qi was heartbroken.

However, Wang Mang saw through such poor acting skills at a glance.

Regarding this, Wang Mang was expressionless and just stared at him straight.

Facing Wang Mang's gaze, Liang Qi felt a little weak for a while.

Suppressing her trembling heart, Ryoshichi said calmly, "Of course, I think I have no choice."

Although he is also on the arrest quota in the eyes of the top forces, but with Wang Mang attracting firepower, it is not too easy to escape.

The act of stealing the cemetery by himself is at most an eye salve for the top forces.

Wang Mang directly killed all the Tianjiao in the human family. In the next hundred years, there will definitely be a phenomenon that the top powers will not be connected.

This is no longer as simple as slapping the major forces!

There is no need to think about the next situation, there must be endless death between the two.

Only a fool would choose to go with Wang Mang at this time.

All of a sudden, Liang Qi was secretly delighted.

Staring at his face, Wang Mang didn't say anything.

After a few breaths, Wang Mang said abruptly, "Then it's decided."

"I'm going to make preparations in advance."


As soon as the words fell, Wang Mang suddenly burst out with five strands of great power, and with a 'bang', he rose from the ground.

Seeing Wang Mang disappearing into the night, the three also looked at each other for a while.

"Let's go, Brother Wang Mang, he has his own arrangements."

"Farewell to the two of you."

At this time, Wang Mang, who was soaring in the sky, opened up his perception to the greatest extent.

Soon he came to the high mountains in the north.

In an instant, the breath of countless creatures entered Wang Mang's mind.

Standing on the highest mountain peak, Wang Mang's eyes were fixed, and the Dao of Devouring in his body surged out like money.

The extremely dark Devouring Avenue merged with the night, quietly covering an area with a radius of several miles.

Under Wang Mang's control, Devouring Dao began to show its power.

A strange and ominous breath filled the air with bursts of blood mist.

Only then did the monsters and humans in this area realize the strangeness around them.

In an instant, countless monsters roared in a low voice, trembling all over.

The casual cultivators who reacted, although they don't know what happened, they will not sit still.

They used the power of the avenue to bombard the surrounding devouring avenue.

However, the power of the Dao at this level is completely like the firefly competing with the bright moon in front of the Devouring Dao.

All those who come into contact with the Dao of Devouring are assimilated by Devouring.

For a moment, Wang Mang also felt that the Dao of Devouring in his body was slowly increasing.

The next moment, he simply stopped holding back and released the Dao of Devouring.

Suddenly, Devouring Dao was pushed to the extreme by Wang Mang.

The two characteristics are exerted to the maximum, devouring and assimilating all the substances in this area to the greatest extent!

Not long after, Wang Mang's mind was filled with continuous reminders from the system:

【Ding! Devouring the ants of the sixth heaven of the Immortal Realm! Get 60,000 Dao Crystals! 】

【Ding! Ants devouring the three heavens of the Immortal Realm! Get 30,000 Dao Crystals! 】

【Ding! Ants devouring the Eighth Heaven of Immortality! Get 80,000 Dao Crystals! 】

【Ding! Devour...]

This long-lost voice made Wang Mang feel very comfortable.

After half a stick of incense time passed, the system's notification sound stopped.

At the same time, Wang Mang also knew that the creatures in this area had been devoured.

"Can the compatriots extract the power of the soul?" Wang Mang thought silently.

The next moment, the voice of the ancient **** sounded in his mind:

"Swallow it wantonly, any creature with a soul will provide the power of the soul!"

The ancient god's affirmative answer made Wang Mang's eyes flash.

Then Wang Mang tore apart the space and disappeared in place.

When he appeared, he had already come to another area.

That's right, he now has a new goal, which is to devour all the creatures in the special world within two days!

Of course, the tortoise and the white tiger are not among them.

There are so many casual cultivators participating in the March of the Emperor of the Star Field, devouring all of them will surely provide a huge amount of soul power.

This is also Wang Mang's big trump card for himself.

At that time, even if the ancient **** of the starry sky suddenly turned against him, then he would not be messed up.

With the blessing of the power of the ancient gods, he is completely sure to tear open the void and leave, and he will be safe and sound in the face of the unknown in the void.

In this way, Wang Mang started his road to slaughter the world again.

Time flies~www.readwn.com~ The night gradually recedes, and soon the sky becomes pale.

At this time in the middle.

Looking at the twilight in the sky, Abyss Bo Yang sighed inexplicably: "This night is really long."

After hearing this, Shen Yuan Xuanming withdrew from the meditation state.

Patting the black robe on his body, he slowly stood up.

"By the way, where are you going to place me then?"

Hearing this, Shen Yuan Bo Yang replied subconsciously: "Nonsense is of course seven..." He stopped halfway through speaking.

He is no longer the young patriarch of the Qifen clan.

After pondering for a moment, Abyss Bo Yang said thoughtfully, "You can join me in meeting the Nine Fen Clan for the time being."

"When Brother Wang Mang returns, the three of us must go to Tianxiao Pavilion for a big drink!"

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