I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1858: Battle 2 beasts!

In an instant, a cloud of energy floated beside Wang Mang.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang reacted instantly, and quickly activated the Ultimate Territory.

Space ripples appeared instantly, and Wang Mang disappeared on the spot.

The ferocious white tiger transformed into a real body saw Wang Mang disappearing, and quickly said, "Old Gui, pay attention."

Xuan Tiangui's heart shuddered when he heard this, but he still insisted: "Worry about yourself."

While speaking, it retracted its limbs into the turtle shell.

Even the head is retracted together.

Seeing this situation, Wang Mang who was not far away immediately frowned.

"Did it retract into the turtle shell?"

The brilliance in his eyes flowed, and there was no expression on his face.

The next moment, Wang Mang's five avenue powers reappeared and poured into the Excalibur. The first website https://m.vip

In an instant, the Sword of Cutting Heaven was like a bottomless pit, greedily absorbing the power of the five avenues, shining brightly.

The incomparably sharp sword energy is like a turbulent ocean, sweeping continuously.

The power of the seventh-rank high-grade divine weapon is vividly displayed at this moment.

Feeling the sword intent of the divine sword in his hand, Wang Mang licked his lips.

"It's me, a rough man, who condescends you."

If I am a swordsman or know some swordsmanship, I will definitely display the greater power of the divine sword.

After muttering a few words in his heart, Wang Mang's eyes fell on the fierce white tiger.

A scarlet light flashed in his eyes, and Wang Mang's eyes were condensed with a sharp meaning.

The next moment, his figure flashed and turned into an afterimage.

The fierce white tiger's expression was startled, and he growled, "Here we come!"

As soon as the words fell, a fierce aura burst out from its tiger body.

At the same time, its body also transformed into a fierce aura.

The cold light was approaching, and the divine sword cut through the gray and fierce aura.

Wang Mang had anticipated this situation, and directly released five strands of power to wrap it up.

The ten characteristics began to show their power, distorting everything around them.

Among them, the Dao of Devouring is the most powerful, and the characteristics assimilated to Devouring began to continuously eliminate the evil spirit.

This situation caused the fierce white tiger to transform from the form of energy particles into an entity immediately.

In an instant, the five strands of great power acted on its body.

Wisps of white hair were wiped out, exposing the surface of the skin.

Seeing this situation, the ferocious white tiger quickly used its ferocious aura to resist several great powers.

This is the only way to end up being hairless.

Looking at the ferocious white tiger that filled the surrounding area, he was immediately annoyed.

"Old Gui, what are you still doing shrinking?"

Baihu scolded angrily!

After hearing these words, the huge tortoise shell of Xuantian Turtle was shocked.

Then its head poked out slowly.

"Seeing that Wang Mang put his whole body and mind on the fierce white tiger, Xuan Tiangui immediately opened his mouth wide.

The majestic aura of heaven and earth gathered in its mouth.

In the next moment ~www.readwn.com~ they all went to bombard Wang Mang.

After reacting, Wang Mang quickly displayed the ultimate territory.

But it was too late, the aura of heaven and earth, like a water column, was already close at hand.


A muffled sound sounded, and Wang Mang was immediately wrapped up.

At this moment, a melodious bell sounded slowly.

Boom! Boom! Boom^

Seeing this situation, the vicious white tiger also quickly distanced itself.

With the disappearance of the aura of heaven and earth, hundreds of millions of thin threads of time suddenly appeared along with the phantom of the clock.

Staring at this situation, the ancient **** of starry sky above was stunned.

The power of time?

This child has a mysterious origin, not only has the inheritance of the ancient gods, but also has supreme power!

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