I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1864: Died! 9 Peerless Powerhouses!

This palm was huge in the first place, and it was very powerful when it was photographed.

The people who were hit were stunned for a moment, they didn't expect this guy to dare to show his body!

The next moment, several seventh-level high-ranking powerful Dao Yun swung towards its body.

Just when these attacks were about to fall on its body, the body of the ancient starry sky beast became illusory again.

In this case, those magic soldiers suddenly rushed to nothing.

Seeing that the attack was in vain, these people were also stunned.

Looking at the expressions of these people, the Starry Sky Ancient Beast was very happy.

This is the old 6 tactic that it has learned after being sealed for thousands of years.

If the head was not so strong at the beginning, how could it end up being sealed.

After taking back the thrown Star Zhoutian Banner, the Patriarch of the Emperor Clan said in surprise: "This **** has become smart after being imprisoned for so long?"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly increased the frequency of the star Zhou Tianqi absorbing the power of the stars.

The Starry Sky Ancient Beast froze halfway through its laugh.

Then he quickly stepped up his efforts to control the power of the stars floating around him.

However, it is still hard to avoid the fate of being drawn.

Obviously, the Patriarch of the emperor on the other side is also on the bar.

Daoyun is fully blessed on the Star Zhoutian Banner.

All of a sudden, the power of the stars pervading around the ancient beast in the starry sky flowed towards the flag like a river.

Seeing this situation, the starry sky ancient beast panicked.

Grandma is still careless.

Once it becomes an entity, it will definitely be beaten, and it doesn't want to experience the power of the seventh-level high-grade divine weapon again.

But to maintain the illusory form, the power of the stars is easy to be extracted.

At this moment, how much it hopes that someone can come to help it.

As long as anyone who can hold back the guy who uses the Star Zhoutian Banner, it won't be like this!

But Wang Mang's side is actually not in good shape!

At this time, in Wang Mang's area, there were also nine strong men of the ninth level of the eternal state.

Surrounded by these nine people, it is impossible to say no to panic.

Wang Mang's heart was beating wildly at this moment, and he was not as calm as before.

Grandma's these are the nine peerless powerhouses of the Ninth Heaven of Eternal Realm!

Looking at the nine people with malicious intentions, Wang Mang said with a dry smile: "Seniors, this tortoise is a spiritual beast of heaven and earth, and it will definitely make up for it if you catch it back and make soup."

As soon as these words came out, Xuan Tiangui's eyes suddenly popped.

"Heroes and heroes, the old turtle will definitely not have good meat quality when I am old. It is still okay to take it back to be a guardian beast."

Xuan Tiangui also risked his life to survive, as for face or something, hehe, is life important?

Hearing this, the vicious white tiger beside him also quickly added: "I can do it too."

"One turtle, one tiger, one left and one right, just think about it!"

The vicious white tiger is full of desire to survive.

Hearing the humble request of the two beasts, the nine eternal realm powerhouses actually thought about it.

This situation made Wang Mang dumbfounded.

"I have a little talent for this, so it's okay to take it back and train it as an idler's child." Wang Mang suggested without blushing.

Although he knew it was impossible for the other party to agree to him, Wang Mang didn't worry so much in order to delay time.

If you can agree, then everyone is happy.

The nine Eternal Realm powerhouses were also staring at Wang Mang with strange expressions.

I cursed at the same time in my heart: If you could worry so much in the specially made world, would this scene still exist today?

"Little beast, you will die today." A white-haired and childlike old man said with a grin.

"But let's say it first, his head belongs to me." A middle-aged man added expressionlessly.

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