
The super storm sweeping through the complex energy began to tear apart the surrounding void.

The void that has been affected many times is no longer directly shattered, but flows along with the storm.

Being in the middle of the battlefield is fine, but not perfect.

At the root of all collision aftermath, the void is still constantly collapsing and repairing.

But these aftermaths spread out, as the distance increased, the aftermath of the battle continued to spread, and finally formed storms.

Watching this scene, Wang Mang's scalp also felt numb.

If this continues, this place will soon become a man-made void turbulence area!

For a moment, Wang Mang felt extremely depressed.

I don't know if the constant time body can last until the end of the battle.

Even if he used the constant time body to escape the turbulence of the void, how would he face these top powerful people?

At this moment, Wang Mang's head was a little confused.

Remember the URL. x63.

All kinds of imaginary ideas come to mind.

But soon, these thoughts were dispelled.

Now we can only wait for the daytime that Senior Abyss Skull said.

Wang Mang sighed, feeling a little depressed.

"Hasn't Mr. Dayi come yet? The void here has begun to deform." Xuan Tiangui's eyes widened, and he stared at the turbulent flow area in front of him in fear.

Grandma, if this is affected in this lifetime, it will be the end.

It is impossible to say not to worry!

Even the vicious white tiger, who had never spoken much, said tremblingly: "At most half an hour, there will be no intact place in this enchantment!"

At this time, although it is in the form of particle energy, it can still tremble very much.

Seeing the performance of the two beasts, Wang Mang was also silent for a while and did not speak.

After a short silence, Wang Mang said slowly, "Don't worry, I'll be here soon."

Although he didn't know it at all, but this kind of empty check Wang Mang didn't just export it casually.

Just like that, the two beasts and one man stayed on the edge of the barrier, waiting eagerly for the day to come.

The time for half a stick of incense is over!

Finally, Kung Fu no longer cares about people, and the enchantment beside Wang Mang suddenly twisted.

He had never dared to think of this situation before.

That's right, this enchantment has never been a little bit rippled by the starry sky ancient beast.

Suddenly, Wang Mang's eyes became hot, and he understood something in his heart.

The so-called day will come soon.

Sure enough, the twisting of the barrier intensified until it even twisted in the end.

The next moment, a dazzling brilliance suddenly lit up.

Affected by this strong light, Wang Mang narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Run!" Wang Mang yelled, and then the light all over his body soared and he fled directly into the distance.

After being reminded, the two beasts followed Wang Mang without hesitation.

At this time, the people who fought to the death with the ancient starry sky beast were stunned for a moment when they saw the barrier was broken.

Even the ancient beasts in the starry sky were stunned for a moment.

The starry sky ancient beast that reacted suddenly showed a sinister smile: "Okay! God will help me!"

The excited starry sky ancient beast said three good things in a row.

"You ants, I will remember!" After uttering a harsh word, the ancient starry sky beast also fled towards the distance immediately.

I saw the blue light passing by, and its body disappeared immediately.

At this moment, these patriarchs reacted.

Seeing the enchantment that had disappeared, these people immediately cursed:

"What's going on? Why did the Eternal Realm suddenly shatter?"


Not only did the ancient beast in the starry sky run away, but even the little beast Wang Mang disappeared! "

"Vori, there are traitors among us!"

"Grandma, this matter must have something to do with the Abyss Nine Clans!"

"Where are they people!?"

All of a sudden, everyone turned their attention to the box of Abyss Nine Clans.

But at a glance, there is nothing, only the void is left.

"They left before the enchantment was released?" A patriarch of the imperial clan whispered with a gloomy face.

After a short period of silence, a patriarch of the Qiling clan suddenly said, "Maybe not."

"Even if they didn't participate in the siege this time because of their old feelings, they shouldn't help."

"It is obviously impossible to offend us for a junior who defected."

"Besides, there is no trace of them."

As soon as these words came out, the people around nodded their heads one after another, and their expressions eased a lot.

At this time, the figures of Wang Mang and the two beasts belonged to the area of ​​bright light, fleeing in one direction without stopping.

Wang Mang opened up his perception to the extreme, for fear that he would go in the wrong direction.

For unknown reason, the two spirit beasts of heaven and earth also followed Wang Mang closely, for fear that someone would catch up after losing track.

In this way, the time of the three sticks of incense has passed.

The two beasts and one human are still in the range shrouded in light.

The surrounding environment didn't seem to change, but in Wang Mang's perception, it was indeed moving.

Taking a casual glance at the two heaven and earth spirit beasts beside him, Wang Mang was also a little funny.

These two guys just followed behind him for so long without saying a word.

"Well, it's not wrong to follow me, right?"

"What's your plan next?" Wang Mang's voice sounded leisurely, reaching the ears of the two beasts.

After hearing this, the two heaven and earth spirit beasts who were busy running for their lives came back to their senses.

There was only one word in their minds just now, run!

Seeing that Wang Mang didn't intend to stop at all, Xuan Tiangui also asked, "Is this the daylight you're talking about?"

It also thought that the daytime in Wang Mang's mouth was some great artificiality.

Hearing this, Wang Mang chuckled a few times casually, and replied indifferently: "Just tell me if you escaped."

As soon as these words came out, Xuan Tiangui suddenly fell into silence.

The vicious white tiger on the side remained silent.

After not hearing their movement, Wang Mang also pondered in his heart, how to swallow these two things.

That's right, this was Wang Mang's plan from beginning to end.

I am a rogue in the first place, devouring wherever I go, and occasionally the system releases tasks~www.readwn.com~What's the use of bringing two heaven and earth spirit beasts?

It would be very good to take it back to be a guardian animal or a gatekeeper.

But Wang Mang has no power at all now.

As for the creation of forces to win over talents, Wang Mang still had some ideas in his mind.

However, after offending the five top forces this time, this idea was dead.

The next thing I have to face is to be hunted down by the five top forces in the second ring universe.

Under such circumstances, talk and form your own forces?

After contemplating for a moment, an idea also popped up in Wang Mang's mind.

After flying for an hour, make sure no one is following up and then do it!

That's right, it was Wang Mang's idea to forcibly kill these two guys!

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