Looking at the dilapidated houses in front of him, a brilliance flashed in Wang Mang's eyes.

Although it is not clear how strong the comer will be at that time, Wang Mang does not have many worries in his heart.

With his current strength, except for those from the top big forces, not to mention 90% of the others can be easily dealt with.

Wang Mang didn't care too much about these revenge seekers who were about to come to his door.

After all, strength lies here.

Then Wang Mang landed from mid-air and sat cross-legged on the extremely flat ground.

Snowflakes gradually fell and accumulated on Wang Mang's body.

After a while, a snowdrift formed like this.

A gust of cold wind blew by, making it look bleak.

It doesn't matter to Wang Mang who is cold, Dacheng will not be affected by these at all.

As his vision was gradually covered by snowflakes, Wang Mang also closed his eyes, leaving his perception to cover his surroundings for a few breaths.

"Compatriots, tell me what else is interesting about the second ring universe." Wang Mang communicated with the remnant soul of the ancient **** in his body.

After a while, the voice of the ancient **** echoed in Wang Mang's mind:

"Fun? Does this place count?"

After hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned.

After reacting, he asked, "What happened to this place before?"

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the ancient **** sounded again:

"This is the center of the universe."

"It is also the origin of cosmic tides."

"However, in the past thousand years, cosmic tides have also appeared, and this place has actually become a place where humans live."

"This is a bit beyond my memory."

Hearing this, Wang Mang murmured thoughtfully, "Cosmic tides?"

"Tell me what this cosmic tide is."

Wang Mang is no stranger to tides, but he has never heard of the so-called cosmic tides.

"The cosmic tide is not a tide, but an energy storm that suddenly erupts in the universe every once in a while."

"Because the energy of the eruption is mainly blue, it is called the tide."

The words of the ancient **** echoed in Wang Mang's mind, and the latter also felt a burst of novelty.

"What exactly is the erupted energy? Is it the power of the universe?" Wang Mang asked.

After a few breaths of time passed, the voice of the ancient **** sounded again:

"The power of the universe is impossible, even our ancient gods have very little power of the universe."

"The tide of the universe is formed by various mixed forces, including the power of the Dao and the rhyme of the Dao."

"I don't know the exact reason."

"However, although the cosmic tide does not form a powerful force, the amount has reached a terrifying and exaggerated level."

"That level of energy burst even I need to stay away temporarily."

After hearing his series of words, Wang Mang was also in an uproar.

Was it so dangerous back then?

All of a sudden, Wang Mang had one more thought in his mind.

Wouldn't it suddenly explode while I was around?

The moment this idea appeared, Wang Mang's back suddenly went cold.

After the task is completed, leave as soon as possible after harvesting the other areas.

Wang Mang thought so.

But now we still have to wait for the arrival of those people.

Wang Mang sighed leisurely, he could only pray that he would not recite it like this.

But it seems that I have encountered any special and bad situations.

At this point, Wang Mang also helplessly asked the system: "System, is there anything that can increase luck?"

Originally, it was just a casual sentence, but I never thought that the system would actually reply.

【Ding! The host's current needs have been detected! Give the following item recommendations to the host. 】

[Seventh-rank mid-grade Gutuo jade pendant: worth 50 million Dao crystals! 】

[Explanation: From the hands of an eternal sculptor. 】

[Introduction: It can turn bad luck into good luck, and it can also increase luck. You will know if it works or not. 】

[Seventh-Rank Mid-Rank Lucky Charm! : Worth 500,000 Dao Crystals! 】

[Introduction: From the hands of an eternal-level talisman maker. 】

[Note: The opposite of the bad luck talisman! 】

[Seventh-tier middle-grade Hongyun Yuanbao: worth 50 million Dao Crystals! 】

[Introduction: From the hands of the eternal class engraving machine! 】

[Note: A treasure that changes the Feng Shui pattern! 】

After hearing the three items given by the system, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth twitched suddenly.

Really recommended items.

After thinking for a while, he still said to the system: "Buy a seventh-order middle-grade lucky charm."

As soon as the voice fell, the system's voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! 500,000 Dao Crystals will be deducted! The item was purchased successfully! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Use the lucky charm."

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Use this item successfully! 】

In an instant, a golden light shot out from Wang Mang's body.

At the same time, the golden lucky charm also began to burn.

The golden light dispelled the snow all over Wang Mang's body.

Staring at the golden light slowly enveloping his body, Wang Mang murmured thoughtfully, "Is this Ouqi?"

After a few breaths, the golden light around Wang Mang began to gradually dissipate.

Like stars disappearing into the void~www.readwn.com~ raised his hand to look, and sensed the situation in his body again. Wang Mang frowned.

It seems that nothing has changed.

Forget it, this thing is meant to comfort the soul.

Wang Mang looked away, and slowly stood up.

Patting the non-existent snow on his body, Wang Mang took a deep breath.

Considering the integrity of the corpse, the two attendants acted cautiously, so the speed was naturally very slow.

Or do it yourself.

At this thought, Wang Mang didn't hesitate, and the five great powers in his body burst out suddenly.

boom! A piercing sound sounded, and Wang Mang's figure suddenly rose from the ground.

Only a deep pit was left in place, with slowly splashing snowflakes.

Soon Wang Mang locked on a place that neither of the two followers had ever visited.

In a few breaths, he arrived at his destination.

Standing high above this slum, Wang Mang looked down at the chaotic and dirty streets below.

The streets are filled with dark unknown objects and some disabled ants.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang squinted his eyes.

"Well, let me help you out of the sea of ​​suffering."

As soon as the words fell, the power of the dark avenue suddenly burst out from Wang Mang's body.

A darkness deeper than night has descended!

The pitch-black Devouring Avenue enveloped the area in an instant.

The characteristics of devouring and assimilating began to wear away all substances.

At the same time, the Dao of Devouring in Wang Mang's body also began to increase slightly.

The Dao of Devouring consumes the remnants of these people, constantly assimilating into Devouring.

These muddle-headed people, seeing their bodies being swallowed and assimilated with their own eyes, also showed expressions of fear on their faces.

I watched helplessly as my body was swallowed and the pain constantly stimulated my nerves.

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