I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 189: Successfully coiled around the top of the Danwan National Iron Tower! Successfully com

"Director, I don't know how."

This Sakurai Liya, who was wearing a school uniform, said delicately.

"Didn't I tell you about the script yesterday?"

"No, I will show you in person later!"

The middle-aged man said with a sullen face and a stern tone.

Hearing this, all the actors and photographers were shocked.

They are just a small crew.

The status of a director in Danwan Country is very high.

Therefore, several actors did not dare to refute, and immediately started shooting according to the director's request.

As for Wang Mang, he didn't know what these people were doing at first.

But after a while.

When the heroine and the hero began to fight with real knives and guns.

What luck!

Just go into any building.

Just met the crew?

No matter how stupid Wang Mang is, he already knows what these guys do.

Knowing the truth, Wang Mang almost collapsed.


After all, after filming for so long, it is still a drama performance.

Moreover, the heroine and heroine are even more dedicated.

Oh my! Hearing this, Wang Mang's blood boiled with excitement.

And it is also a feature film of Danwan Country!

At this moment, Wang Mang was speechless.

He thinks... the film should sell well.

Later, Wang Mang heard that the middle-aged man started talking again:

"Yo Xi! It's over! Let's continue filming in the evening."

"Sakurai Leah, come to my room later."

At this moment.

Following the middle-aged man, there was a clacking sound.

This earth-shattering battle is over.

These people finally left.

Not to mention how speechless Wang Mang was.

He felt himself in the city.

"I'll talk to you again, about the plot of the script..."

About another hour passed.

Otherwise, let him wander around, this Danwan Kingdom is not too big, nor is it small.

So far.

Wait until dark.

This is simply a bit difficult to move.

Therefore, Wang Mang decided.

He had to control a local and transport him to the vicinity of the Tokyo Tower to complete the mission!

Taking advantage of the darkness, Wang Mang came to a lawn.

Then, Wang Mang suddenly saw it.

There is a girl with a nice back in front of him.

Wang Mang left the building.

He was afraid that if he left later, the crew would start filming again!

After leaving the building.

The girl who was on the phone suddenly trembled.

Then, she turned around slowly, looked at Wang Mang with a pretty face, and said respectfully:

"Slave Yang Jiajia, I have seen a great master."

At this moment, the girl was sitting on the lawn with her back turned to him on the phone.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang muttered to himself, "It's you!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang quietly cast his supernatural power: Soul Control Seal Art!

"Take me to Tokyo Tower immediately!"

After hearing Wang Mang's order, Yang Jiajia nodded in awe and said, "Yes, great master."

After finishing speaking, she came up to hug Wang Mang.

Hearing this, Wang Mang was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that this was the girl of the Red Empire.

However, Wang Mang didn't care, but directly ordered:

Wang Mang shook his head secretly, and ordered again:

"Go find a big schoolbag! Carry me there!"

After getting the order, the girl left quickly and respectfully.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang frowned.

Could it be that you just carried him there?

This is obviously impossible!

But there is a limit to this arbitrarily small size.

This skill can only be reduced to 1/20 of the body.

to be honest.

Not long after, she appeared next to Wang Mang again with a brand new big backpack on her back.

Seeing this, Wang Mang became smaller again, and his body became only about four meters in size.

In fact, Wang Mang also wanted to keep getting smaller.

It was still difficult for the girl to carry him on her back.


Even though Wang Mang is more than four meters long, he is not light in weight.

Even after Wang Mang became smaller, he was still more than four meters long.

Therefore, this is Wang Mang's most extreme smallness.

But what made Wang Mang speechless was when he got into the big backpack.

In addition, this small country is actually not small.

The area is equivalent to that of the former giant elephant king, and the area of ​​the province where it is located is about the same.


When he was more than four meters tall, he still weighed more than a hundred catties.

Fortunately, under Wang Mang's order.

This girl quickly took Wang Mang on her back, took a taxi and set off!

Naturally, Wang Mang couldn't go to the Tokyo Tower.

Otherwise, it would be too attractive!

It is currently daytime, and there are still many people who come here to play.

Eight hours later.

This girl brought Wang Mang to the vicinity of the Tokyo Tower.

However, it was daylight now.

Although Wang Mang does not need to rest.

But this girl is human after all.

So wait until the evening.

There are also people of various skin colors among these tourists.

Therefore, Yang Jiajia took Wang Mang to look at the Tokyo Tower.

The girl took Wang Mang to a room to rest.

These people probably came under the Tokyo Tower to take photos of the night scene or to see the scenery.

In desperation, Wang Mang decided to wait. There should be fewer people in the early morning.

In fact.

This girl brought Wang Mang under the Tokyo Tower again.

Afterwards, Wang Mang ordered the girl to leave, and put Wang Mang and his backpack near the Tokyo Tower.

What made Wang Mang a little helpless was that there were quite a few people this night!

This also made Wang Mang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, there was no one around.

Only then did Wang Mang get out of his backpack.

Wang Mang's guess was really right.

Wait until after eleven o'clock at night.

These people left one after another.

At this moment, there are still many people on the nearby high-rise hotels, using their mobile phones to take pictures of the night scene.

Therefore, when these people saw that Wang Mang's huge body actually climbed behind the Tokyo Tower.

Everyone who saw it couldn't help being stunned.

Afterwards, Wang Mang directly transformed into a huge body.

Then, Wang Mang's huge body moved towards the Tokyo Tower, winding straight up!

But what Wang Mang didn't know was.

Especially after seeing the picture of Wang Mang standing on top of the Tokyo Tower.

Many tourists who came to visit nearby were even more stunned.

At this moment, there is a middle-aged man on the roof of a hotel.

at the same time.

It only took Wang Mang a moment to climb to the top of the Tokyo Tower.

But what Wang Mang didn't know was that his behavior had scared many people to their knees, and they had already called the police.

At the same time, many people who saw Wang Mang also started to scream.

"I buy it, how can there be such a big python!"

"Oh my god! Isn't this really a special effect?"

He was holding a high price to call the girl who came to accompany him at night, facing the Tokyo Tower, doing something indescribable.

But when he saw Wang Mang's huge body inadvertently, he was so frightened that he lost all intention of fighting.

He stared blankly at Wang Mang on the top of the Tokyo Tower, he was on the spot in a daze, and subconsciously shouted: "Fuck!"

"Crazy! Is the whole world crazy? Why is there such a big snake, is this a monster?"

"Fuck! Jenny, why are you hitting me?"

"I... I feel like I'm dazzled! I want to see if I'm dreaming..."

"Oh God, you must be kidding me!"

"I've already photographed it, boy, you will definitely shock the world!"

"Damn it! It's bursting! I've already photographed it!"

Everyone ~www.readwn.com~ who saw this scene was extremely shocked!

At this moment, the existence of Wang Mang made them lose their voices!

at the same time.

"My God! Is he the legendary Yamata no Orochi?"

"Did the monster really appear? Tiga! Come and save the world!"

All of a sudden, near Tokyo Tower.

At this moment, the system voice also sounded in Wang Mang's mind:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 450,000 evolution points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the Intermediate Blind Box X4! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get random draw X3! 】

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