I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 310: Surprised! A huge meteorite of more than 300 kilometers is about to fall from the sky.

Then the system beeps:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 11.1 billion evolutionary value! 】

【Ding! Accumulation has met the evolution conditions, do you want to start evolution? 】


I rely on!


Can't you be more generous?

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was speechless.

Although expected.

But it really paid out more than 10 billion evolution points.

Wang Mang was still a little upset.

After all, he won this prize.

It can be said to be the penultimate one.


Familiar routines, familiar prizes!

Always as always!

Never let him down!

Think here.

Wang Mang didn't know how to complain.

That's all!

That's enough for now.

Wang Mang said silently in his heart:

"System! Let's start evolving!"

Let's talk about evolution first!

After muttering for a while.

【Kind tips! After this evolution, the data will change! 】

Afterwards, Wang Mang completely lost consciousness in the process of evolution.

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 15 billion evolution points! Starting to evolve...]

after waking up.

Wang Mang observed himself for the first time.

Two hours later.

Only then did Wang Mang wake up from evolution again.

His body has indeed changed a lot.

Before, his body was as red as magma.


Wang Mang was surprised to find out.

His two horns have not disappeared!

Similarly, his other aspects have improved.

Now it's back to pitch black again.

It is worth mentioning that.

Of course, Wang Mang doesn't know how much has changed.

Therefore, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

In addition, his body is much thicker than before.

Obviously, in this evolution, the width of the body has changed!

Host: Wang Mang.

Species: Three-headed python (adult).

"System, open your personal information!"

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Combat strength: bite force of 1.5 million kilograms, speed of 130 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Corrosion and poison, steel body, super self-healing, water breathing, bloodthirsty killing, beast deterrence, wishful shrinking.

Dao Xing: 7300 years (Demon Emperor level).

Body: 204 meters long, 9.7 meters wide, and weighs 1.5 million kilograms.

Mall: open.

Lucky value: 88 (dragon and phoenix among snakes).

Supernatural powers: King's Enslavement, Soul-Controlling Imprint, Rebirth from Broken Body, Destroy Laser, Destroy Sea of ​​Fire, Eternal Scar Frost, Fly to the Sky, Ruyi Bone Spur, Thunder Spell, One Step to the End of the World.

Space: information detection, chance to upgrade supernatural powers for free X1, powerhouse cross-border projection summoning card X1, skill fusion card X1, supernatural powers lucky draw chance X1.

After reading the personal information.

Evolution value: 11.6 billion/16 billion.

Current ranking: No. 66 in the global ranking list.

In addition, his weight has also skyrocketed by hundreds of thousands of kilograms.

It can be said that the evolutionary changes this time are very large compared to the past.

Wang Mang was amazed.

He did not expect that this time the width increased by 0.7 meters.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang muttered silently in his heart.

The next moment, Wang Mang felt two huge heads growing out of his body.

Of course, this is not what Wang Mang is most curious about.

On the contrary, Wang Mang wanted to see his other two heads!

Moreover, the two grown heads did not suddenly have two more heads.

The two extra heads protrude from the upper body like branches.

At this moment, Wang Mang felt even more speechless after looking at himself.

Because, with three heads, Wang Mang can clearly see every part of his body.

The other two heads don't have the sharp horns!

There is also a gap between the upper body of the other two heads and the original main head in the middle.

The three heads all have their own upper body, which looks extremely domineering in appearance.

Because of Wang Mang's three heads, only the middle head has sharp horns!

At the same time, Wang Mang was also surprised to find out.

As soon as the other two heads come out.

The three heads are like the word 'mountain'!

It feels horrible.

"You're so handsome! You're paralyzed! I have three heads now!"

"No one can sneak up on me in the future! Only I can sneak up on others!"

He can look in three different directions, and his field of vision has expanded a lot.

In such a body state, Wang Mang really didn't know, who could attack him from behind?

At the same time, Wang Mang said silently in his heart.

His other two heads disappeared.

"Besides, when we fight in the future, we will have two more heads, and our fighting power will skyrocket!"

Wang Mang thought triumphantly in his heart.

Wang Mang felt a little lonely.

Because, his strength seems to be in the Red Empire, once again aspires to the top!

It's like driving like an arm, and it's even more convenient!

In addition, after the pride.

Who else?

Who else can fight him?

Stone Emperor? Be a dick! Kill it easily!

King of Dogs? Jumping clown! Not worth mentioning!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was even more emotional: "It really is invincible and lonely!"

Just at this time, the voice of the big tiger and the big demon suddenly came from outside the cave:

There seems to be no more in the territory of the Red Empire!

Even if it is the Demon Emperor that Wang Mang is familiar with, no one can fight him!

The next moment, two armed members walked in solemnly and respectfully.

After seeing these two liaisons.

"Report to the Demon Emperor! Please see the liaison officer of the Red Empire!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a while, and then said: "Let them in!"

Hearing this, the youth liaison officer said respectfully:

"Report to the Demon Emperor! News from the Great Elder of the Military World."

Wang Mang asked indifferently:

"Tell me! Why are you looking for the Emperor?"

"Isn't it just a meteorite? What's the matter?"

Hearing Wang Mang's calm words ~www.readwn.com~ I found out that within half a month, a meteorite will fall to the earth! "

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a while, then asked a little puzzled:

"This is no ordinary meteorite!"

"Master Demon Emperor, you don't know something."

The young liaison officer said bitterly:

"The size and area of ​​this meteorite is 300 kilometers in size!"

"If it descends on the earth, the entire earth will definitely be completely destroyed!"

"At that time, the earth will be destroyed by meteorites before the earth disaster comes!"

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