I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 312: I implore Lord Patronus, for the sake of countless people, don’t let…

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang couldn't help crying.

He didn't expect that the system would also ask him to save the world.

Moreover, at this time, there are generous reward tasks!

not only.

With the emergence of the system.

Wang Mang finally knew where the meteorite came from!

Paralyzed, Wang Mang never dreamed of it.

This meteorite turned out to be made by Liu Xiu before he died!

In this way, it really has something to do with Wang Mang!

After all, if Wang Mang hadn't changed history and killed Liu Xiu.

Liu Xiu will not summon this super meteorite before dying.

Until now Wang Mang.

Finally, he understood what Liu Xiu said before he died.

For revenge, he disregarded the life and death of the entire earth!

God! How can there be such shameless people in the world!

This Liu Xiu is simply a beast!

No wonder this Liu Xiu is so confident that he can bring the whole earth to be buried with him!

Paralyzed, he actually produced such a big meteorite!

This guy is simply inhumane!

Can this kind of person who wants to destroy the world before he dies become a child of luck?

Paralyzed, thieves, you are now counting on Liu Xiu to save the world!

Anyway, we can't help you.

Paralyzed, he made such a thing before he died!

Especially thinking that this Liu Xiu is still the son of luck born in the millennium.

Wang Mang became even more unbalanced.

He wants to give up the generous rewards of task two and task three.

Because, he doesn't have the strength to complete the task at all!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang gritted his teeth in his heart and said:

MMP, you'd better die obediently!

The more he thought about it, the more unhappy Wang Mang became.

In fact, he had already made a decision in his heart.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 10 billion evolutionary value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the ultimate blind box X1! 】

【Ding! The accumulative condition has been met, is the evolution started? 】

"System! I choose mission one!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

He wants to tell his father quickly, let his father and mother and family members pack up and prepare to escape from the earth.

Because, this earth is going to be finished!

There should be still time, enough time for Wang Mang to find a way to take his relatives away!


Wang Mang said silently in his heart.

Because, the current Wang Mang has no intention of evolving at all.

Afterwards, Wang Mang said impatiently: "Get out of here! This emperor also needs to pack up his things and prepare to run away."

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

The two young liaison officers were stunned.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang raised his head and said to the two liaison officers, "Let's go!"

"This emperor has nothing to do. If it really doesn't work, you'd better just wait for death!"

Having said that, Wang Mang couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Is the world really going to be destroyed?

Thinking of this, the two young liaison officers looked desperate.

They looked at Wang Mang in fear, knelt on the ground and begged:

Their eyes full of anticipation and longing disappeared in an instant.

Especially when they heard that Wang Mang was about to run away, they were even more heartbroken.

Because, the patron saint of their red empire is helpless!

Hearing this, Wang Mang said helplessly:

"It's still going through a **** of a time!"

"The emperor is in danger now!"

"Master Patronus, you can't give up on us!"

"Our Red Empire has tens of thousands of people."

"There are still so many compatriots on the earth. If we work together, we will definitely be able to tide over the difficulties!"

After walking out of the cave.

Impatiently, Wang Mang turned to the big tiger and ordered:

"Go and spread the news! Go and let the emperor's father come over immediately!"

"Oh! Isn't there still half a month left?"

"Go back, too! Enjoy your last moments!"

After finishing speaking, the emperor ignored these two young liaison officers.

"Master Patronus, please, don't give up on us, please?"

"We're not afraid of death, we just don't want our home..."

"Our loved ones! All died under the destruction of this meteorite!"

Hearing this, the big tiger nodded respectfully and quickly disappeared into the jungle.

Just at this moment, the two lost souls came out of the cave.

They knelt down in front of Wang Mang again, and begged bitterly:

"The emperor said it! The emperor has nothing to do!"

"This emperor is in trouble, how can I save you?"

"Could it be that I let the emperor fly to the flames? Who will save the emperor?"

"Master Patronus, you must have a solution, you should think of a solution!"

Facing the entreaties of these two young people.

Wang Mang shouted even more impatiently:

I saw hundreds of armed helicopters flying from the distant sky.

After a while.

These planes landed one after another, and many armed members appeared.

Just when Wang Mang was furious.

In the distance came the sound of dense armed helicopters.

Afterwards, Wang Mang looked up.

Wang Mang found out.

These old men are probably the Red Empire military circles, all the bosses!

These powerful old men actually appeared together!

At a glance, there are hundreds of people.

These heavily armed members all supported more than a dozen old men who looked extremely old.

After looking at it for a while.

In the lead, an old man with white hair and a majestic face stepped forward.

He looked at Wang Mang with a serious face, and prayed in his tone:

"Master Patronus, we have heard it on the plane just now."

This somewhat surprised Wang Mang.

Just then.

Among the dozen or so old men who came.

"Please, Lord Patronus, for the sake of countless people, don't give up on us!"

After finishing speaking, the old man in the lead knelt on the ground with a plop without hesitation.

Then, the rest of the old men, and hundreds of armed members again, also knelt on the ground.

"Our patron saint, is there really nothing we can do?"

"Master Patronus, you are the last hope of our Red Empire!"

"If possible, please, Lord Patronus, don't give up the Red Empire, countless compatriots and people!"

Looking at the hundreds of people present, there was a deafening and powerful pleading sound.

At this moment, Wang Mang was also very helpless, he only felt a headache.

Just then.

"Please, Lord Patronus, for the sake of countless people, don't give up on us!"

"Please, Lord Patronus, for the sake of countless people, don't give up on us!"

[Mission 1: Facing the super meteorite summoned by Liu Xiu before he died, choose to escape, turn a blind eye, and be a coward! 】

[Task time: Select to get it. 】

[Mission reward: 10 billion evolutionary value! The ultimate blind box X1! 】

The sound of the system also sounded again:

【Ding! Detect the current status of the host, and give the host the following task options! 】

【Ding! Detected the host's current status ~www.readwn.com~ and gave the host the following task options! 】

[Mission Reward: Free Evolution Chance X2! The ultimate blind box X2! Random lucky draw chance X2! 】

[Mission 3: Facing the super meteorite summoned by Liu Xiu before his death, save the world, destroy the meteorite, and be the savior! 】

[Mission 2: Facing the super meteorite summoned by Liu Xiu before he died, attack with all his strength, block the meteorite, and be a hero! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task Reward: Free Evolution Chance X5! The ultimate blind box X3! Random lucky draw chance X3! Diamond Treasure Chest X3! 】

[Reminder: After the host refuses again, the same task will no longer appear! 】

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