I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 321: These dogs have a few things, they can't stand up at all! return…

as expected!

Just then.

The leader of the underworld lord suddenly shouted:

"Pay attention! It has already appeared!"

"Wait, listen to my orders later! Let's fight together later!"

"This meteorite is bound to be destroyed!"

Hearing this, all the strong people present were shocked.

Then, all eyes turned to where the meteorite was.

When he saw the fiery red meteorite that zoomed in rapidly in his line of sight.

All the demon emperor powerhouses present dispersed one after another and turned into huge bodies.

Because, the state of strength under the body is the peak!

Of course, among these powerhouses who have turned into huge bodies.

Except for the seven terrestrial immortal-level powerhouses.

At a glance, I saw a huge monster monster appearing in the starry sky.

After all, this is not a matter of individuals, but a matter of the powerhouses of the entire earth.

"Do it!"

At this time, the Lord of Hell let out an angry shout.

It can be said that all the demon emperors present did not retain their strength.

This tyrannical aura also represented that the strong present were ready to go all out.

Therefore, the aura of the strong nearby filled the entire universe and starry sky.

It burst out like streams of light!

Similarly, the rest of the demon emperors have already turned into huge bodies and rushed towards the meteorite.

Why do you want to rush over even though the distance is very far away?

Afterwards, he turned into a behemoth hundreds of meters high.

Then, without hesitation, the Lord of Hell rushed towards the meteorite that was rushing at such a high speed.

Following the attack of the Lord of Hell, the other six land gods present were not to be outdone.

It is estimated that it is impossible to capture the horror of the speed of the meteorite's trajectory.

Similarly, Wang Mang also turned into a huge body.

However, he actually kept a hand.

This is because the speed of the meteorite is too fast.

Almost too close to be seen by the naked eye.

If it weren't for the presence of all the demon emperor powerhouses, and even the land **** powerhouses.

After only half an hour of flying, the leader of the **** lord shouted:

"Quick! Shoot together!"

Hearing this, all the demon emperor powerhouses present displayed their supernatural powers one after another.

Because, he knows how much he weighs.

His little strength is not inferior to that of the Demon Emperor's strong one.

Therefore, Wang Mang just turned into a huge body, and rushed towards the meteorite with a group of strong men.

【Turn things around! 】

[One sword is peerless! 】

[Roar to smash mountains and rivers! 】

It can be said that almost none of the demon kings who shot at this moment did not hold back!

Accompanied by one after another angry shouts also sounded:

[Catch the stars and take the moon! 】

[Thunder spell! 】

[Thousands of souls eat the sky! 】

[Prisoner's palm! 】

[Sparks start a prairie fire! 】

【Xuan Shui heavy domain! 】

[Tengu Eclipse Day! 】

These hundreds of demon king powerhouses.

The condensed supernatural powers appeared overwhelmingly.

At the same time, the seven land gods also made moves one after another.

[Five emperors break through the nine heavens! 】

next moment.

The other six terrestrial gods also used their magical powers one after another, and shot one after another!

Of course.

They unleash the power of terrifying and terrifying supernatural powers.

Compared to the Demon Emperor's attack, their actions are earth-shattering.

I saw that the master of the underworld, who is the hand, has condensed a giant hand that covers the sky in the starry universe.

This giant hand that covers the sky, just condensed, has an exaggerated level of terror for several kilometers.

[Ghost Hell Tribulation! 】

After all the powerhouses present have cast their supernatural powers.

It's overwhelming, it's shocking!

[Eighteen **** powers! 】

[Mountain Reclamation Method! 】

bang bang bang!

Accompanied by one after another shocking loud noises sounded.

I saw that this huge meteorite exploded and flew in a partial area.

Wang Mang saw it.

These countless supernatural powers have been thinking about it, a terrifying meteorite burning with raging flames.


This wave of overwhelming magical attacks.

Just destroyed this meteorite, one percent of its volume!

That is to say, the supernatural powers displayed by all the powerhouses of the earth present.

The meteorite debris blasted away by many generations of supernatural powers flew out like a turbulent flow.

However, what made all the powerhouses, including Wang Mang, panic.

This huge meteorite is still not destroyed!

"Lord of Hell? What should we do?"

"It's over! It's over! This meteorite is too big."

"Not bad! Even if we wait for so many demon emperors to attack together, it won't help!"

In fact, the damage caused by this meteorite is not great!

This is also the reason why the faces of all the powerful people, including the land gods, changed drastically.

"Damn! How can this be done?"

"Let's go! The earth can't stay anymore."

"Do you want to wander the starry sky together with me?"

At this time, the dog emperor beside Wang Mang suddenly asked with a sigh.

"Unless all of us, the demon kings, rush forward and explode ourselves, it's still possible!"

"Is the earth really going to end? Do we really want to wander the starry sky?"

At this moment, all the demon king powerhouses present were in a panic.

"If it doesn't work once, we will show it a few more times!"

It is said that all the powerful people present, as long as they continue to use their supernatural powers.

Just like that, the strong players on the scene teamed up and performed the supernatural powers repeatedly more than ten times.

Hearing this, Wang Mang's heart sank immediately, and he didn't speak.

At this time, the leader of the Lord of Hell spoke again:

"Shoot again! We must try our best to stop it!"

It was only partially shattered by the strong players present.

"Oh! That's all! It's God's will!"

At this time, the white-haired Tudi Gong couldn't help saying bitterly.

All the powerful demon emperors finally completely despaired.

Because, after using their supernatural powers for so long, the damage they caused to the meteorite was less than one-tenth.

To put it bluntly, the meteorite was still not smashed by them.

Even a powerhouse at the level of a land **** can't stop the meteorite.

Even, judging from the immediate performance.

These guys are ready to give up on Earth.

Hearing this, even the rest of the ghosts and gods of the Underworld remained silent.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling helpless.

He could see clearly that these guys could no longer stop the meteorite.

Think here.

Wang Mang's heart was hardened.

He has decided to cast the summoning card.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's heart is very heavy~www.readwn.com~ He knows that now is not the time to hesitate.

If he hesitated for a while, the earth would be cold.

It's just useless!

I can't stand it at all!

So far.

Because right now, there is nothing else to do.

well! Paralyzed.

These dogs have a few things...

Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

"System! Use the summon card!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully used the summoning strong cross-border projection card! 】

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