I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 325: Surprised! The summoned strongman! It turned out to be blackened...

The next moment, all the strong men were stunned and incredulous.

These two rays of golden light have already exploded towards the huge meteorite in the distance.

Then, a loud bang sounded!


What I saw was that the huge meteorite that flew at a very high speed was suddenly bombed into ruins.

This terrifying air flow swept from the place where the meteorite exploded like a sea wave.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was terrified, and quickly used his magical powers to avoid it.

Facing the overwhelming and terrifying air currents, there are also meteorite fragments to avoid.

Likewise, the land gods present, as well as many demon king powerhouses.

They all avoided at the first time, the aftermath of this terrifying air current.

In addition, there are many unlucky demon emperors who have also suffered!

They were blasted to death by the meteorite fragments from the explosion!

It can be said that it is just the aftermath of this meteorite explosion.

But there are still many powerful demon emperors who have not reacted.

These strong men who didn't react didn't even have a chance to scream.

Immediately after being swept by this terrifying air wave, they were turned into ashes one after another!

This is too scary!

It's just the aftermath of the explosion.

Directly let hundreds of demon emperors fall on the spot!

Basically, one-third of the more than 300 demon king powerhouses present fell!

Seeing this scene, no matter if it is Wang Mang, or even a land god.

They couldn't help but gasped with numbness in their scalps!

However, Wang Mang was very pleasantly surprised in his heart!

Paralyzed, this is simply dead!

Even Wang Mang wished that the more people died, the better.

The death of these demon emperors is simply too aggrieved!

Because they didn't have time to react!

Of course, although Wang Mang also felt panic and scalp numbness.

Or for Wang Mang, this is a good thing!

The only pity is that it would be great if these hundreds of demon emperors were given to him!

After all, there are more than one hundred demon emperors!

Because there are too many strong people on the earth.

So many demon emperor powerhouses died all of a sudden.

This is for the earth that is about to suffer disaster.

Seeing this, Wang Mang asked cautiously, "Is this the Great Immortal?"

Hearing this, the mysterious strong man with purple-black flames all over his body smiled indifferently and said:

"I am asking you something!"

If he eats it in his stomach, it must be worth a lot of evolution points!

Just at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly felt a terrifying gaze, paying attention to himself.

Wang Mang raised his head and saw that the mysterious strong man burning with purple-black flames was always looking at him.

He has been suppressed in the underworld by Ksitigarbha King.

Not to mention the current cross-border projection.

On weekdays, he couldn't even convey his divine sense avatar.

"How did you summon me?"

Obviously, this mysterious strong man is indeed curious.

Because, before Wang Mang summoned him out.

Could it be that he used a summoning card.

As a result, he was summoned?

Naturally, it was impossible for Wang Mang to say anything about it.

But this time he was able to transmit the cross-boundary projection of divine thoughts.

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly felt bitter secretly.

How should he explain it?

"I don't care how you summoned me."

"The karma between you and me has already been established. If one day you come to the world of this seat, this seat will find you to end the karma."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the starry sky and universe in front of him, and suddenly laughed:

Therefore, Wang Mang had no choice but to bite the bullet and explain: "This is what the Great Immortal is like."

"The little goblin has a supernatural power, and he needs to pay a certain price to be able to summon the strong to appear!"

Facing Wang Mang's explanation, he didn't believe it at all, but said slowly:

This so-called cause and effect Wang Mang is naturally clear.

To put it bluntly, he got the favor of the other party.

If the other party needs it in the future, they will also ask him for the cause and effect of this favor.

"Freedom! Such a simple yet luxurious thing."

Hearing these inexplicable words, Wang Mang was completely at a loss.

But Wang Mang understood what he said earlier.

Therefore, Wang Mang hurriedly nodded in favor and said, "Good Immortal! Don't worry, Immortal!"

"If the Great Immortal needs it in the future, the little demon will never refuse!"

Hearing this, the mysterious strongman burning with purple-black flames nodded in satisfaction.

However, Wang Mang didn't care about these so-called causes and effects.

In Wang Mang's view, we will talk about future events later.

Let's get through the difficulties now!

"Call me the Great Sage of Hell!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a moment, and looked at the mysterious strong man in front of him.

He suddenly realized that this title was really appropriate, his whole body was covered in purple-black flames, as if from hell.

Seeing this, Wang Mang asked cautiously: "Dare to ask the name of the Great Immortal?"

Hearing this, the mysterious strong man was slightly taken aback, as if lost in thought:

After a long time, the mysterious strong man said quietly:

Is this just a cross-border projection of the strong?

at the same time.

See this mysterious strong man who is about to disappear.

At this time, what else did Wang Mang want to ask, when he suddenly saw this mysterious strong man disappearing.

Seeing this scene, although Wang Mang was a little puzzled, he didn't ask any more questions.

On the contrary, Wang Mang seemed to have thought of something.

Wang Mang saw it.

This mysterious strong man disappeared.

In the end, under the eyes of countless strong men.

All the demon kings present, as well as the land gods and strong men, secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Because, in front of this mysterious strong man, they didn't even dare to take a breath!

After a while.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Kind tips! The powerful projection summoned by the host is the projection of the blackened Monkey King! 】

After listening to the sound of the system, Wang Mang was completely stunned.

This powerful man who disappeared turned into an inconspicuous monkey hair floating in the starry sky.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang quickly asked in his heart:

"System! Who is this strong man summoned?"

not only.

In brief contact with this monkey.

Wang Mang couldn't figure out the monkey's character at all.

Fuck! Hasn't he already ruled out Monkey King?

In the end, the summoned character was actually Monkey King?

And ~www.readwn.com~ is still the blackened Monkey King?

Then the system sound will sound:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the ultimate blind box X3! 】

The only thing he felt was the blackened Monkey King.

The aura emanating from his body was extremely evil, extremely cold and dark.

Just as Wang Mang was still guessing about the character of Sun Wukong after his blackening.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get random draw X3! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get Diamond Chest X3! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get free evolution chance X5! 】

【Ding! Accumulation has met the evolution conditions, do you want to start evolution? 】

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