I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 327: The cowardly dog ​​king? Return with a full load, tidy up a good harvest...

"In addition, the rise of the monster race cannot be stopped by the strong in the Netherworld."

"Also, there are already six ghost cards in the Underworld."

"If another brand appears in the world in the future, it will only be a fairy card or a divine card!"

"That's why, brother, I advise you not to get too close to the powerhouses of the Underworld!"

"No matter what the reason is, the strong in the nether world will be on the same level as the monster clan."

"Besides, will the powerhouses of the Yaozu look at the fairy cards and **** cards, and all of them will fall into the hands of our Yaozu?"

Having said that, the Dog Emperor stopped talking, and cast his eyes at Wang Mang who was in deep thought.

Similarly, Wang Mang never expected that so many things would happen if he got too close to the Yaozu.

Now only the Underworld has it!

wrong! It should be said to be the Underworld and the Lord of the Land!

But after thinking about it carefully, Wang Mang discovered that what the dog emperor said had some truth.

Ming cards, immortal cards, and **** cards, Wang Mang also knows about these things.

No matter how Wang Mang thought about it, he felt that this was completely inconsistent with the character of the Dog Emperor!

At this point in his thoughts, Wang Mang suddenly asked, "Brother Dog Emperor is right."

Because, these seven powerhouses all passed the underworld immortal card and became land gods.

But Wang Mang felt that the dog emperor would remind him so kindly for no reason?

The next moment, the dog emperor became annoyed and said:

"You and I are brothers, brother, can I watch you fall?"

"Brother Dog Emperor, why are you suddenly so kind and reminded me?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the dog emperor was immediately speechless.

Based on Wang Mang's understanding of the dog emperor, this guy has no profit and can't get up early, and if he has nothing to do, he will either **** or steal!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang rolled his eyes around and snorted coldly:

"Now you are in trouble, Brother Giant Python, I will not stand by and watch!"

Hearing the righteous and righteous words of the dog emperor, Wang Mang was speechless.

Seeing Wang Mang being so straightforward, the Dog Emperor was also very embarrassed.

After stretching his dog's head and looking around, he whispered to Wang Mang:

"If Brother Dog Emperor has something to do, just speak up!"

"What's the matter? Brother, I'm all ears!"

"How about it? It's still the same, 50-50!"

"Let's steal together, oh no, we borrow!"

"Brother Wang Mang, brother, I found out that this underworld is really rich!"

"So, my brother wants to go to the underworld to make a fortune before the catastrophe of heaven and earth comes!"

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a dog!

There are six terrestrial gods in the Underworld!

After listening to the dog emperor's words, Wang Mang was speechless.

He found that this dog emperor is really courageous!

Because, Wang Mang had indeed thought about going to the Underworld to steal things.

However, the dog emperor doesn't just think about it!

But this guy still dares to play the idea of ​​Netherworld.

To be honest, Wang Mang admired the dog emperor a little bit.

This may be related to the fact that the previous master of **** took out a half-immortal-level heavenly material and earthly treasure.

It is estimated that this guy is simply jealous.

This guy is about to take action!

Wang Mang guessed it after a little guesswork.

After all, Wang Mang himself has gained a lot this time, and he hasn't had time to digest it yet.

Therefore, Wang Mang really doesn't want to go to the underworld to steal things now, the risk is too great.

I can't even wait to steal it now.

However, Wang Mang didn't want to take this risk!

"Brother Dog Emperor! I'm sorry!"

"Brother, I don't want to go to the Underworld!"

If there were fewer terrestrial immortals in the Underworld, he really wanted to take the risk.

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang sternly refused:

After hearing Wang Mang's refusal, the dog emperor was immediately upset and said:

"Big python, you are too timid!"

"There are too many strong men in this netherworld."

"It might be difficult for one to escape."

Having said that, the Dog Emperor sighed and said:

"That's all! I'll go by myself!"

"As the saying goes, horses don't get fat without night grass, and people don't get rich without windfall!"

"My brother is afraid of wolves in front and tigers in back, you are too small!"

This guy is really getting bolder.

It's fine to steal the treasures of the Demon Emperor before.

After finishing speaking, the dog emperor left unhappy.

Seeing the back of the dog emperor leaving, Wang Mang was also very speechless.

"It's better to go back and digest this harvest first!"

Thinking of this, Wang Mang flew towards the earth, and used his magical powers to take a step to the end of the world.

Now even the land immortals dare to steal it!

"Forget it! I still won't join this time."

Wang Mang has already returned, on the site of his old lair.

Seeing the official personnel of the Red Empire on the site, Wang Mang immediately said:

Therefore, Wang Mang himself was as fast as lightning, and even as fast as a streamer.

Ten minutes later.

The two of them knelt on the ground with a plop, tears filled their eyes, and said sincerely:

"Thank you, Lord Patronus!"

"Send the news back! The meteorite has been dealt with by the emperor!"

Hearing this, the two contact young people from the Red Empire cried out in surprise.

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang ordered again that the buffalo monster guarding outside the cave should keep an eye on the cave.

Afterwards, Wang Mang got into the cave lair.

"On behalf of thousands of compatriots, thank you Lord Patronus."

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded slightly, and said indifferently: "I want to go back to the cave for retreat, don't disturb me."

In fact, Wang Mang himself was not too sure.

Because, this mission is too rewarding!

After arriving in the lair, Wang Mang couldn't wait to sort out his harvest.

Moreover, to what level can this harvest improve his strength?

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Host: Wang Mang.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

"System, open your personal information!"

Body: 204 meters long, 9.7 meters wide, and weighs 1.5 million kilograms.

Combat strength: Bite force 1.5 million kilograms, speed 130 kilometers per hour ~www.readwn.com~ Species: Hexapod three-headed python (adult).

Dao Xing: 7300 years (Demon Emperor level).

Space: 2 semi-immortal treasures, information detection, free upgrade chance X1, skill fusion card X1, supernatural lucky draw chance X1, random lucky draw chance X3, ultimate blind box X3, diamond treasure box X3.

Mall: open.

Skills: Corrosion and poison, steel body, super self-healing, water breathing, bloodthirsty killing, beast deterrence, wishful shrinking.

Supernatural powers: King's Enslavement, Soul-Controlling Imprint, Rebirth from Broken Body, Destroy Laser, Destroy Sea of ​​Fire, Eternal Scar Frost, Fly to the Sky, Ruyi Bone Spur, Thunder Spell, One Step to the End of the World.

Lucky value: 88 (dragon and phoenix among snakes).

Evolution value: 11.6 billion/16 billion.

Current ranking: No. 89 in the global ranking list.

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