I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 333: Wang Mang was dumbfounded! The world is so big and you want to go for a walk? enough w

"With my current strength, even if there is a catastrophe in the world, what can I do?"

At this moment, Wang Mang's high-spirited Nan Nan said to himself.

Just then.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

【Ding! The current status of the host has been detected! Give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission 1: Facing the upcoming catastrophe in half a month, wait and see! 】

[Task time: Select to get it. 】

[Mission reward: 500 million evolution points! Bronze Treasure Chest X1! 】

[Mission 2: Facing the upcoming catastrophe in half a month, establish your own power! 】

[Task time: 15 days. 】

[Mission reward: 2 billion evolution points! Silver Treasure Chest X1! 】

[Mission reward: 3 billion evolution points! Advanced Blind Box X1! 】

[Mission 4: Facing the upcoming catastrophe in half a month, establish a power, and have at least five demon emperors in the power! And occupy the land of a province! 】

[Mission 3: Facing the upcoming world catastrophe in half a month, establish a power, and have at least three demon emperors in the power! 】

[Task time: 15 days. 】

[Mission 5: Facing the upcoming world catastrophe in half a month, establish a power, and have at least five demon emperors in the power! And occupy the land of the three provinces! 】

[Task time: 15 days. 】

[Mission reward: 8 billion evolution points! The ultimate blind box X1! Random draw X2! 】

[Task time: 15 days. 】

[Mission reward: 6 billion evolution points! The ultimate blind box X1! Random draw X1! 】

[Mission reward: 30 billion evolutionary value! The ultimate blind box X1! Random draw X1! Designated lucky draw chance X1! 】

After listening to the mission sound.

[Mission 6: Facing the upcoming cataclysm in half a month, unify the demon clan in the red empire, have at least six demon emperors in the force, and occupy the entire territory of the red empire! 】

[Task time: 15 days. 】

It's just that the difficulty of completing these six tasks is gradually increasing.

For task one, you can go whoring for nothing.

But the problem is that the rewards are too few.

Wang Mang was completely stunned.

He didn't expect that he had just soared.

The system really gave him a task!

This is not difficult, but the rewards are also pitiful.

Only 2 billion evolutionary value + silver treasure chest.

Who does this reward look down on?

500 million evolutionary value is not enough for him now!

So task one can be ruled out.

For task two, the requirements are not high, or even nothing, it is just to build power.

Wang Mang's favorite is actually task four.

Because the rewards of task four are good, and there is not much difference from task five.

Mission 4 only needs to establish forces, recruit five demon emperors, and occupy a province!

The treasure chests he opened are all gold treasure chests and diamond treasure chests, and now he doesn't even care about silver treasure chests.

It's like the big fish and meat every day in the past, but now let him eat mustard, how can he eat it?

Because of this, task two can also be ruled out.

First of all, the land of the three provinces is not impossible to occupy.

It's just that after the occupation, it's hard to say whether Wang Mang can control the situation. .

Because, after the catastrophe of heaven and earth, no one knows what will happen.

As for task five, occupy the land of the three provinces.

And task six to occupy the entire territory of the Red Empire.

Wang Mang didn't feel well.

In addition, even if he was lucky enough to occupy the entire territory of the Red Empire, how would he manage it?

The ground area is large, but the management is naturally too loose!

Therefore, for the sake of prudence, Wang Mang felt that it would be better to occupy a province!

Choosing to occupy the land of three provinces is better than firmly controlling the land of one province.

As for occupying the entire territory of the Red Empire, Wang Mang felt that it was even more unrealistic.

Because, with the existence of strong men from the underworld, it would be impossible for Wang Mang to do it.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select Mission Success! Please complete as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After listening to the sound of the system.

Wang Mang nodded secretly.

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang already had a decision in his mind, so he silently said in his heart:

"System! I choose task 4!"

The next moment, the familiar voice of the system sounded:

Then recruit some horse boys at the level of the demon king, it is estimated that it will be almost the same.

If there are too many, it will not only be difficult to manage.

Moreover, subordinates at the cannon fodder level are useless!

After thinking about it carefully, he also felt that it was time to build up his power.

As for this power, Wang Mang will never build too big.

Because, according to Wang Mang's idea, it is to subdue the five demon emperors.

What's more, he is not invincible yet.

There is also a group of strong men who are close to the land gods above their heads.

Even the powerhouses of the land **** level.

For example, there is an existence of Wang Mang's level.

If he wanted to massacre cannon fodder, he could kill a large area with just one blow.

In addition, the scale of the establishment of forces is too large, and it is easy to attract wind.

To be honest, Wang Mang has no experience.

However, Wang Mang still felt his blood boil.

In the past, some monsters and monster kings established their power.

It is worth mentioning that.

Build your own power.

It was Wang Mang's first time.

After all, even the Demon King can establish a force to dominate one side, let alone the Demon King?

Of course, it doesn't matter whether these demon emperors have established forces or not.

Anyway, he was already planning to capture the five demon emperors and come back.

Wang Mang did not do this, mainly because he was not strong enough.

But now that he has reached the eight thousand year level Demon Emperor, it's time to establish power.

The only thing that made Wang Mang difficult was that he didn't know whether the rest of the demon emperors had established influence.

"Buffalo, tell them to take care of the cave!"

"The emperor is going out for a trip..."

"That's right! Where's the little guy with the flat head?"

Oh~www.readwn.com~ No, it should be to invite the five demon emperors back.

We are civilized demons, and we will never bully the weak.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was full of vigor, and immediately got out of the cave.

"Before it left, it asked Lao Niu to leave a message to the Demon Emperor."

Hearing this, the big buffalo demon said respectfully: "Report to Lord Demon Emperor."

"Xiao Pingtou, I've been away for a month and a half."

At this time, Wang Mang, who was about to leave, suddenly thought of something.

"If Lord Demon Emperor asks, let the little demon tell Lord Demon Emperor to you."

"It says the world is so big, it wants to go out for a walk, and it will come back when the waves are enough."

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