I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 360: Meet the old man Pengci again? Successfully found traces of Xianpai...

With this in mind, Wang Mang immediately took out his mobile phone and called the official of the Lustful Empire.

Not long after, the phone was connected.

Wang Mang didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "This patron saint needs your strength now, and this patron saint is now in Yanggui City!"

"I'll give you half a day to gather strength to find something for this patron saint."

An old voice came from the phone:

"I don't know, Lord Patronus, what are you looking for?"

"Yanggui City is not far from the headquarters of one of the fifth largest military regions. We can mobilize our forces at any time to do a great job for Lord Patronus!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded in secret satisfaction. The Red Empire was still very enthusiastic about his request.

The old voice came again:

"I have heard clearly the request of the patron saint."

"Old man, I will mobilize the power for the patron saint."

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang hesitated for a while, then said:

"Find a brand for me! The back of the brand is engraved with the word fairy!"

"The sign is rectangular in shape and golden in color."

Follow the system's prompts and Wang Mang's own guesses.

This fairy card should be some years old, it should be something similar to an antique, right?

Ok! In fact, Wang Mang didn't know either.

"Master Patronus, please keep in contact with me at any time."

Hearing this, Wang Mang said in a happy mood: "Okay! When your people arrive, contact me as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Mang began to think about where this celestial card is most likely to appear!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang decided to go to the antique market to try his luck.

But when Wang Mingming found the antique market, he was completely dumbfounded.

The antique market is no longer as lively as it used to be, and there are even no stalls.

But in his opinion, since this thing was once used by gods, it must be a long time ago.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang set his sights in two directions, the first is the antique market.

The second is, will someone just get it and use the fairy card or the fragments of the fairy card as a heirloom of the old thing?

But when he saw the old man, Wang Mang froze for a moment, a little surprised.

Because, this old man is exactly the old man who blackmailed him last time.

Good guy! How long has it been since?

"What... what's going on? Is the antique market closed today?"

Wang Mang suddenly looked puzzled, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

At this time, Wang Mang saw an old man begging for food by the side of the road.

But when he saw Wang Mang, the old man, who was still listless and begging for food, also saw Wang Mang inadvertently.

But when he saw Wang Mang, the old man suddenly looked like he had seen a ghost, and squinted his eyes hard.

After confirming that he was not mistaken, the old man stared at Wang Mang blankly, and said in a trembling tone, "My lord Patronus."

Change jobs immediately?

Now you have changed your career to beg for food?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang stepped forward, ready to ask.

What a coincidence that this happened!

However, Wang Mang just wanted to inquire about some news.

The old man is old anyway, so he should know a lot of news.

Seeing the frightened look of the old man, even his body trembling, Wang Mang naturally understood how terrifying the other party was.

After all, this old man was the first person who dared to touch him!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was a little dumbfounded, and at the same time felt a little surprised.

After all, without Wang Mang, the earth would perish.

Not long ago, the meteorite incident had spread throughout the world, and of course he knew about it.

Therefore, like the people of the Red Empire, he respected and feared Wang Mang like a god.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang nodded slightly, and asked indifferently: "This patron saint, I am going to ask you for some news."

"Master Patronus, just ask, the old man knows everything!" The old man nodded fearfully,

Of course, his awe of Wang Mang is still very great.

Hearing this, the old man was stunned for a while.

Afterwards, under Wang Mang's stunned and shocked gaze, the old man nodded and said, "Yes! I have seen this brand before, old man."

"Are you sure you've seen this brand?"

Especially after learning that the person he touches porcelain with is the patron saint, he even wants to die.

Seeing the old man's cooperation, Wang Mang secretly nodded with satisfaction. The name of the patron saint is still very useful.

At this point, Wang Mang thought for a moment, and slowly said: "Have you ever seen a palm-sized, rectangular, golden-looking sign with a fairy character on the back?"

"That brand is similar to what you said, Lord Patronus, and its appearance and shape are very similar."

Hearing this, Wang Mang suppressed his excitement immediately, and immediately said: "Take this patron saint immediately! If it is true, there will be a reward!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the old man's eyes lit up, and he immediately became excited: "Master Patronus, I will take you there right away!"

Wang Mang's face was filled with joy, and he asked again in a serious tone.

Hearing this, the old man nodded nervously and said:

"Sure! I once saw it at an old friend's house, and he enshrined it as a family heirloom."

Similarly, this also shows that the old man's nature is not bad at all.

Otherwise, you won't be able to choose to give up the reward you promised yourself.

After all, you don't need to guess Wang Mang to know how greedy this old man is.

"You are the patron saint who protects the world and the Red Empire. Even if you don't give me any benefits, I am willing to contribute a little bit, old man."

After hearing the old man's words, Wang Mang was a little surprised.

Obviously, the old man's overall view made Wang Mang secretly nod.

"Master Patronus, come up, I will take you there, old man."

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was speechless immediately, and said helplessly, "Is it very far?"

The old man shook his head quickly and said, "It's not far away, just over 20 kilometers away, and we'll be there in an hour."

For a while, Wang Mang's sense of the old man improved a lot, he nodded and smiled, "Lead the way!"

Hearing this, the old man immediately nodded with a laugh and said, "Alright, Lord Patronus, old man, I'll take you right away."

Later, under the leadership of the old man, Wang Mang came to the side of the road, and saw the old man pushing an old bicycle from an alley not far away.

"Lord Patronus, my old friend lives in the Penglou community."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately grabbed the old man's shoulder and said, "Get ready!"

Afterwards, Wang Mang, with the old man in a daze, grew wings and led the old man soaring into the sky.

Wang Mang said helplessly: "You tell me the address! I'll take you there, you're too slow like that."

The old man thought Wang Mang was going to take a taxi.

He hurriedly pushed the bicycle back into the alley, and then walked over:

"Master Patron Saint, this is the neighborhood!"

"Old man, my old friend lives here!"

At this time, after arriving not far from the gate of the community, the old man pointed to the community in front of him and said affirmatively.

half an hour later.

Wang Mang finally found it.

The Penglou district that the old man mentioned.

"Lao Jiang! Lao Jiang! It's me, Lao Wu!"

After a while.

The door of the room was opened.

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't talk nonsense, and followed the old man into the community.

After entering the community ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang and the old man came to one of the buildings.

After finding the door of the room on the floor where the old friend said the old man lived, the old man knocked on the door and shouted:

Old Wu quickly explained: "Old Jiang! The old man wants to take another look."

"That signboard of yours as a treasure!"

The next moment, Lao Jiang immediately returned to the room.

What appeared in front of him was an old man with white hair.

The white-haired old man looked at Wang Mang and the old man in surprise, and said in confusion:

"Old Wu, why are you here?"

After a while he came out with a kitchen knife.

He watched Wang Mang and Old Wu warily and asked:

"What do you want to do?"

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