I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 373: There is no way back! Fight against 2 peak imperial powerhouses! king…

He didn't expect Wang Mang to be so righteous, and he thought Wang Mang had bad intentions.

Now that I think about it, the dog emperor feels even more guilty towards Wang Mang. This is a good brother worthy of his dog emperor's life to cherish!

Paralyzed, I am simply not a human being!

Brother Wang Mang treated me like this, but I still resent him, I am not a human being!

Looking at Wang Mang who stood in front of him and never took a half step back, the dog emperor was very moved.

Even if you look carefully, you will find that the dog emperor has rarely shed a few tears of dog.

His dog eyes were a little red, and his sly dog ​​head couldn't help twitching.

As for Wang Mang at this moment, he also vaguely noticed the messy dog ​​emperor who was moved by him.

This dog thing will also be moved?

We just said a few words on the scene.

Moved this shameless person?

To be honest, Wang Mang was a little confused when he saw that the dog emperor was actually moved by him.

? ? ?


"Brother Wang Mang, no need, I'd better hand over everything!"

After finishing speaking, the dog emperor looked a little bit funny with a heartbroken look.

After hearing the words of the dog emperor, the eyes of the two powerhouses in the underworld who were in trouble, all lit up.

To be honest, Wang Mang felt very incredible.

This simply overturned Wang Mang's perception of the dog emperor!

Just when Wang Mang was in doubt, the dog emperor behind him suddenly said:

"Okay! It would be best if Fellow Daoist Dog Emperor could wake up in time."

"That's right! Fellow Daoist Dog Emperor, don't embarrass us, we are just following orders."

The Five Elements Scattered Man and the Yin Yin evil spirit all smiled happily and said with a smile.

If the dog emperor is sensible, they will not be embarrassed if they take the initiative to hand over the treasures they stole in the nether world.

After all, Wang Mang's strength really made them very afraid.

Especially Wang Mang, who almost did not lose the aura of other pseudo land gods.

to be honest.

The words of the dog emperor have already overturned his cognition.

Is this still the shameless dog emperor in his memory?

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned.

Fuck! What the dog emperor stole actually wants to spit it back?

Could it be that the dog king has lost his head?

He felt that he was really self-defeating.

The coquettish operation of the dog emperor just overturned Wang Mang's cognition.

It also made Wang Mang see that the dog emperor was indeed moved by him.

Paralyzed, you don't want treasure, give it to me!

Grass! If it wasn't for the treasure you were carrying, I would have come to join in the fun and save you?

At this moment, Wang Mang couldn't help but collapse in his heart.

But I don't know what the dog emperor is thinking today, is he really willing to spit out what he eats?

Does this guy really think so?

Or is this dog already aware that I have bad intentions?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt like shooting himself in the foot with a rock.

In fact, what he wants to do the most is to reap the benefits for himself and hold the benefits in his hands.

As for the matter of offending the Netherworld, it's fine for the dog emperor to continue carrying the blame.

"Did they threaten you to say so?"

"Don't worry! With me here, I decided not to sit idly by!"

Hearing the righteous words, the dog emperor immediately changed his words:

Although Wang Mang had some guesses in his mind, he decided not to let this happen.

Therefore, Wang Mang said coldly:

"Brother Dog Emperor, I will never believe them when they say you stole things."

"They said that I stole their treasure for no reason, and then they kept chasing and killing me. Brother, I feel bitter!"

Seeing that the dog emperor reacted so quickly, Wang Mang also secretly nodded with satisfaction, this guy is not stupid.

Now that he saw that he was supporting him, the dog emperor changed his words very quickly, which proved that the dog emperor was still very smart and cunning.

"Yes, that's what they threatened me with!"

Speaking of this, the Dog Emperor burst into tears, and said pitifully:

"Brother! You don't know! They are too bullying in the Underworld!"

"Fellow Taoist Manghuang, it seems that we are going to have a hard time with us!"

"Fellow Taoist Manghuang, do you really want to be an enemy of our lord of the eighteenth floor of hell?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately sneered and said, "You two fellow Taoists, don't threaten me like this!"

Seeing that the dog emperor changed his face so quickly, the Wuxing Sanren and Yinming evil spirits who were still smiling at first suddenly looked ugly.

He also saw that Wang Mang was determined to intervene in their affairs.

Thinking of this, Wuxing Sanren and Yinming evil ghost looked at each other, and said with gloomy faces:

"Okay, okay! Let us experience the strength of the Python Emperor!"

"We want to see! Is the Python Emperor's strength as powerful as he said!"

As soon as the words fell, the two shot at Wang Mang one after another.

"If the Lord of the Eighteenth Floor of Hell is here, I will naturally retreat in spite of the difficulties, but now..."

After hearing Wang Mang's unscrupulous voice, the two peak emperor-level powerhouses laughed out of breath.

They could see it, Wang Mang didn't take them seriously at all!

Similarly, the Five Elements Sanren also condensed Yin Qi into five different-colored Yin Qi circles while changing his hands, flying all over his body, and shouted angrily at the same time:

"Five Elements Suppressing Demon Strength!"

The next moment, these two attacks that changed the color of the surrounding world roared towards Wang Mang.

This shot is to see through the shocking killer move!

"Thousands of Ghosts and Souls!"

All I saw was that the evil ghosts of the dark world were making a tactic with both hands, and countless phantoms of evil ghosts gushed out of their bodies, causing the entire world to change color.

There was a loud bang.

The thunder that Wang Mang condensed between the two corners suddenly looked like a thunder dragon, roaring away with its teeth and claws.

bang bang bang!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's heart sank, and a terrifying thunder force condensed between his horns.

"Thunder spell!"


Just for a moment.

Wang Mang's Thunder Dragon collided with the five circles of Yin Qi formed by the Five Elements Dispersion Man's Yin Qi.

Rumble! boom! boom! boom!

The next moment, the overwhelming black shadow, which was the first to pounce on it, was turned into black gas by the power of this terrifying thunder, and disappeared in smoke.

Not only that, after defusing the attack of the evil ghost.

Wang Mang's thunder power was still overwhelming, and he still maintained the form of the thunder dragon, rushing towards the Sanren of the Five Elements.

Just one fight~www.readwn.com~ can tell that the two sides are indeed evenly matched!

But Wang Mang is one against two!

Especially seeing these two guys slightly embarrassed and ugly.

One after another sounded like a sonic boom, exploding like thunder on the ground.

I saw that the place where the supernatural powers collided was full of smoke and dust.

The surrounding mountains and forests were also swept into ruins by this terrifying aftermath!

Wang Mang couldn't help but feel elated.

He didn't expect his strength to be so strong!

After the previous fight!

Wang Mang was able to see that his own strength was really no different from that of the top fake land gods.

Even, Wang Mang is confident that he can kill these two peak emperor-level Netherworld powerhouses!

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