I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 376: Finally tell the truth! The zero surnames who don't take it seriously? success…

After listening to Wang Mang's words.

Everyone present was stunned.

Especially the middle-aged man in the military fur coat who was in charge of organizing this operation was dripping with sweat on his forehead.

He didn't expect that Wang Mang would directly announce the truth, expressing the speculation in his heart.

In this case, the disorder of the world empire will be exacerbated, and the world will even become crazier.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man felt very helpless, but he didn't dare to stop the interview.

Wang Mang is not something he can offend, and now he is the patron saint of the empire in name!

However, fortunately, the middle-aged man also vaguely learned that Wang Mang will announce some things during this interview.

Although I was shocked and even panicked, there was nothing I could do. I could only watch the interview continue.

Because, if someone else said this, they might not care.

But this is what the patron saint of the empire said!

at the same time.

At this moment, the countless onlookers and tourists in the live broadcast room directly caused an uproar.

Could it be that the people of the empire have united to deceive them?

This is obviously impossible!

They also know the patron saint of the empire very well, and their strength is monstrous and very powerful.

Therefore, it can be ever-changing, and they can understand it, and naturally trust it.

All kinds of comments are scrolling crazily, so fast that people can't see the news.

Because, at the moment, there are too many people watching, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there are hundreds of millions of viewers.

Therefore, after hearing the words of the patron saint.

Many onlookers in the live broadcast room became commotions.

The 1.9-meter hunk: "It's time to come! What will the world be like in the future? No one should know."

Jiang Liuer: "Come here to realize your dreams! Xuanwumen is recruiting, and the location is Fuzhou..."

Whirlwind Boy: "It's over, the patron saint has already spoken, it seems that disaster is really coming."

Yiwei is drunk: "Yes! In fact, everyone knows it in their hearts. These days, first the sun and the moon are in the same sky, and then every day regardless of day and night, black clouds are overwhelming."

His Highness Qiao Biluo: "I just succeeded in losing weight! Is there a big brother who takes care of me? I am really beautiful now."

The head of the Wudang faction: "The catastrophe of heaven and earth is coming, the Wudang faction recruits disciples, and the priority is to recruit young adults with kung fu foundation!"

Old Tianshan Guo: "Humen in Northeast China is recruiting people. They can be located in any of the three provinces in the east. They have strong strength. The target of recruiting is young and strong!"

Middle-aged handsome uncle: "It's over, it's over! I only saved three hundred catties of rice, what do I do?"

Cute and cute: "Good brothers, I am 18 years old! I live with my mother, and the living conditions are very bad. Is there a powerful brother to take me in?"

Medical League: "No matter how the world changes, someone will always be injured, right? Medical League is looking forward to your joining, and the recruitment of practitioners in the target medical industry is a priority! The treatment is good!"

Hall Master of Hongmen: "Hongmen, a multinational power, recruits people online, as long as you are strong enough, you can coax the door, this is the gathering place for the strong!"

Be your moon: "I'm looking for a partner, the catastrophe of the world is coming, and I want to have a relationship before I die."

However, the people had already expected it, or were prepared in their hearts.

So they're receptive, but also crazier.

I am a warlord: "Recruiting mercenaries, retired elites are preferred, good physical fitness is preferred, treatment is top in the world, position XXX..."

It can be said that although this news made everyone feel devastated.

at the same time.

The interview continues.

They want to expand their power to the peak before the catastrophe of the world comes, in case of emergency.

After all, once disaster strikes, no one knows what will happen.

"The empire will try its best to protect you. As for the people in the surrounding provinces who are not powerful, don't panic. Take up your weapons and protect yourself."

"This patron saint also hopes that the people will be able to tide over the difficulties! There will always be a rainbow after the storm, don't give up..."

After Wang Mang pondered for a while, he said slowly:

"In addition, people in Guizhou Province, or the surrounding provinces of the Imperial Soldiers' Headquarters, don't need to panic too much."

Little Peony: I suddenly found out that this interview, Mr. Patronus, is so serious!

The top card of the Red Man Hall: Sisters, have you noticed that this time, the patron saint has become a human form, that is to say, the method of hugging the thigh is feasible.

While Wang Mang was speaking.

The people who were already watching the TV channel in the live broadcast room were also discussing heatedly.

Daji loves King Zhou: The upstairs is disgusting, what is a woman's reality, what time is this, is it possible to give it back to you for nothing? What's wrong with finding a backer to rely on?

Little Hongyueyue: The guy is so weird now, sisters, ignore him, hurry up and find a backer, otherwise once the disaster strikes and the order collapses, we will even be reduced to goods.

White Sea God and Demon Emperor: Cowhide, cowhide, aren't you afraid of being killed by the patron saint? Lord Patronus is a giant python! Hundreds of meters long!

Old Nagui Immortal: Paralyzed, women are really realistic now! Come at me if you have the ability! What's the point of going to the patron saint? "

Pavilion of Thousands of Charms and Baimei: This is a world full of beauties, the strong is king, and the place where I grew up! There are young women, flight attendants, loli, we have everything you want, as long as you are strong enough! We are all yours.

Destiny's Child: I think there is nothing wrong with disasters coming and the collapse of order. When the time comes, the heroes will be separated and capable people will rise against the trend. Wouldn't it be good for three wives and four concubines to embrace each other?

Da Da Da Airplane: Come on, brothers! The beggar gang welcomes you to join us. Coordinates in prefectures and guizhou provinces. We welcome powerful individuals to join us.

After feeling that there was nothing missing, Wang Mang said slowly:

"The patron saint has already said what should be said."

at the same time.

Wang Mang has already finished talking about the general situation that may happen.

But just as everyone was about to leave, a strange scene appeared in the sky.

I saw that there was a faint light in the sky that was originally covered with dark clouds and the black clouds were overwhelming the city.

"That's the end of this interview!"

Hearing this, the imperial team responsible for the interview ended the interview.

Wang Mang is no exception.

But when you see the scene in front of you.

However, the bright color is red.

This also attracted everyone in the whole world to look up at the sky at this moment.

The black cloud like ink dissipated ~www.readwn.com~ and was replaced by .

Wang Mang was stunned for a moment.

At night, in the dark sky.

This full moon is bloody.

Just when Wang Mang was in shock.

The full moon in the sky.

It is different from the previous moon.

The sound of the system then sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 13 billion evolutionary value! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the ultimate blind box X2! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get random red envelope X3! 】

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