I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 396: Wang Mang was stunned! There is a semi-immortal-level Tiancai Dibaodu in the native pr

Hearing this, Wang Mang was immediately very curious.

This young man is simply not calm like a young man.

Moreover, this is not the strength that a teenager should have.

Because, there are so many zombies in the nearly one-kilometer street.

The boy managed to hold on and was able to pass through the group of zombies and run to him.

Is this something ordinary people can do?

This is impossible!

From what Wang Mang saw, the boy killed at least hundreds of zombies.

This has broken the limit of the human body!

It seems that this boy has become extremely strong under the baptism of blood rain.

What also surprised Wang Mang was that the boy's personality and so on were completely inconsistent with what his peers should have.

If it were Wang Mang, he would not have had the courage to pass through the zombies before he had no strength.

"Besides, there are basically no zombies near you."

"And, under such circumstances, dare to stand on the street so openly."

"There are only two possibilities! Either you are a fool, or you are strong!"

At this point, Wang Mang asked in surprise, "How do you know that I can save you?"

Hearing this, the young man had already arrived under the car where Wang Mang was standing, and said calmly, "Because I can feel that you are a strong man."

"Even these unconscious zombies are subconsciously avoiding you. There is only one possibility that your strength exceeds them too much."

"I'll give you ten minutes to rest, and I'll leave in ten minutes."

"As for saving you? Why should I save you?"

"I can save you forever, can I save you forever?"

After hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a while.

He didn't expect to be analyzed so thoroughly.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a good mood, but still said indifferently:

At this time, Wang Mang also glanced at the girl, but couldn't help frowning slightly.

Because, Wang Mang could feel that the girl had turned into a zombie.

Although, at this moment, the girl looked like a human being, but she wasn't angry at all.

"Whether you can survive or not depends entirely on yourself!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the **** boy was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Afterwards, he put down the **** his back, leaned weakly against the side of the car, panting.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang said indifferently: "She has become a zombie."

Hearing this, the boy who was resting trembled all over, and turned to look at the girl beside him.

When he felt that the girl had lost her breath, the boy was silent for a long time without saying a word.

Wang Mang could tell at a glance.

But what puzzled Wang Mang was why the girl didn't wake up, and didn't even bite the boy?

This is too strange, as expected, the world is in chaos, and there are all kinds of weird things!

The young man happened to meet him, and he happened to be in a good mood, standing here for the young man for ten minutes, this was something Wang Mang could do.

Because Wang Mang knew that there would be many more situations like this in the future.

You have to get used to it sooner or later, you can't just save one when you see one.

Ten minutes later, the boy was still carrying the **** his back, not daring to get close to the group of zombies.

In the end, the boy carried the **** his back and got into a floor.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang shook his head secretly and said, "Young man! I wish you good luck!"

I saw that on the other side of the street, a group of zombies were chasing a beautiful girl.

However, this beautiful girl ran very fast, easily leaving the zombies behind.

But the problem is that there are too many zombies, rushing out of the alley from time to time.

In this case, Wang Mang would not be able to save people even if he saved them.

Just when Wang Mang was about to leave.

Wang Mang saw another scene inadvertently.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was a little surprised, but quickly recognized the other party's identity.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Mang has not met anyone from the Beast God Space for a long time.

He was a little surprised by how much he met this time.

Afterwards, the girl turned into a five-meter-long Siberian tiger, and her escape speed became even faster.

Moreover, he jumped several meters high and jumped to the third floor of a house with a few easy moves.

"This is... a person from the Beast God Dimension."

The girl was so surprised that she immediately extended an invitation to Wang Mang.

In her opinion, even if Wang Mang is not from the beast **** space, he is definitely a strong man.

In this cataclysmic environment, it is obviously the most secure to follow such a strong man!

"Hi, handsome guy, do you want to form a group together?"

At this time, the beautiful girl who was resting on the balcony on the third floor obviously also saw Wang Mang.

When he saw Wang Mang standing on the front of the street with his hands behind his back, the surrounding zombies subconsciously avoided him.

At this moment, the beautiful girl saw a scene that left him dumbfounded.

I saw that this young and strong man turned into a super huge eight-winged python and flew towards the sky.

"He... he is the beast of the country?"

But what annoyed the beautiful girl was that the cold young man didn't pay any attention to her winking eyes.

"Damn! Isn't this guy a womanizer? I'm such a big beauty, but I'm not moved?"

The beautiful girl was very dissatisfied in her heart, and couldn't help muttering in a low voice.

He was rushing towards a place covered with dark clouds.

The direction of the red light is in a wild mountain forest in this province.

When Wang Mang came to the jungle, he saw a scene that shocked him.

Obviously, the beautiful girl recognized Wang Mang's identity immediately, and she was even more shocked.

at the same time.

Wang Mang, who had already soared into the sky.

For a moment, Wang Mang's eyes were fixed on a semi-immortal-level humanoid ginseng in the sky.

Similarly, Wang Mang's heart was extremely heavy.

If it weren't for the sudden muffled thunder.

In the primitive deep forest towering like a forest in front of you.

A semi-immortal-level treasure of heaven, material and earth is going through the catastrophe!

As a result, the sky with a radius of tens of miles, black clouds over the city, and thunder billowing, the scene is very majestic.

This half-immortal-level heavenly material and earthly treasure land immortal Lei Jie.

It is also not weaker than those powerhouses.

Wang Mang~www.readwn.com~ who watched this semi-immortal-level ginseng crossing the catastrophe couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency.

Wang Mang also rushed here immediately.

He probably forgot that these half-immortal-level natural materials and earth treasures can also turn into land immortals.

Just when Wang Mang's heart was heavy, the thunder disaster had already begun.

What made Wang Mang even more depressed was that he never expected it.

On his provincial territory, there is actually a half-immortal-level heaven and earth treasure!

At this moment, Wang Mang thought urgently in his heart.

It seems that the whole world will be the stage for the land gods and powerhouses!

We have to attack the land gods as soon as possible!

What makes Wang Mang even more helpless is that he didn't even find out before!

These semi-immortal-level natural materials and earthly treasures are simply too easy to hide!

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