I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 422: Use a one-time portal! Ready to start exporting to Danwan...

"Damn! What did you do to this king!?"

Hear the screams of the zombie royal king.

The little girl of the zombie royal family hiding in the distance has a pretty face full of shock.

Especially when I saw that the king of the zombie royal family was screaming and rolling on the ground in pain.

She couldn't help being stunned.


How long has it been!

Wang Mang's strength is so strong!

He was able to hang and beat the king of the zombie royal family!

To know!

This is no ordinary zombie royal king!

Ever since she met the zombie royal king, she knew that this zombie royal king must have devoured the devil's fetus!

Moreover, the king of the zombie royal family was devoured by an extremely powerful magic embryo, otherwise, the strength would not be so powerful!

at the same time.

Looking at the zombie royal king who was screaming on the ground, Wang Mang sneered even more.


Because, the current state of a powerful body like a dragon man is not the form that a zombie royal family should have at all!

But even so, the king of the zombie royal family was still easily beaten by Wang Mang!

It literally knocked her speechless.

Wang Mang, the king of the zombie royal family, actually had a lot of confidence in whether he could control himself.

Because, the strength of the zombie royal family king is still a bit weaker than Wang Mang.

Even though the gap is not big, it is definitely not small.

How dare you pretend to be compared with me just now?

Try another one now?

to be honest.

The zombie king, who had been screaming in pain, suddenly fell silent.

Afterwards, the zombie royal king got up from the ground.

With a respectful expression, he knelt on the ground on one knee, and said in a respectful tone: "Your Majesty! I have seen the master!"

Therefore, Wang Mang directly used the two supernatural powers of control!

half an hour later.

Under the eyes of some apprehension in my heart.

However, the only thing that makes Wang Mang a little upset is that.

How dare this dogbi call himself the king?

Paralyzed, what is this old man?

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing immediately.

He knew that the control was obviously successful!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly felt better.

Hearing this, the king of the zombie royal family walked up to Wang Mang without hesitation.

The next moment, Wang Mang slapped the zombie king fiercely with a huge tail.


Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly said coldly: "I will change my name to Goudan in the future!"

The king of the zombie royal family was stunned, looking at Wang Mang's majestic eyes, he had no choice but to nod aggrievedly and said: "The dog has seen the master!"

Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "Come here!"

"Come here quickly!" Seeing this, Wang Mang immediately shouted triumphantly.

The king of the zombie royal family walked up in fear, but his huge body seemed to want to keep a distance from Wang Mang.

"What are you doing? You are hiding so far away, how can I beat you?"

There was a loud bang.

I saw that the zombie royal king flew away screaming suddenly.

Not long after, he climbed up from the ruins in embarrassment, and then looked at Wang Mang with some fear.

But he still took the initiative to come up to him, and was then kicked out by Wang Mang.

A few minutes later, the royal family of zombies had just returned, but they were sent flying by Wang Mang's tail.

half an hour later.

"Come closer!"

Wang Mang said suddenly.

Majestic, the king of the zombie royal family wanted to cry but had no tears, and almost couldn't hold back his tears.

Moreover, he still wants to use this guy to help him control the zombies and send them to the small country!

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang said: "You are not allowed to pretend in the future, you know?"

After hearing this, the king of the zombie royal family almost couldn't hold back his tears.

The scarred and scarred king of the zombie royal family came to Wang Mang again in fear.

Wang Mang, who was about to continue his attack, saw the miserable state of the zombie royal family king, thought for a moment and then stopped.

Because, his anger has almost disappeared.

In the end, Wang Mang took care of him!

Who is this pretending to be?

At this time, the little girl from the zombie royal family in the distance had already rushed up excitedly.

Where did he pretend to be!

He really wants to pretend!

But he's only just started pretending.

"Friend Daoist Python, help me kill him quickly, I want to absorb his blood."

Hearing this, the king of the zombie royal family was furious in his heart.

At the same time, he also looked at Wang Mang with some horror, and begged quickly:

Of course she could see that Wang Mang had already controlled the king of the zombie royal family.

Therefore, in addition to awe of Wang Mang, she worships Wang Mang more.

Afterwards, the little girl of the zombie royal family looked expectantly at Wang Mang and said:

At the same time, the way she looked at Wang Mang became full of anger.

She felt cheated!

Afterwards, the little zombie girl snorted coldly and was about to leave.

"Master! I am your most loyal servant!"

Wang Mang also nodded and said: "He is my subordinate now! And I still have something to do, and I need him to help me!"

Hearing this, Hai, the daughter of the zombie royal family, suddenly became unhappy.

"I believe in you." The little girl from the zombie royal family nodded repeatedly.

Only then did Wang Mang nod in satisfaction.

Afterwards, Wang Mang looked around again.

Seeing this, Wang Mang then sent a voice transmission: "I'll kill him after he finishes his work for me!"

The anger in the little zombie girl's heart turned into joy, and she turned around and responded, "You are not allowed to lie to me."

Wang Mang nodded slightly, and said disdainfully, "I keep my word! How can I be a capricious and treacherous person?"

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang silently said in his heart:

"System! Use a one-time portal!"

"The location of the portal is set here, the destination of the portal, the location of Danwan Country."

In the end, Wang Mang decided to use the portal here.

Anyway, this place was destroyed in a mess.

Why not send hundreds of millions of zombies to the Danwan Kingdom right here!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Portal successfully created! 】

Afterwards, Wang Mang saw a strange gray door not far below.

This gray gate is very large, tens of meters high and tens of meters wide!

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully used the one-time portal! 】

【Ding! The portal is under construction...]

So far.

Wang Mang suddenly had an idea!

He has made up his mind.

At a glance, the center of the gate is pitch black, like a black hole.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was overjoyed.

He knew that this must be the portal!

Especially people who think of the small country.

Seeing the scene of the massive zombies appearing ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang couldn't help being a little excited.

Right now, there are at least 20 to 30 million zombies here.

He can send tens of millions of zombies there first.

Think of it as sending some supplies to these small countries!

"And within these three days! You have to control a large number of zombies to enter the portal!"

"Dog! You control these zombies now and let them all jump into the portal!"

"Oh! There is more! Within three days! You must clean up the zombies in Guizhou and Guizhou!"

The next moment, Wang Mang excitedly ordered to the king of the zombie royal family:

"The number of zombies must not be less than 100 million! It can only be more or less!"

"If the number of zombies you send is not enough, you can apologize yourself!"

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