I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 443: This luck is too bad! You can also encounter sacrifices on the road...

Hear the system beep.

Wang Mang was overjoyed immediately.

Unexpectedly, improving strength can also increase the loyalty value of this dead dog.

What a real dog!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Just then.

Xiaotiangou grinned and said: "Congratulations, master, your strength has improved greatly, and now you have reached the fairyland!"

Hearing Xiaotiangou's congratulations, Wang Mang immediately said triumphantly, "Shoutiangou!"

"You don't know, and I don't know why, since I practiced!"

"It seems that every breakthrough is as simple as drinking water and eating!"

"Even when breaking through the land gods, they didn't cross the catastrophe, and broke through easily."

Hearing Wang Mang's calm tone, Xiao Tianquan was shocked.

Fuck! A year of cultivation to the fairyland?

"It has been less than a year since I practiced, and now I often feel invincible loneliness!"

"Fortunately, after the catastrophe of the world, the number of strong people in this world has skyrocketed, otherwise I would really feel lonely."

Now I am even more in awe of Wang Mang!

Because, if what Wang Mang said is true.

If this is not bragging, it is definitely a monster!

Thinking of this, Xiaotiangou, who had already paid a little attention to Wang Mang.

"Let's go! This trip to the secret realm, I hope to meet some interesting opponents!"

"However, in my opinion, with Xiaotiangou you and I team up, I'm afraid none of these people should be feared!"

Then Wang Mang's aptitude, in his opinion, is indeed a peerless evildoer!

Just when Xiaotiangou was surprised, Wang Mang said calmly:

【Ding! The Xiaotian dog admires the host's bragging behavior and believes it to be true, and the loyalty value is +3! The target's current loyalty value is 85! 】

Wang Mang, who was about to tout a few words about Roaring Dog.

Hearing Wang Mang's words, Xiaotiangou grinned proudly and said:

"The master is right! With my Xiaotian dog here! No one can be our opponent!"

Does this Xiaotian dog like to listen to him bragging?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly had an idea.

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was suddenly surprised.

【Ding! The Xiaotian dog is optimistic about the host, and feels comfortable and happy in the heart, and the loyalty value is +1! The target's current loyalty value is 86! 】

After listening to the system's voice, Wang Mang smiled inwardly, and then set off with Xiao Tiangou.

"Let's go! Roaring Dog! Let's work together to be invincible!"

Wang Mang said with a smile, and inadvertently complimented Xiao Tiangou.

But what troubled Wang Mang was that after the loyalty value reached 89, he was allowed to brag.

This last bit of loyalty value, however, cannot be improved no matter what.

While on the road, Wang Mang kept bragging with Xiao Tiangou again.

In the end, Wang Mang's expectations were no longer met, and his loyalty value reached 89.

The system's answer is that it is more difficult to increase the loyalty value of the last point.

Therefore, Wang Mang had to find another opportunity.

In desperation, Wang Mang had no choice but to temporarily give up bragging.

Because, he asked the system.

Wang Mang suddenly felt a terrifying aura in the depths of the sea.

But not only Wang Mang felt it, Xiao Tiangou also felt it.

On the way.

When passing a distance near the sea.

The speed is extremely fast, and it only takes a moment.

Wang Mang saw clearly, the flying thing!

When Wang Mang looked sideways, he saw a scene that made his scalp tingle.

All I saw was a black spot that didn't look that big was approaching rapidly beyond the sea level in the distance.

Its torso has distorted human faces, including men, women and children.

In addition, its powerful and incomparable aura is much stronger than that of the Roaring Sky Dog.

This is a super towering tree with a height of one kilometer.

The roots under the towering tree are countless human arms, showing their teeth and claws.

How did this guy show up?

Is it really such a coincidence?

What surprised Wang Mang even more.

Isn't this the Lord of Sacrifice?

For Xiao Tiangou, the Lord of Sacrifice was a little surprised, and also felt a little pressure.

But that's all.

I ran into them when I was on the road!

Similarly, the Lord of Sacrifice also saw Wang Mang and Xiao Tiangou.

Now it has reached the realm of the earth fairy?

This somewhat surprised the Lord of Sacrifice.

But... he knew Wang Mang!

This once inconspicuous ants.

Wang Mang's heart sank suddenly, feeling very upset.

Of course he remembered the guy.

"Little thing, the strength is so strong!"

Hear the bleak voice of the Lord of Sacrifice.

The strength of the Lord of Sacrifice has soared to such an extent!

This is too **** exaggerated!

I don't know why I didn't hunt him down at the beginning.

However, what Wang Mang never expected was that.

After hearing the sound transmission from Xiaotiangou, Wang Mang was even more surprised.

Good guy!

Just at this moment, the voice of Xiaotiangou suddenly came to his mind.

"Master, be careful, this guy is also at the peak of the Earth Immortal, stronger than me."

Just when Wang Mang was in doubt.

At this time, the Xiaotian dog shouted angrily:

Is this Lord of Sacrifice so monstrous?

This is what is against the law of debris?

It seems that this dog still knows how to protect the master.

"Hehe, you are at the peak of the Earth Immortal Realm anyway, and you actually surrendered to the Lord, a little thing who has just entered the Earth Immortal?"

"Where did the tree demon come from! How dare you speak rudely to my master!"

Hearing Wang Mang's words, Wang Mang's heart warmed up.

"Ah! I really think I'm afraid you won't succeed! I'll kill you!"

"Ho Ho!"

"Instead of that, it's better to come and sit on the dog of this seat!"

On the huge torso of the Lord of Sacrifice, there was a cold smile of an old man, sarcasm and playfulness.

Afterwards, Wang Mang saw the Lord of the Sacrifice, and he was already fighting with the opponent in an instant!

The battle is imminent!

The words of the Lord of Sacrifice angered the Xiaotian dog.

After the roaring dog roared, it rushed towards the Lord of Sacrifice like a black mouse.

He was afraid that the Xiaotian dog would not be able to do the Lord of Sacrifice.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang subconsciously used information detection.

Even Wang Mang just reacted, and was shocked by the residual power of the supernatural power displayed by the two colliding, and hurriedly retreated violently.

Seeing the **** dog Roaring Sky Dog who turned into a huge body and fought with the Lord of Sacrifice~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang was very nervous.

Dao Xing: 14900 (Peak of Earth Immortal).

Blood volume: 1490/1490.

Afterwards, the message of the Lord of Sacrifice suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Target: Lord of Sacrifice (Shard of Law).

Base Defense: 128.

Base Attack: 145.

Self energy: 1490/1490.

Base Recovery: 19%.

Supernatural powers:? ? ?

Lucky value: 600.

Threat Level: Crushing level.

Achievement: No. 4 in the global strong list.

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