I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 447: The ultimate rule of the game is that there are no rules, only…

After hearing this majestic voice that resounded through the world.

All the strong men who entered the secret realm were stunned.

Because, in just a few words, the deep meaning contained in it is too great!

Everyone, including Wang Mang, knew the identity of the speaker.

As for the main god, although Wang Mang didn't know what kind of existence the other party was.

But when the other party said that it could make people soar into the sky and reach the fourth or even fifth order.

Wang Mang knew that this so-called main **** was absolutely terrifying!

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang quickly asked in his heart: "System! What kind of existence is this main god?"

It's a pity that the system did not respond to Wang Mang's inquiry.

Because, he knew that the main **** who spoke was absolutely powerful.

Wang Mang doesn't even know how powerful it is, but what is certain is that it is definitely above the fifth level!

This also made Wang Mang a little helpless.

At the same time, Wang Mang was also a little nervous.

Didn't you hear what the Lord God said?

Play a game according to other people's rules, the loser is in a dilemma, and the survivor returns with a rewarding experience.

Otherwise, where did he come to say such words in such a loud tone?

More importantly, Wang Mang knew that life was no longer in his hands.

Wang Mang was not the only one who was worried.

It can be said that all the strong men's faces changed when they heard about it, and their faces were as gloomy as water.

Therefore, Wang Mang's worries are inevitable.

Of course.

"Listen up, I'll talk about the rules of the game next!"

"You need to assist the people in the Lord God's Dimension to complete the same task as you."

But no one acted rashly.

At this time, the majestic voice sounded again:

"Of course, during the mission, I will not prevent you from fighting each other."

"The ultimate rule of missions is that there are no rules, only missions!"

"If the person who assists you in the mission of God's Space dies, your mission will also fail!"

"The difficulty of the task depends entirely on luck!"

Similarly, in front of Wang Mang's eyes was a palm-sized jade slip, floating in front of Wang Mang's eyes.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help but cast a glance at the other strong men who entered.

"Okay! Take the jade slip I gave you, where are the members of the main **** space that you need to assist!"

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of jade slips flew out from the depths of the sky in an instant, and these hundreds of jade slips seemed to have spirituality, scattered and flew to the eyes of all the strong men.

After getting the jade slip, a name appeared in his mind.

[Han Meng! 】

I saw that at this moment, the rest of the powerhouses took over the jade slips one after another, including Yushen, the Lord of Sacrifice and other top powerhouses.

Seeing this, Wang Mang no longer hesitated, and reached out to take the rain slip.

Because this name has a lot to do with Wang Mang's life.

"Coincidence? Could it be her?"

It's clearly a girl's name?.

More importantly, the name caught him by surprise.

Moreover, there is an unknown story with Wang Manghao.

But what Wang Mang never expected was.

Wang Mang muttered to himself in surprise.

Because, before rebirth, Wang Mang had a classmate named Han Meng.

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Mang shook his head secretly again.

This is absolutely impossible to be such a coincidence!

The name suddenly appeared again.

As if to remind him again deliberately.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang didn't think about it any more, thinking it was just a coincidence.

Just at this time, the voice that resounded through the sky once again came from the sky:

If nothing else.

Maybe she died in the catastrophe of heaven and earth?

"And the task on the jade slip is your common task."

"But you can't know the mission until you find someone to help you!"

"The game has begun! Go find your assistants!"

"When you find someone to assist you, hand over the jade slip to the person in the main God's space."

Among the beautiful mountains and forests, only Wang Mang and other strong men were left at a loss.

At this time, Wang Mang saw that after Yushen and Yutian reconciled, they left in different directions.

"Besides, Yu Jian cannot be changed and re-selected after selection!"

After speaking, the majestic voice in the sky completely disappeared.

Hearing this, Wang Mang said helplessly, "Han Meng! What about you, Roaring Sky Dog?"

Xiaotiangou said with some doubts: "Master, the assistant I am looking for is Di Lieba."

Similarly, a group of powerful people, such as the Lord of Sacrifice and the Lord of the Eighteenth Floors of Hell, also left one after another.

At this time, Xiao Tiangou came to Wang Mang, and quickly asked in a low voice: "Master, what is the name of the target you are looking for? Let me help you pay attention!"

Wang Mang even thought he heard it wrong.

Seeing the serious look of Xiaotiangou, Wang Mang knew it was not joking.

"What? Di Lieba? Are you sure?" Wang Mang asked with a look of astonishment, his eyes wide open.

Hearing this, Xiaotiangou nodded: "That's right, it's Di Lieba!"

Similarly, the person they are looking for to assist the mission must not be found.

If it is discovered by others.

Ok! Although I don't know if it's the star or which Reba, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Right now, the task is still important!

At this point, Wang Mang and Xiao Tiangou looked at each other, and then said in a low voice, "Let's go now!"

Hearing this, Xiaotiangou nodded, and then flew towards the distance, and set off on the road together.

The other party directly killed the person in charge of their auxiliary mission.

Then it's all over.

Moreover, in this small world, there is a lot of domineering aura.

Just because Wang Mang was passing through many towering primeval deep forests, he felt a lot of terrifying aura.

But what shocked Wang Mang and Xiao Tiangou was that this is a secret place!

It is simply a small world not lost to the earth.

"There are no longer a few terrifying auras lurking here. I'm afraid there are existences that surpass the earth immortals, or even surpass the heavenly immortals."

At this moment, Xiao Tiangou, who was on his way, couldn't help reminding him with some trepidation.

These terrifying auras are even scarier than Earth Immortals!

"Master, let's leave these primitive deep forests as soon as possible!"

Until three days later, Wang Mang and Xiao Tiangou didn't know how long they had been flying.

They finally flew away from the towering primeval deep forest mountains and arrived at the foot of a mountain.

Wen Yan ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang nodded slightly, also restrained his breath to the extreme, buried his head and started to hurry.

Just like that, Wang Mang and Xiao Tiangou traveled for three days.

For a while, Wang Mang didn't dare to be careless, and took Xiao Tiangou to restrain his breath, and came to the entrance of the village.

But when he saw the name of the village entrance, Wang Mang was completely confused.

Not far away, there is a place that looks like a countryside, a village.

But what made Wang Mang feel palpitated was that it looked like in the countryside, there were several auras that were more terrifying than Yushen.

I saw a huge stone tablet carved beside the entrance of the village!

There are five characters written on the stone tablet [low-level novice village]!

In addition, the stele also wrote a line of small characters:

Those who are immortal or above are not allowed to enter the Xinshou Village, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy!

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