I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 465: Successfully killed 3 heavenly immortals! Go to Tianzhu Mountain! …

At this moment, the skinny old man felt like his whole body was on fire.

In addition, he found that his body temperature began to get out of control.

Moreover, he felt more and more heavy in the head, and his breathing became more and more short.

The same goes for the other seven Heavenly Wonderland powerhouses!

Their situation is even more serious than that of the skinny old man.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing proudly:

"Of course it's a good thing, enjoy it slowly!"

After speaking, Wang Mang disappeared into the sky.

Looking at Wang Mang's leaving figure, the skinny old man was full of anger.

But his face was flushed red, which made it impossible to see clearly.

Just as the skinny old man was about to suppress the burning evil fire in his body, a fat hand rested on his old waist.

I saw that the fat monk was red all over at this moment, and even his breath was hot.

He looked at the skinny old man with piercing eyes, but his consciousness was very slack, and he subconsciously reached out his hand to the skinny old man.

Turning his head and looking back, the skinny old man saw a big round face kissing him.

This person is none other than the fat monk from before!

Not only the fat monk and the skinny old man, but also the other six strong men are in pairs, and finally they can't help but fight each other like crazy!

All of a sudden, a shocking scene happened in the huge jungle.

"You're crazy! Get lost, fat monk!" The skinny old man roared angrily, and was about to push away the fat monk who was pressing on him, trying to maintain his sanity for the last time.

But in the next moment, he also became completely conscious, and in the end the two of them came to fruition, and the scene was once extremely crazy.

Wang Mang, who was lurking not far away, frowned.

He wanted to take advantage of this moment to kill a few guys.

Eight powerhouses from the Heavenly Immortal Realm actually did something subversive in the jungle near Oolong City.

at the same time.

They have completely lost their minds.

Like a bull in heat.

But I was really terrified by the picture in front of me.

These guys are really crazy!

If he can control it, he wants to control it.

But if you control it, you can only control a guy in the early stage of the Heavenly Wonderland.

"It can only be killed! If you control it, you can't control it at all!"

Wang Mang couldn't help muttering to himself.

Because, Wang Mang didn't know how long the ecstasy incense would last.

Therefore, Wang Mang quickly set the target of attack.

Instead of doing this, it's better to find a way to kill three or four more Heavenly Immortals to pay off the debt.

With this in mind, Wang Mang began to seize the opportunity and finally found a suitable target.

It can be said that at this moment these guys have basically lost most of their defenses.

"Just to send you on your way!"

The target of this attack is a monster and a person.

At this moment, these two big men are still entangled with each other, and they have already fallen into a state of selflessness!

The next moment, a slender and sharp bone shot out from Wang Mang's mouth.


Wang Mang, who grinned, turned into a huge body, and slowly opened his **** mouth.

"Ruyi bone spur!"

The breath of the two heavenly fairyland powerhouses who were still entangled with each other began to slowly dissipate, and their vitality became dimmer.

Similarly, when they were about to die, they regained their clarity and looked at Wang Mang with resentment:

I saw that this wishful bone spur pierced through these two powerful men in the heavenly fairyland in an instant.

He passed through the two of them directly and nailed them to the ground.

Wang Mang didn't care about this, and his eyes fell on the other strong men.

Because, these two guys are sure to die.

"I... am waiting for you in hell!"

"You have to die...!"

"Go to death for me too!"

With a sneer, Wang Mang opened his **** mouth again, and directly cast his supernatural power to fall stars!

Wang Mang directly pierced the chest and heart of the two of them.

Soon, Wang Mang set his sights on the strongest, the fat monk and the skinny old man.

The fat monk and the skinny old man who were pestering were immediately overwhelmed by this terrifying supernatural power.

The next moment, a scream followed!

A light body of energy like a star roared out.


Seeing this scene, Wang Mang's heart sank immediately.

Even though he had anticipated that he might not be able to kill the strong man in the late stage of the Celestial Wonderland.

Afterwards, Wang Mang was surprised to see a skinny old man with a scorched body and a broken arm, standing proudly in a terrible embarrassment.

Obviously, the skinny old man is not dead, but his state is somewhat unstable, his aura is strong and weak at times.

Moreover, Wang Mang also found that although the old man didn't do anything, his face was still flushed and he was watching him coldly in the air.

It seems to be worse!

But after finding out that he really didn't kill the strong man in the Heavenly Wonderland, Wang Mang still had some regrets in his heart.

This guy's life is really not ordinary!

Not only that, but Wang Mang opened his **** mouth again and used the wishful bone spur to completely end the fat monk who was seriously injured and dying.


It's too late to kill this old man!

With this in mind, Wang Mang didn't hesitate any longer, and directly twisted his huge body, and put away the corpses of the two dead experts from the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Seeing this, Wang Mang also muttered silently, and put the fat monk into the storage space.

Afterwards, Wang Mang glanced regretfully at the skinny old man in the sky whose breath was sometimes strong and sometimes weak.

Following the lightning-fast Ruyi bone spur, it completely penetrated the fat monk's entire chest.

His originally ferocious face has completely lost its vitality, and the speed visible to the naked eye, the fatigue in his body is dissipating.

"You can try, I have plenty of ways to deal with you!"

After speaking, Wang Mang rushed away under the angry eyes of the skinny old man.

The skinny old man with a red face and gloomy tone said coldly: "You wait, the old man will not let you go!"

It's a pity that facing the threat of the skinny old man, Wang Mang didn't care, and sneered:

After Xiaotiangou, Wang Mang took his men, Han Meng and others to leave Oolong City.

The new target this time is naturally Tianzhu Mountain.

After returning to Oolong City.

Wang Mang and his subordinates waited for five days before Xiaotiangou and Di Lieba arrived.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang sneered suddenly, and took out another Ecstasy Incense to play with the taste: "Do you still want to try?"

When he saw Mihunxiang, the skinny old man with a gloomy expression waved his hands and said in a gloomy tone, "Let them go!"

But not long after leaving Oolong City, Wang Mang really met the skinny old man again.

And ~www.readwn.com~ The skinny old man's team became nine people again, standing in front of Wang Mang.

Under the eyes of the skinny old man and his gang, who were shocked and angry, they left extremely arrogantly.

two days later.

Similarly, the rest of the powerhouses hurried out of the way with lingering fears, obviously they will never forget this thing for the rest of their lives!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang smiled contemptuously.

In a barren primitive mountain range.

Wang Mang and others who were on their way suddenly felt the sound of fighting coming from ahead.

Wang Mang beckoned immediately, and a group of strong men immediately followed him and swooped down towards the mountains below.

But when he saw the strong men on both sides fighting in the mountains, Wang Mang almost couldn't help laughing.

Because one of them is the Lord of Sacrifice who has a lot of conflicts with Wang Mang!

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