I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 674: Have a sense of foreboding? Is someone trying to harm me?

at the same time.

In Wang Mang's closed-door evolution.

On the other side, in the fortified back mountain of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Demons.

The three **** emperor level elders sat facing each other, their expressions were gloomy and uncertain.

At this time, the Bloodthirsty Patriarch said with an ugly face:

"God and demon, the boy of your veins is too vicious."

"It even killed all the participants in the Holy Son competition."

"In order to obtain the position of the Holy Son, I will do everything possible."

Hearing this, the ancestor of the gods and demons also felt a little helpless.

Because Wang Mang's words and deeds are too cruel and cruel.

It is simply that the blue is better than the blue!

At least they were the three old guys back then.

The battle for the position of the Holy Son is not so fierce.

As for why they knew that the participants of the Holy Son were all killed by Wang Mang?

They are god-level powerhouses.

It can be deduced by pinching fingers.

Because it is impossible to hide the matter of Wang Mang from them.

Don't forget!

Otherwise, there is no way to hide the secret.

It will still be easily deduced by them.

Unless the strength is stronger than them.

Or there is also a strong person at the level of a **** emperor.

They already know.

"This kid's method is indeed a bit vicious."


What Wang Mang did.

"Furthermore, the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Demons has not stipulated that the disciples of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Demons cannot kill each other outside!"

After pondering for a while, the ancestor of the gods and demons said in a very helpless tone.

"But I have to say that this kid is indeed very suitable for the position of Holy Son of the Holy Land of All Demons."

"Besides, now that everyone has been killed by him, we can't kill him, can we?"

Hearing this, the Dark Patriarch also nodded slightly: "That's right, we can't break the rules of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Demons."

"Although this kid has a vicious mind, as long as he doesn't do anything wrong to the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Demons, there is no reason for us to take action."

His sense of Wang Mang was neither good nor bad.

After all, Wang Mang became the Holy Son, and he will also be the beneficiary in the future.

"Are you sure that such a person, becoming the Holy Son, is a blessing or a curse to our Holy Land of all demons?"

Hearing this, the dark ancestor calmly said:

Hearing the words of the dark patriarch, the bloodthirsty patriarch said furiously:

"We'll take the shot, what rules do we need?"

The strength of the three is not much different.

The strongest one is still the Dark Patriarch.

"We don't know good fortune or misfortune, but we cannot interfere with the selection of the Holy Son."

Seeing the Dark Patriarch, he was completely biased towards the God Demon Patriarch, and the Bloodthirsty Patriarch was helpless.

If there is no accident, the current Holy Master of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Demons can also become a strong person in the God Emperor Realm.

Now both of them have stated that they are against Wang Mang.

Because, the ancestor of darkness is the current Holy Lord of the Holy Land of All Demons.

Moreover, the Holy Lord of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Demons has already touched the threshold of the God Emperor Realm.

At the same time, Wang Mang, who was still in a coma in the process of evolution, was unconscious.

Without knowing it at all, he had already passed through the gate of **** quietly.

Even if he had a problem with Wang Mang, there was nothing he could do.

After opening his eyes, Wang Mang was surprised.

This Immortal Emperor Seventh Heaven is indeed not comparable to the Immortal Emperor Sixth Heaven.

Half a month later.

Wang Mang slowly woke up from his evolution.

Similarly, even Wang Mang's primordial spirit became more solid.

Because, every time the strength breaks through, the primordial spirit will become stronger.

Now he can feel that this body is stronger.

From the physical body to the vast sea mana circulating in the body, there has been an obvious qualitative improvement.

Wang Mang couldn't help looking at his own changes, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This kind of improvement is unclear, but it can be clearly felt.

"Is this the Immortal Emperor Seventh Heaven?"

"Sure enough, it is much stronger than the Immortal Emperor Sixth Heaven!"

Therefore, Wang Mang silently said in his heart: "The system opens the personal information!"

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Of course, Wang Mang doesn't know the specific data changes.

This thing still depends on personal information, which is more accurate.

Realm: Immortal Emperor Six Heavens (Peerless Tianjiao).

Body shape: HP 17,000, energy 17,000, length 670 meters, width 32 meters, weight 30 million tons.

Wang Mang: A quasi-sage (member of the Holy Land).

Type: Void Python (limit 700 meters).

Space: Tier 5 Pill Recipe X1, One-off Top Bad Luck Card X1, 1 bottle of Wangqing Water, 1 Meteor Pill, Tier 5 Abyss Minion Summoning Card.

Equipment: Top-level world five-colored stone X1, Shenwu sword, Immortal Emperor mask, 1 Liuwei Emperor Pill, talent value 10 points.

Ordinary supernatural powers: God Control Seal Art, Hand of the Void, Blade of the Void, Escape from the Void, One Step to the End of the World, ever-changing.

Top supernatural powers: Three Lives World Honored Buddha (Dacheng), Hongjun Three Corpses (None), Wrath of Gods and Demons (Consummation).

After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang immediately nodded in satisfaction.

Energy value: 900 million/2.5 billion.

Wang Mang couldn't help laughing again.

Because after obtaining the position of the Holy Son.

Now he has absolute confidence to win the position of Holy Son of the Holy Land of All Demons!

Especially thinking that the election of the Holy Son in the Holy Land of All Demons is less than ten days away.

With such strength, he can go on a journey to the west.

Because, from the current point of view, Journey to the West is really not as scary as the Holy Emperor's Continent.

He can rise to another small realm!

At that time, he will also be a Saint Emperor level powerhouse.

But how many saint-level powerhouses are there in the Holy Emperor Continent?

The number is about the same if not hundreds.

There are too many **** emperor level powerhouses in the Holy Emperor Continent.

A **** emperor level powerhouse is a saint powerhouse.

At that time, in the world of Journey to the West, except for saints and some old monsters.

Other than that, there shouldn't be many that could pose a threat to him.

Therefore, Wang Mang has already decided.

After he becomes the Son of God, he will become the strongest of the Holy Emperor.

Just then.

When Wang Mang was in high spirits.

Even, if the strength is stronger.

He can go to Journey to the West to pretend.


What exactly is going on?

He suddenly had a feeling of being terrified.

There was even an inexplicable sense of uneasiness.

Afterwards, Wang Mang immediately began to pinch his fingers and calculate.

But Wang Mang really didn't know who the danger came from.

Is it mean to me?

Wang Mang became suspicious.


Peerless genius?

Because there are too many people who have been tainted with karma with Wang Mang.

For example ~www.readwn.com~ this time he killed these peerless geniuses.

Could it be from these Tianjiao who were killed by him?



This uneasy feeling.

Moreover, the more Wang Mang thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high!

But how powerful will this power be if it can cultivate a family of Tianjiao?

The powerful family behind these Tianjiao?

Wang Mang suddenly thought of this possibility.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

Just at this moment, a deafening roar came:

"Evil, if you dare to kill the pride of my Zun family, this old man will crush you to ashes!"

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