I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 815: Prepare to retreat and break through your strength, so that you can net all the Tianji

Seeing this scene, Zulong suddenly became furious, and roared:

"Stop the thief! Take your life!"

Afterwards, Zulong chased after him without hesitation.

After seeing this scene.

Not far away, there are a group of elites from the peak alliance.

Did not catch up.

Because, the current God Emperor Yachongtian has the peak combat power of Tianjiao.

None of them had been hunted yet.

Naturally, Wang Mang and Zulong were ignored.

at the same time.

Outside the enchantment.

At this moment, Wang Mang, who had already been seriously injured, with blood on the corner of his mouth, was pale.

Wang Mang sneered when he heard Zulong behind him roaring and catching up.

After that, he fled towards the direction of the city without looking back.

Although, he couldn't compete with the ancestor dragon of the God Emperor Jiuchongtian's combat power.

It's a pity that the barrier hasn't fully formed yet.

He was blasted away by Wang Mang and fled.

Moreover, under Wang Mang's rapid escape.

But it was easy for Wang Mang to escape.

Because of this, Zulong was very angry.

Every time he wants to set up an enchantment.

"Zu Long, I remember you."

"I see what you will do after the effect of forcibly increasing your strength this time!"

"If you are capable, don't go out of the city for the rest of your life, or I will make your life worse than death!"

Just for a moment.

Wang Mang managed to escape to the city.

After fleeing back to the city. Wang Mang, whose face was pale, turned towards Zulong outside the city, and said with a ferocious smile:

But the problem is Zulong after forcibly improving his strength.

If Wang Mang targets him, it will really be over!

At that time, Zulong will definitely be completely difficult to stand up!

After hearing Wang Mang's killing intent and threatening words, Zulong standing outside the city had an extremely ugly expression on his face.

Li Qinglian, who was not far away, felt bad after seeing this scene.

He obviously also guessed that Zu Long and Wang Mang completely turned their faces.

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately sneered and said:

"If he could kill me, he would have killed me long ago, right?"

"Is this a misunderstanding? Do you think this seat is easy to bully, or is this seat stupid?"

Thinking of this, Li Qinglian immediately stepped forward to persuade:

"Brother Wang Mang, calm down first."

"Brother Zulong also lost his head for a while."

Facing Wang Mang's harsh words, Zu Long was even more furious.

At the same time, he felt very regretful.

How did he ally with such a shameless person?

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang pointed at Zulong again, and said with a stern expression:

"I keep my word! Zulong, you **** die!"

"I want to see how you fight with me after your strength plummets!"

Now, instead of asking for the mask back, she completely broke with Wang Mang.

Moreover, he has not been able to force Wang Mang to improve his strength to fight him, which can be said to be a big loss.

As soon as he thought of this, Zu Long felt his teeth itch with hatred, wishing to eat Wang Mang's flesh and drink his blood.

This **** is the real unkindness to meet people!

Similarly, facing Wang Mang's aggressiveness, he was helpless.

Because, he knew that Wang Mang was bound to take revenge, and he would never give up easily.

The second thing is to hurry up and kill Tianjiao to reduce losses.

After taking a deep breath, Zu Long said with a cold face: "Give you the mask, how about we cancel the grievances between you and me?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang, who was originally Zhu very strong and continued to speak harshly, couldn't help being taken aback.

Unfortunately, the tide is gone.

What Zulong has to do now is two things.

The first thing is to ease the relationship with Wang Mang.

Moreover, after Zulong passed this time, there was no threat to him at all.

After thinking up to this point, Wang Mang calmed down, nodded slowly and said:

"Okay! For the sake of the mask, the grievances between you and me will be wiped out."

Later, seeing that Zulong didn't look like he was lying, Wang Mang thought about it for a while, and became a little moved.

Although, after his quarrel with Zu Long this time, he really didn't think about returning the mask.

However, there is still a difference between Qiang Qiang and Zu Long taking the initiative to give it to him.

After speaking, Wang Mang walked to an open space not far from the city gate and sat cross-legged.

Obviously, Wang Mang was waiting for time, waiting for the effect of Zulong's forcibly improving his strength to pass.

This is not because Wang Mang wants to go back on his word and kill Zulong, but because he must be on guard against others.

"To be honest, Zulong himself thinks he has never done anything to be sorry for you."

"In any previous situation, anyone would choose to be the first to be wise and protect themselves."

"Now that you chase and kill me once, the grievances will be wiped out."

The Tianjiao of the **** emperor eighth heaven's combat power will still be hunted by people.

But the arrogant of the **** emperor Jiuzhongtian's combat power, his identity is a hunter.

Because of this, Wang Mang had to go to retreat to improve his strength.

After the time for Zulong to forcibly increase his strength has passed, Wang Mang will leave the city again and find a place to retreat.

Because, Wang Mang also found out that there is only a difference of one level of heaven.

However, his role is very different!

Then, among the combat power of the same level, Wang Mang could simply kill!

At this time, Zulong outside the city gate left again.

Now that the conflict with Wang Mang has been resolved.

In this way, he can also participate in the hunting of Tianjiao outside the second city gate.

Even, it is not impossible to hunt and kill all these Tianjiao!

Only these arrogances do not have physical supernatural powers comparable to the ancient demons.

Wang Mang turned a blind eye to this.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

At this moment, two days have just passed.

He naturally wants to hunt Tianjiao while the time is still there, to minimize the loss.

Right now, as long as he can kill one more Tianjiao, he will reduce the loss by one point.

The more you kill, the smaller the loss.

He wants to find a place to improve his strength first, and then wipe out all these arrogances!

Not long after, Wang Mang found a hidden cave in the deserted mountain jungle.

The next moment, Wang Mang immediately arranged a hidden space enchantment, and immediately plunged into the cave.

After Wang Mang opened his eyes, he saw Zulong who had just returned from outside the city, soaked in blood, but his breath was falling.

For this, Wang Mang smiled disdainfully in his heart, he didn't pay attention to Zulong at all, and flew out of the city with a movement of his body.

After flying out of the city, Wang Mang didn't pay attention to it at all. The huge number of Tianjiao at the gate of the second city flew towards the wild jungle instead.

Wang Mang: A quasi-sage (the ancestor of all demons).

Species: Primordial magic python (limit 800 meters).

Realm: Holy Emperor Bazhongtian (Legendary Tianjiao). UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After entering the cave, Wang Mang couldn't wait to recite silently in his heart:

"System! Open your personal information!"

The next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Body: 28,000 HP, 740 meters long, 36 meters wide, and 130 million tons in weight.

Top supernatural powers: Ancient Demon Hegemony (Consummation), Swallowing Yuan Devouring Art (Consummation), Three Lives Buddha (Great Accomplishment), Wrath of Gods and Demons (Consummation).

Space: 1 bottle of Wangqing Water, 1 Meteor Pill, 1 Liuwei Emperor Pill, Meteor Cannon, one-time fifth-order top bad luck card X1, one-time fifth-order top good luck card X1, fairy king-level treasure chest X2, Fairy King Blind Box X1.

Equipment: Top world multicolored stone X1, Shenwu sword, fairy emperor mask, holy emperor mask, talent value 461/1500.

Energy value: 48.8 billion/150 billion.

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