I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 820: Form alliances! Successfully killed Tianjiao! Take the name of 1 alliance...

Obviously, Hua Yunfei's words came from the heart.

Although he has a good relationship with the two Tianjiao.

But the relationship is not so good, to the point of living together and dying together.

Moreover, even if he wanted to live and die with these people, it would be impossible to fight Wang Mang together.

Wang Mang's strength is too strong, forcibly improving his strength is only a temporary escape.

The price to pay is to fall into the realm!

But now his cultivation has reached his level.

Falling down a small level means to practice hard for a long time!

This is like the ancestor dragon in the past, after two battles forcibly improving its strength.

This guy is completely useless. For the same reason, if he uses it a few more times, he will not be far from being useless.

But if Wang Mang is completely angered, his fate will not be much better.

Moreover, in a world where the strong are respected, there is no reason to sacrifice for others.

Not only him, but any strong man who can reach this level, who would sacrifice for others?

Because of this, unless he was stupid, he would choose to confront Wang Mang head-on.

If he forcibly improves his strength and fights.

It can give these guys time to escape.

What about a friend in need?

What about the life and death of those who speak?

This **** change of mind is too fast!

There are such people, but they are definitely rarer than fools!

Similarly, Hua Yunfei's words also made all the geniuses present stunned.

They looked at Hua Yunfei incredulously, their eyes full of astonishment.

Therefore, Wang Mang nodded slightly to Hua Yunfei, indicating that he could do it.

After seeing Wang Mang nodding his head, Hua Yunfei jumped up instantly and rushed to the nearest Tianjiao.

Then, before the celestial arrogance had time to dodge, he slammed his palm on the opponent's head.

All of a sudden, the faces of these five Tianjiao were indescribably ugly.

Similarly, Wang Mang also nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that this guy is still very knowledgeable.

But don't wait for this celestial pride to reunite in the flesh again.

Wang Mang roared towards him, his upper body turned into the body of a giant python, and he opened his **** mouth.

He then swallowed the pride of heaven, who had not had time to reunite his head, into his **** mouth.


Accompanied by a loud noise!

The pride of the eighth heaven of the **** emperor was blasted until his body exploded on the spot, blood splattering everywhere.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 10 points of talent! 】

After seeing this scene, Hua Yunfei did not hesitate.

He rushed towards the Heavenly Chosen Ones who were frightened and angry again.

At the same time, the system voice also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured the fourth heaven of the **** emperor, the legendary Tianjiao! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 400 million energy points! 】

Then, under the gaze of this proud arrogant, Wang Mangyang slapped him on the head with his palm.

"No!" Seeing this scene, the Tianjiao just exclaimed, and raised his hands to resist.

It's a pity that his movements are still too slow!

Similarly, after devouring Tianjiao.

Wang Mang also shot directly.

With a movement of his body, in the blink of an eye, he chased Lai Zun Tianjiao who had just escaped.

The guy's body exploded instantly.

Even the primordial spirit was revealed.

It's a pity that Tianjiao's primordial spirit had just manifested, and was sucked into his mouth by Wang Mang, along with flesh and blood, and primordial spirit.

Because, his own power of law cannot compete with Wang Mang.

The speed of natural reaction can't compare with Wang Mang in all aspects.

Therefore, accompanied by Wang Mang's palm.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 10 talent points! 】

After hearing the sound of the system beeping again.

Wang Mang secretly nodded with satisfaction.

The sound of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured a **** emperor quadruple heaven, legendary Tianjiao! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 400 million energy points! 】

After Wang Mang looked sideways, he saw a Tianjiao who was crazily hunted down by Hua Yunfei. After roaring, he forcibly increased his strength instantly.

Afterwards, the combat power of this proud arrogant skyrocketed to the God Emperor Jiuchongtian in an instant, chasing after Hua Yunfei with red eyes.

All of a sudden, Hua Yunfei was beaten into a panic.

Not bad, 20 talent points have already been credited.

Just at this moment, a roar sounded:

"Hua Yunfei, you are too deceitful! I will fight with you!"

At the same time, after pulling away in an instant, he looked at Wang Mang with vigilance, his eyes full of fear.

If he hadn't reacted quickly before, he probably died on the spot.

Similarly, he had no intention of confronting Wang Mang head-on.

As for the other Tianjiao, he was not far away with an anxious expression on his face.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly grinned, moved his body again, and rushed forward.

However, this Tianjiao obviously reacted very quickly. The moment Wang Mang rushed over, he immediately pulled back and retreated.

Wang Mang also once again devoured the legendary Tianjiao of the God Emperor Four Heavens.

So far, only the last two Tianjiao are left in the entire battlefield.

One of the Tianjiao is fighting fiercely with Hua Yunfei.

He still vividly remembers the scene of Wang Mang killing a Tianjiao in an instant before.

If it wasn't for Wang Mang's murderous intent, he would have wanted to beg for mercy a long time ago.

It's a pity that this Tianjiao didn't hide for long, and was shot to death by Wang Mang with hatred.

So, when Wang Mang glanced at him.

This Tianjiao was so frightened that the souls of the dead trembled, and hurriedly begged for mercy in panic:

"Fellow Daoist, please spare my life! I beg you, Fellow Daoist!"

The other one was already trembling with fright.

Because, in the blink of an eye, all five of them died, leaving him and the other one.

The other one obviously has the means to improve his strength, but he doesn't!

Who is the pride of heaven who forcibly improves his strength and fights with Hua Yunfei.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately took the opportunity to escape.

That is.

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't care, and after a grim smile, he started chasing and killing this proud man.

In the end, it was still less than a cup of tea, and Wang Mang successfully hunted down this proud man.

But when Wang Mang hunted and killed this Tianjiao, he was helpless.

If you force it to stay, it will be thankless!

Moreover, if this kind of arrogance is pushed into a hurry.

It is not impossible to keep fighting with him.

Wang Mang only killed four Tianjiao.

This is also impossible.

Some Legendary Tianjiao have cards to forcibly improve their strength.

Of course, all of this is based on the other party's knowledge.

As for taking the initiative to let go of these guys who can forcibly improve their strength?

This is obviously impossible. How many good people can become Tianjiao?

Therefore, Wang Mang did not persecute him too much.

Just like the last time Zulong forcibly improved his strength.

The people from the Peak League didn't force them too hard.

As long as the strength can be improved, even the strongest of the same level are the pride of the same species.

In the eyes of these powerhouses, it is just the essence of improving strength!

"Fellow Daoist~www.readwn.com~ Can we leave now?"

If it weren't for being unable to eat the other party in one bite, I wish I could swallow the other party directly.

As for the distinction of race and the like, there is no difference for the strong.

Because, the fifth-order powerhouse itself already exists like a god's mansion.

"Do fellow daoists really want to form an alliance?"

"What should we call our alliance?"

Hearing this, Hua Yunfei looked at Wang Mang in astonishment, and asked:

Hearing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then said angrily:

"This seat said, did you forget about letting you join the alliance?"

Hearing this, Wang Mang thought for a while, then slowly said:

"This alliance is called..."

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