I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 827: The arrogances are all chasing the king's order, and Wang Mang is killing and cha

If you can really eat half of Tianjiao.

Wang Mang is even confident that he can go directly to the fourth level!

Think here.

Not to mention how excited Wang Mang was.

He must seize the opportunity to kill more!

This opportunity is so rare!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is once in a lifetime!

But Wang Mang's behavior caught the attention of the surrounding Tianjiao.

After all, Wang Mang ate more than 20 Tianjiao in one bite just now!

Even though there were more than 2,000 Tianjiao present, Wang Mang's blatant devouring of so many Tianjiao naturally attracted the attention of many Tianjiao.

Especially the Tianjiao around Wang Mang, as if avoiding the plague, scattered in all directions, looking at Wang Mang with disgust and anger in their eyes.

But Wang Mang is good!

While chasing with the big troops.

While devouring a large army of Tianjiao.

In their opinion, Wang Mang is really shameless!

Wouldn't it be good for everyone to win the title of king together first?

Before making a move, you must first determine the ownership of the King's Token!

"Not bad! This guy has done black hands twice in a row!"

"Shameless! Get behind the Tianjiao group and play tricks on us!"

"I vomited! He doesn't do anything related to human affairs!"

This kind of behavior caused many Tianjiao to be shocked and angry.

At the same time, many Tianjiao cursed at Wang Mangpo:

"Lao Tzu, I have never seen such a brazen person."

Wang Mang was once again in the Tianjiao group.

Afterwards, Wang Mang started to play tricks every now and then!

For the third time, Wang Mang devoured 30 Tianjiao in one bite!

Facing the insults from this group of Tianjiao, Wang Mang didn't care.

He changed into a human form and continued to mingle among the Tianjiao group.

Moreover, they interspersed back and forth among the Tianjiao group, not for a while.

They all know.

Among their arrogance.

There is a shameless guy.

This also once again caused a great commotion among the Tianjiao group.

More and more Tianjiao began to pay attention to Wang Mang.

Have no idea!

Nearly 60 or 70 Tianjiao have suffered disasters before and after!

Even if they were careless, they became vigilant.

Similarly, they also remembered Wang Mang's appearance.

While everyone is chasing the kingship order.

This guy hangs out in the crowd, often playing tricks on them!

The key is not once or twice, but three times!

Because these Tianjiao are indeed an irresistible temptation for them.

But it's far worse than calling the king's order!

And these Tianjiao are not fools.

Because, it is this despicable guy who often sneaks up on them!

Even if it is the leader of nearly a hundred, the arrogance of the **** emperor Jiuchongtian peak combat power.

They were also aware of the situation at a glance, but they had no time to talk to Wang Mang.

Naturally, they will also hunt and kill this group of Tianjiao.

It is worth mentioning that.

After Wang Mang succeeded several times.

It's impossible to stand and let Wang Mang kill him, right?

Besides, how much can Wang Mang kill?

After they all get the title of king.

In this regard, Wang Mang simply gave up his disguise and began to hunt Tianjiao recklessly.

It doesn't matter if you get the title of king or not, but these Tianjiao must have a good time!

Now Wang Mang dare not say anything else.

This group of Tianjiao has completely remembered him.

Every time he wanted to mix with Tianjiao, Tianjiao around him would disperse after recognizing him.

These arrogances all maintained a high degree of vigilance and a sufficient distance from Wang Mang.

But definitely not much less!

Among these arrogances, Wang Mang's strength is already top-notch.

Therefore, hunting and killing the Tianjiao who have the mid-term combat power of the **** emperor is simply killing randomly!

He hunted down sixty or seventy Tianjiao.

The talent value obtained is no longer a minority.

Even if it's less than two hundred talent points.

"This kid is really hateful!"

"Too much deceit! Let's join forces to kill him!"

When Wang Mang rushed into the Tianjiao group, all the Tianjiao were angered by Wang Mang.

So far.

Wang Mang no longer hid himself and turned into a giant python, opened his **** mouth, and rushed into the Tianjiao group again.

"Fuck! Everyone be careful!"

Instead, Wang Mang passed through the overwhelming magical powers.

When he came up, he devoured more than twenty Tianjiao in an instant!

This also made many Tianjiao feel a chill, and they panicked and rioted.

They displayed their supernatural powers one after another, and attacked Wang Mang overwhelmingly.

But what makes many Tianjiao people panic even more is that Wang Mang's strength is too strong.

Their supernatural powers didn't hurt Wang Mang at all.

If they ask themselves, they are absolutely invincible.

Even if they obtained the Order of Proclaiming King, they couldn't keep it!

After thinking about it this way, many Tianjiao became rational one after another.

Even, many Tianjiao began to rationalize and wavered the idea of ​​chasing the king's order.

Because, the powerful Tianjiao like Wang Mang present has accumulated nearly a hundred respects!

Can they really compete for these arrogance?

Or in other words, Tianjiao with a hint of luck!

After all, besides giving it a go.

They really didn't have the confidence to reach the fourth level.

Not only that, these Tianjiao even turned around and left the main force.

Of course, a rational Tianjiao will naturally have a Tianjiao who chooses to give it a go.

Moreover, there are not a few Tianjiao here, for example, Tianjiao with hole cards.

If such a token is obtained by the Mythical Talent.

These mythical talents can actively hunt Tianjiao.

Accumulate a large amount of talent points to hit the supreme-level Tianjiao!

But with this king token.

They can stay active in the first level.

Even hunting Tianjiao accumulated capital outside the first city.

For the sixth time to attack the Tianjiao group, he successfully devoured 32 Tianjiao!

For the seventh time, he attacked the Tianjiao group, and he successfully devoured 11 Tianjiao!

Just like that, an extremely strange scene can be found on the entire huge battlefield.

Because of this, there are still many Tianjiao who are unwilling to give up!

This also made Wang Mang kill recklessly!

For the fifth time, he attacked the Tianjiao group, and he successfully devoured 23 Tianjiao!

After succeeding again, Wang Mang began to circle around the Tianjiao group and wander in the air again.

At the same time, Wang Mang also roughly calculated.

He has attacked the Tianjiao group ten times.

The Tianjiao group are chasing the King's Order, and they are also avoiding the engulfment of a giant black python!

But no matter how the Tianjiao group evades, every time the giant python strikes, there will always be something to gain!

When Wang Mang attacked the Tianjiao group for the tenth time, he swallowed more than ten Tianjiao again.

As for how much talent value has been obtained.

Wang Mang didn't pay attention to calculation at all.

But it definitely exceeded the 300 talent value!

But Wang Mang is very sure ~www.readwn.com~ the number of Tianjiao he devoured.

Absolutely no less than 180 Tianjiao!

Obviously, he was looking for another chance to make another shot.

Just then.

Wang Mang saw the scene, which made him dumbfounded.

Therefore, Wang Mang is in a good mood.

At this moment, he is swinging his huge body.

And, swimming and circling around the Tianjiao group.

All I saw was the King's Token that countless arrogances were frantically chasing after.

Suddenly, the King Order instantly changed the direction of flight.

Then, at a terrifying speed, it quickly flew towards him!

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