I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 829: Arrange space enchantment! Wang Mang blocked 0 Tianjiao! god…

"Boy obediently hand over the title of king! Don't force me to do it."

"That's not right? If this kid is still holding the Token of Proclaiming King, how can those **** emperors, the Nine Heavens, who are proud of their fighting strength, let him go so easily?"

At this time, Tianjiao, who sensed something was wrong, suddenly frowned and said.

Hearing this, the rest of the excited Tianjiao were stunned for a moment, and then their faces turned ugly.

None of them are fools, but if they think about it carefully, they can find the problem.

Apparently, it is very likely that Wang Mang handed over this king token.

Otherwise, why should this guy get rid of nearly a hundred **** emperors and nine heavenly powerhouses?

Thinking of this, the faces of all the arrogances present all turned ugly.

"I thought how hard your bones are, so you handed over the order to be king after being so cowardly?"

"It's really useless, I'm so happy for nothing, it's too useless!"

Many Tianjiao were even more angry and cursed at Wang Mang on the spot.

Especially seeing the smile on Wang Mang's mouth, these Tianjiao can be described as mocking and humiliating.

"Hehe, it's not easy to mess with? I think it's just a show! It's so vulnerable!"

All of a sudden, the Tianjiao present taunted Wang Mang unscrupulously.

"Trash! If I get the kingship order, I will never hand it over."

"Be careful, everyone, this guy is not easy to mess with, don't be deceived by his appearance."

at the same time.

I heard the ridicule of the crowd present.

However, there are also a small number of Tianjiao who are still very unwilling.

They followed the direction of the God Emperor Jiuchongtian Fighting Strength Tianjiao and left.

The reason why he was so patient before was to accumulate the power of the law and arrange the enchantment!

Therefore, under the power of his deliberate accumulation of vast laws, the arrangement was successful in an instant.

Wang Mang was always smiling.

The next moment, Wang Mang made a formula with both hands, and instantly condensed into a space enchantment,

After calming down, the group of arrogances laughed out of breath.

They felt that Wang Mang really overestimated his abilities!

Even, this group of Tianjiao only reacted after the formation of the enchantment was successfully completed.

Seeing that Wang Mang was alone, setting up a barrier, Tianjiao panicked at first.

But Wang Mang still wants to set up an enchantment to kill them now?

It's ridiculous!

There are a total of 1,500 Tianjiao present!

There are as many as half of the Tianjiao in the later stage of the **** emperor.

"Haha! It's ridiculous, we have nearly 1,500 Tianjiao here!"

"Even if we stand and let you kill, can you kill it?"

All of a sudden, many arrogances laughed unscrupulously:

"This kid still wants to set up an enchantment and hunt us down?"

But the movements of his hands kept going, and the endless power of law poured out from his body to bless the space barrier.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the enchantment arranged by Wang Mang became more and more solid.

"With our joint efforts, we can easily suppress and kill you!"

It's a pity that despite their ridicule, Wang Mang just smiled and remained silent.

After feeling that the layout of the space enchantment was almost the same, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction and said:

"Very good! You ants are all very confident!"

I saw that the space enchantment visible to the naked eye was already as thick as a city wall.

This is almost equivalent to the joint arrangement of several **** emperors, Jiuzhongtian and Tianjiao.

As soon as the words were finished, under the astonished gazes of all the Tianjiao.

Wang Mang turned into the body of a giant python again!

"I really think that I can't help you? I can't kill you?"

"Let you know today that a slight difference is the difference between cloud and mud!"

Seeing this scene, all the arrogances shouted angrily:

"Everyone, be careful, this giant python is quite capable! Don't be defeated by him one by one!"

At the same time, Wang Mang also displayed supernatural powers, the ancient demon overlord body!

After that, he unscrupulously swept towards this group of Tianjiao.

As soon as the words fell, all the arrogances in the room clasped their hands together to show their supernatural powers, and they all blasted at Wang Mang.

boom! boom! boom!

"That's right! This guy was the one who killed many Tianjiao!"

"Hehe, so what? Even if it is the God Emperor Jiuchongtian's fighting power, he is nothing more than an ant under our cooperation!"

This terrifying supernatural power, even Wang Mang's scalp tingled when he saw it.

But Wang Mang didn't think that these guys could hurt him!

Accompanied by a series of shocking loud noises.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, overwhelming supernatural powers swept over.


Magical powers are like rain!

Therefore, Wang Mang still chose, facing thousands of Tianjiao!


And, under the bombardment of this massive magical power.

Wang Mang found that he couldn't move an inch!

The power of the gods is unrivaled!

Even Wang Mang was still submerged in supernatural powers.

Under the accumulation of massive supernatural powers.

Although Wang Mang was not injured, his body was blown away by Yu Wei.

Every magical power bombarded him.

All stopped him from moving forward.

Suddenly, Wang Mang, who turned into a giant python, was in a state of embarrassment.

It is worth mentioning that.


Afterwards, Wang Mang's body fell on the barrier uncontrollably.

His whole body seemed to burst open!

This kind of physical pain is completely inescapable.

But these supernatural powers still did not hurt Wang Mang.

But it made him feel severe pain!

Or maybe you didn't feel any pain at all.

But now Wang Mang felt the pain.

After all, he is immune to attacks of the same level of combat power.

But physical pain is not immune!

This also made Wang Mang couldn't help but open his **** mouth and let out an angry roar.

Afterwards, Wang Mang charged forward again.

This proves that even the top physical supernatural powers.

Pain also occurs once the load is reached.

On the contrary, he twisted his body easily, avoiding the magic power.

Afterwards, he opened his **** mouth and rushed into the Tianjiao group.

Moreover, this time he did not choose the head iron.

There is no supernatural power to hardwire all Tianjiao at all.

With Wang Mang's mouthful, he couldn't swallow more than 50 Tianjiao!

Seeing this scene, many Tianjiao's scalps became numb.

The next moment, one after another miserable voices sounded.

It turned out that there were too many Tianjiao buried in blood.

He opened his **** mouth wide open, and kept devouring the whale and Tianjiao.

Every time he opened his **** mouth, he could always swallow dozens of heavenly prides!

This is simply a one-sided massacre!

However, this is not over yet, Wang Mang is like a wolf into a herd of sheep.

Because Wang Mang only took a while.

He devoured hundreds of heavenly prides!

At the same time, the sound of the system was like raindrops.

After it sounded in Wang Mang's mind, it never stopped.

How many arrogances are there among the arrogances present.

Will he die in his **** mouth in the end?

Even, all Tianjiao can't imagine.

If you continue to let Wang Mang kill and swallow it.

They were all terrified and terrified.

They fled in all directions, not daring to gather in groups.

All of a sudden.

All the arrogances in the barrier.

Then they will open their **** mouth to kill them!

At the same time ~www.readwn.com~ because if they dare to gather together.

This **** and ferocious black giant python.

Cool! This is what the **** is called massacre!

This is the happiest moment for him to hunt!

Madly killing Bodhisattva Wang Mang who slaughtered the Tianjiao group.

He was so excited about killing that he went completely mad.

There are a large number of Tianjiao in this enchantment.

Once he can devour more than half of the words!

He will be able to ascend to the top of the Mythical Heaven!

Once he can devour them all!

He will definitely be able to compete for the Supreme in the future!

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