I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 837: Go to the 3rd city of the 1st level! Just came into town and finished a…

"Brother, you are cruel enough to take this dog's life for your own father's life? Don't you regret it?"

"I'm sorry! As long as this **** dies, it's okay to exchange my parents' lives!"

"You guys are really talented! You are ruthless characters at this level of practice! I am ashamed of myself!"

"Aren't you funny? If family affection can stop us, how could we have reached this point in cultivation?"

"That's right! It doesn't matter if the whole family dies, as long as we don't die, we can create a more prosperous family power at any time!"

"It should be said that even if they are dead, it is easy for us to resurrect them. Why should we take the family relationship too seriously?"

After hearing the cursing voices of the Tianjiao.

But these arrogances did not dare to make a mistake in front of Wang Mang, after all, they had already suffered a heavy loss.

It can be said that only these God Emperor Jiuchongtian Fighting Strength Tianjiao didn't take Wang Mang too seriously.

Wang Mang didn't care, he stood with his hands behind his back and walked towards the second city.

Seeing this scene, although many Tianjiao hated Wang Mang, they wished to tear him apart.

Hua Yunfei, who was the leader, even smiled and said, "How did the leader gain this time?"

Others don't know what Wang Mang has gained, but doesn't he know?

Because Wang Mang and their realm are still at the same level, they really don't love Wang Mang at all.

At this time, it was Tianjiao from the Hunting Alliance who rushed up enthusiastically.

You can definitely reach the level of the mythical arrogance!

Even if you can't reach the mythical arrogance.

The Tianjiao present and the hunting alliance basically knew that Wang Mang had gained a lot.

After all, Wang Mang hunted and killed seven or eight hundred heavenly prides at that time!

In their view, once Wang Mang breaks through the myth of Tianjiao.

It must be able to reach the extreme combat power!

But it is definitely only one step away.

Because of this, they naturally wanted to move closer to Wang Mang.

The level of the mythical Tianjiao is enough, but the extreme combat power is still far away from Wang Mang.

However, Wang Mang would not say such things.

That's why they are so enthusiastic.

But what they don't know is that Wang Mang is still in the stage of turning from fiction to reality.

"Also, this seat is going to the third city, how about you?"

It's not that Wang Mang is being polite, but Hua Yunfei, who has also broken through the peak combat power of the God Emperor Jiuchongtian.

After seeing Hua Yunfei courteous and enthusiastic.

Wang Mang pretended to be indifferent and nodded with a smile: "The harvest is not bad!"

At least Hua Yunfei has a solid background.

He is still in the stage of turning from virtual to real.

Now Hua Yunfei has the qualifications to be on an equal footing with him.

In addition, if you really want to be serious, his background is not as good as Hua Yunfei.

He was somewhat surprised.

But after thinking about it, he knew.

Hearing this, Hua Yunfei was taken aback for a moment.

For Wang Mang to go to the second city and the third city so quickly.

Unless you continue to wait, you can have a weaker Tianjiao.

After all, although there are more than a hundred **** emperors and seven heavenly fighters present at the scene.

That's why Wang Mang wanted to leave.

The Tianjiao here has almost been hunted down.

Instead, it will give other Tianjiao people a greater chance to hunt and kill them.

After trying to understand this problem.

But the strength of these Tianjiao, there is no doubt, has a tyrannical background.

If you are in a hurry, you will only force them to forcibly improve their strength and fight, but they still cannot win.

Because, his original thought was, after accumulating enough.

He will be able to kill all the way to the fourth level!

Hua Yunfei fell into silence.

In fact, he didn't really want to rush to the third city so early.

Thinking of this, Hua Yunfei looked at the other alliance members.

Seeing this, Zhang Jie and Lu Han looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled wryly:

Therefore, going to the third city now conflicts with his plan.

But if Wang Mang can break through the extreme next, he will also have a great advantage in the third city.

"Even if you go to the third city to compete, there is no advantage!"

"It's better to stay and continue to accumulate foundation."

"Leader, we will not follow."

"Our current combat strength is still that of the God Emperor Eighth Heaven."

On the contrary, it is Hua Yunfei who has now broken through the battle power of the God Emperor Jiuchongtian.

If you can walk with him, you can help him a little bit.

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't force it either.

Moreover, these three guys are not very useful to Wang Mang.

Because, the Nightmare Alliance doesn't bother him.

He will also find trouble with the Nightmare Alliance.

Don't forget, he has a grudge against Luo Tiancheng of the Nightmare Alliance.

Going to the third city this time, there will inevitably be conflicts.

And, successfully passed the first level of the road to conquer the heavens and worlds.

It can be said that Wang Mang's three missions are all in the third city, so naturally he won't stay here any longer.

After all, his mission was to suppress the Nightmare Alliance.

In addition, there are 300 Tianjiao hunting in the third city!

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded in satisfaction, stretched out his hand and patted Hua Yunfei's shoulder, and the two started on the road together.

Seeing this, the Tianjiao around have different expressions, some are disdainful, some are relieved, and some are full of ridicule.

Moreover, there is no Tianjiao to hunt and kill here, he can wait for his strength to become stronger before killing him.

After hesitating for a long time, Hua Yunfei gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I will go to the third city with fellow Taoist Wang Mang, and see the demeanor of the Tianjiao in the third city."

He came back and killed all these ants.

Soon, Wang Mang and Hua Yunfei were on the road together.

Regarding this, Wang Mang secretly sneered in his heart.

After he reaches the extreme combat strength.

There are many more natives here than in the first city.

In addition, there is a clear difference between the aborigines here and the Tianjiao who conquered the heavens.

After entering the second city.

Wang Mang discovered that the second city was much more prosperous than the first.

After passing through the somewhat bustling Second City.

After some observation.

For example, the natives obviously have a way to leave the city, and they don't have to go through the city gate exit and the city gate entrance.

All in all, it is much more lively than the first city.

This also made Hua Yunfei heave a sigh of relief and completely relax.

He was worried that in the city behind, the strength of Tianjiao would be greatly improved, thus losing the advantage of realm.

He found that it was not much different from the second city and the first city.

The level of Tianjiao powerhouse has not changed.

Wang Mang and Hua Yunfei were surprised to find that there are very few geniuses gathered here!

There are only more than three hundred statues.

But now it seems that there is no need to worry about this problem at all, and I am afraid that the third city will not be too strong.

But when Wang Mang and Hua Yunfei left the second city and came to the gate of the third city.

Could it be because of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Lei Dong and Gu Di not long ago?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang and Hua Yunfei looked at each other, then walked in towards the third city gate again.

The strength is the late stage of the **** emperor.

This also made Wang Mang frowned.

In Wang Mang's mind, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

After seeing Wang Mang and Hua Yunfei, more than 300 Tianjiao at the gate of the city did not take the initiative to provoke them.

But just as Wang Mang and Hua Yunfei entered the third city.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the Immortal King Blind Box X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained fairy king level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully get a free chance Chance X1! 】

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