I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 839: Hua Yunfei, who was brutally humiliated, my brother is enough to be on the emperor lis

"Amazing! The Invincible Supreme on the Supreme List is too scary!"

"Each statue is so heaven-defying that it is unimaginable, and it is simply not human."

At this moment, Hua Yunfei couldn't help being shocked, and said in a trembling tone.

Naturally, he also looked at the supreme ranking list, the invincible supreme beings on the list are all too powerful.

The glorious past and terrifying achievements are as dazzling as stars.

In contrast, the Invincible Supremes of each era are completely different from the Invincible Supremes on the list.

Hearing this, Wang Mang said speechlessly: "It must be amazing, didn't you hear what they said? There are 188 classes, and each class has 100 eras."

"There are as many as 180,000 Invincible Supremes that have been born accumulatively, and only a hundred of them may be on the list of Supreme Beings."

The main reason is that the fierce man on the supreme list is simply too strong against the sky.

If you watch too much, it's easy to get on top, but once you get on top, it's easy to belch.

This is like seeing a big shot playing a game, manipulating the gods and gods.

"It's almost the same. One hundred invincible supreme beings can't give birth to one. The invincible supreme being on the supreme list!"

Speaking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling filled with emotion.

Afterwards, Wang Mang looked at the silver stele beside him.

He is no match for these fierce men.

But anyone who is on the supreme list.

People are really fierce.

As a result, my blood was boiling with excitement, it was too high.

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the record was 0-5 at the last look.

Therefore, Wang Mang is still very self-aware.

Moreover, seeing too much of these things will really affect people.

For example, Wang Mang found out that at this moment, Hua Yunfei clenched his fists, his eyes were determined and high-spirited, and he murmured to himself:

"In the future, there may not be a place for me on this list!"

No one in a million can't describe these guys.

It can be said that each of them is a fierce man who suppressed an era.

Moreover, it is still so fierce that there is no one before or after!

You guys are simply more floating than me!

Lao Tzu can now reach the level of the Mythical Talent.

You are still a legend!

After hearing what this guy said.

Wang Mang felt hehe in his heart.


All the arrogant people present heard it one after another.

All of a sudden, all the arrogances focused their attention on Hua Yunfei.

Unsurprisingly, these eyes were full of jokes and sarcasm.

I'm not as drifting as you are!


Wang Mang was not the only one who heard these words.

"Cowhide! You want to be on the Supreme Ranking, why are you so cowhide!"

"As long as you drink less alcohol, you won't be able to say ridiculous nonsense."

"It's okay, you always have a dream? Go back to sleep and have a dream!"

Many Tianjiao couldn't help but sneered on the spot, mockingly said:

"Being a person requires self-knowledge, but you still want to be on the Supreme List?"

"Paralyzed, anyone with a clear mind can't say that!"

He hurriedly distanced himself, saying that he didn't know this guy.

After hearing the unscrupulous ridicule of the Tianjiao.

Hua Yunfei also came back to his senses, his face flushed red from being ridiculed.

"Brother, as long as you have two cephalosporins, you won't be so drunk!"

"Is there a big brother? Please hurry up and wake up this child!"

Hearing the ridicule of the crowd of geniuses, Wang Mang suddenly felt ashamed.

"You ants, how can you know the lofty ambitions of this seat?"

After hearing Hua Yunfei, Wang Mang was speechless.

I never thought that this guy has such a thick skin.

But he was speechless, even more embarrassed and ashamed.

After taking a deep breath, Hua Yunfei cheekily said coldly:

"How do you know that you can't be on the supreme list?"

"Let's wait until when you reach the legendary Tianjiao!"

"Still on the supreme list? How the **** can you be on the **** list, I will kneel down for you on the spot!"

"Haha! He's the only one who still wants to be on the emperor list? It's basically impossible, okay!"

Hearing this, the proud ones present.

They all laughed unscrupulously:

"This family has lost its mind and gone crazy! It's still on the top list?"

After hearing the words of all the arrogant people.

Hua Yunfei trembled with anger.

On the contrary, Wang Mang couldn't help but look at the emperor's list mentioned by the Tianjiao.

"That's right. Although there are Tianjiao with the combat power of the Nine Heavens of the God Emperor in the list of emperors, but with the same level of combat power, priority will be given to those with the highest level of Tianjiao."

"Boy, wait until you are on the emperor list, come to daydream again!"

"Haha! Don't talk about the top 100, as long as you can enter the top 10,000 on the emperor list, you will be fine."

However, listening to what a group of Tianjiao said, this so-called emperor list should be able to accommodate thousands of Tianjiao?

If being among the top 10,000 is considered to be on the God List, Wang Mang still has some confidence!

At this time, Hua Yunfei was full of anger in the face of the ridicule of the crowd, gritted his teeth and said:

This so-called Emperor List is the silver stele next to the golden stele!

There are also a hundred names recorded on it.

But Wang Mang didn't think that he would be able to rank among the top 100 among the arrogance of the heavens and the world.

"If you are qualified enough to enter the emperor's list and enter the top 10,000, your ranking will appear on the stone pillar, and you will be given an emperor's list mark."

"If you are not qualified to be on the emperor's list, this stone pillar will have no response!"

After finishing speaking, the rest of the Tianjiao also looked at Hua Yunfei mockingly, and said mockingly:

"The emperor's list is this silver stone tablet, right? How to check the access to the emperor's list? I'll show you the list right now!"

Hearing this, one of the Tianjiao immediately laughed and said: "You are the only one who is still on the emperor's list?"

"If you want to know if you are qualified enough, this is very simple. You put your hand on the stone pillar for a while."

"Just like him? Still want to be on the list? Get some sleep!"

Facing the ridicule of the crowd of geniuses, Hua Yunfei was furious, and walked up with a full face of anger.

In front of all the arrogances, Hua Yunfei came to the stone pillar and slowly raised his hand to stick on the stone pillar.

"Go! Let us see if you, the boss who is going to be on the Supreme Ranking, can enter the Emperor Ranking!"

"As long as he still wants to enter the emperor list, it is impossible at all!"

"That's right. The emperor's ranking is based on comprehensive strength and background, etc. It's not something you can get on if you want to."

This immediately made Hua Yunfei extremely embarrassed.

Then, he rolled his eyes and roared angrily:

"Although I can't be on the emperor list for now~www.readwn.com~, but my brother can be on the emperor list!"

But as time went by, Hua Yunfei's face became more and more ugly.

Because, the huge stone pillar in front of him didn't respond at all!

Seeing this scene, all the Tianjiao present laughed unscrupulously and sarcastically.

"He should be qualified to be on the emperor list, right?"

"My brother once killed seven or eight hundred heavenly prides outside the gate of the second city!"

"Now he can ascend to the top of the Mythology at any time, and his combat power can break through the extreme realm at any time!"

While speaking, Hua Yunfei immediately pointed at Wang Mang, and introduced proudly:

"If my brothers are not eligible to enter the emperor's list."

"How about I crash and die here on the spot?"

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