I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 853: Come back to the emperor list! I haven't reached the 12th city yet, and I'm

After hearing the discussion of a group of Tianjiao.

Wang Mang was somewhat surprised.

I didn't expect to get a title!

Kill God?


Very domineering!

This fits his identity very well!

So far.

Wang Mang felt even more proud.

His whole face is full of confidence.

He always stood with his hands behind his back, stepped lightly, and looked indifferent, as if he didn't take these people's comments seriously at all.

Of course.

This is just the surface.


Not to mention how happy Wang Mang was!

Cool! This is what he wants!

This much-anticipated, the prettiest boy in the audience!

It is in line with his current status and identity!

Especially the shocking eyes of these arrogants.

Moreover, there is no need for Hua Yunfei to expel them now.

As he walked towards the emperor list, the nearby Tianjiao voluntarily stepped out of the way.

And the adoration, awe, and fearful eyes of these arrogant people.

It made Wang Mang feel very comfortable, feeling extra sour!

"You said, does Killing God want to be on the list of emperors?"

"I guess it is. It is said that more than a month ago, the **** of death was not on the list of gods."

Soon, Wang Mang came to the stone pillar in front of the emperor list under the gaze of all the arrogance.

This also made the Tianjiao who were present start whispering and guessing:

"Damn it? Are you looking down on the **** of death? I think the **** of death can at least be on the top 6,000 **** list!"

After hearing everyone's discussion, the corners of Wang Mang's mouth rose slightly, and then he put his hand on the stone pillar.

"That's right! At that time, the Killing God let it go. He broke through the myth of Tianjiao, and he will definitely be on the list of emperors!"

"Isn't this easy? Killing God is now in the second level of the extreme realm! At least he can reach eight thousand!"

I saw that there was a small word between Wang Mang's eyebrows at this moment.


The next moment, a strong halo erupted from the entire stone pillar!

Then, this halo rushed into Wang Mang's eyebrows in an instant!

However, soon the stone pillar in front of Wang Mang's eyes changed.

A line of small characters like this appeared:

This may be the so-called imperial mark!

It's a pity that Wang Mang is wearing a supreme mask, so no one can see the golden emperor character.

Hearing this, Wang Mang's heart moved, and he wrote the word "Killing God" with his fingers.

The next moment, the stone pillar changed, and a line of words appeared:

[Rank 8888 on the emperor list! 】

[Please inject the name:? ? ? 】

Afterwards, he tried a few more domineering names, but unfortunately they were all used.

In desperation, he tried a new name: [Slaughter all the dogs on the emperor list! 】.

[This name is already in use! Please reset the name]

Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment.

【congratulations! Slaughter all the dogs on the emperor list! On the emperor list! 】

【congratulations! Has already obtained the broadcast of ascending to the emperor list! 】

The next moment, the stone pillar burst into a halo again:

【congratulations! The nickname is set up successfully! 】

Then, a line of golden characters appeared above Wang Mang's head:

[Slaughter all the dogs on the emperor list! 】

【congratulations! All the members on the emperor list will recognize your existence! 】

【I wish you the best of luck on the road to conquering all worlds, and reach the Invincible Supreme as soon as possible! 】

Wang Mang was stunned.

He just set the name casually.


After seeing this scene.

This was something Wang Mang never expected!

What made Wang Mang a little bit devastated was that.

Taking a domineering name failed!

Take an arrogant one and succeed?

All members of the Emperor List will know of his existence.

Doesn't this mean that everyone on the emperor's list knows about him?

His name is also broadcast by the emperor list!

The so-called emperor list broadcast is.

Twelve Cities, also known as Myth City!

Because it is the last city of the fourth level!

In fact, the same is true, Wang Mang really did not guess wrong at all.

At this moment, in the vast and huge Twelve Cities.

In other words, those who have not reached the extreme state are not qualified to appear here at all.

If you observe carefully, you will find that Tianjiao here is too powerful.

At this moment, there are as many as tens of thousands of Tianjiao gathered in the city of mythology!

Moreover, among the tens of thousands of heavenly prides, the weakest ones are all in the extreme realm!

Can't even fart.

Here, sorry, they can only be considered ordinary!

It can even be said that there are as many Legendary Talents as Dogs, and Mythical Talents Walk Everywhere!

The extreme third heaven is in the city of mythology.

One can imagine how cruel it would be if there was a final battle of invincible supreme.

Because, this is just a group of Tianjiao, once the battle of the heavens and worlds officially begins.

Because, this is the last city for the final battle against the Supreme!

Moreover, this is still the battle of the heavens and worlds, and there is no official start.

Because, among the arrogances of Myth City, the weakest is the legendary arrogance, and all of them have reached the extreme state!

At this moment, the countless terrifying arrogances raised their heads one after another, listening to the broadcast of the emperor's list echoing in the air.

The Tianjiao gathered here will definitely multiply, or even more!

Even the most powerful ones, the Sixth Heavenly Realm, are extremely numerous.

They are all the arrogance of the emperor list, and naturally there are names in golden fonts on the top of their heads, and there are also emperor characters between their eyebrows.

However, the name Wang Mang chose simply scolded the entire emperor list and all the arrogances!

After learning of Wang Mang's name, these terrifying and powerful arrogances became even more rioting.

Even, many of the Tianjiao who had golden letters on their heads became furious with murderous intent on their faces.

All of a sudden, many arrogances even sneered and said:

"This ants really deserve to die, they dare to provoke us like this!"

[Slaughter all the dogs on the emperor list! 】

This is definitely the most arrogant name!

"Who has the order to become king? Go to the third city and kill the ants! I will give him a fake sixth-order supernatural power! Let him know that we are an existence that he can hardly look up to!"

"I don't know how high the heavens are, how many heaven-defying talents in the city have not made it to the emperor list? The ants at the end of the eight thousand cranes dare to be presumptuous!"

"Hehe, this ants didn't come to Myth City. When he comes, we will make his life worse than death!"

"It's ridiculous, even the top ten little sovereigns on the emperor list dare not be so arrogant, this kid really wants to die!"

at the same time.

Naturally, Wang Mang didn't know.

"This seat has an order to proclaim the king. If any fellow Taoist can give this seat a sixth-order supernatural power, this seat can go to the third city in person and kill him!"

The reputation has spread throughout the Twelve Cities.

Similarly, the nearby Tianjiao.

He is too arrogant because of his name.

Others haven't reached Twelve Cities yet.

This... is definitely a ruthless person!


After seeing the name Wang Mang took.

They all gasped!

A person with such an arrogant name!

Today is a complete increase in knowledge!

I dare not take such an arrogant name

Because they haven't seen it yet.

It's a pity that the emperor list does not allow changing names!

Therefore, Wang Mang is also very helpless!

But what they don't know is.

Wang Mang actually wanted to change his name. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Well, he has to be tough to the end, since he pretends to be a comparison, he must pretend to be thorough!

Just then.

In addition, after seeing the admiration and awe in the eyes of the arrogances present.

Wang Mang had no choice but to stand with his hands behind his back, looking calm and indifferent.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the Immortal King Blind Box X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the task of ascending the emperor list and killing 300 Tianjiao! 】

The sound of the system then sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained fairy king level treasure chest X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained random lucky draw chance X1! 】

【Ding! Accumulation has met the evolution conditions, do you want to start evolution? 】

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