I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 857: The boss of the emperor list killed from 12 cities? Ranked top 100...

Good guy!

Sure enough, they came prepared!

Even the pseudo-sixth-order tracer was used.

All of a sudden, following the system's reminder.

Wang Mang suddenly became nervous.

It took half a month for him to break through the realm.

This guy should be coming soon, right?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately stood up.

He had to return to the city as soon as possible, otherwise it would be bad to be suffocated.

You must know that the other party also has an order to claim the title of king, and they can walk through the major cities at will.

With this thought, Wang Mang soared into the sky.

After arriving at the cave, Wang Mang shattered the barrier outside the cave with a wave of his hand.

Afterwards, Wang Mang flew towards the middle of the city at a terrifying speed.

He was worried that before he reached the city, the Tianjiao of Twelve Cities would kill him!

What made Wang Mang heave a sigh of relief.

The emperor list Tianjiao of these twelve cities has not yet arrived.

Therefore, Wang Mang slowed down and walked outside the third city gate.

If this guy is sealing the city with an enchantment, he is really doomed.

Only when he returns to the city can he move forward and retreat freely, even if the other party comes, he can only stare blankly.

After a few sticks of incense.

"Why is this **** of death coming back?"

"Yeah! Paralyzed, almost scared me to death!"

"I was also taken aback. I thought he was gone, but I shot back!"

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that seeing Wang Mang go and come back to the crowd of arrogances, I was almost scared to pee.

All of a sudden, a group of arrogances huddled in the city one after another, looking at Wang Mang outside the city gate, they were even more frightened.

Many Tianjiao were very puzzled and commented:

"Haha! If the God of Killing blocks the enchantment hunting again, those arrogances in the wilderness will probably cry!"

Just when all the arrogances were discussing and guessing.

Wang Mang also frowned, stood with his hands behind his back, and stood outside the city gate quietly staring at the gate of the fourth city.

"You say, what exactly does the Killing God want to do? You don't want to continue hunting us, do you?"

"Probably not! He has reached the fourth level of extreme realm now! With such strength, it is unreasonable to stay here to hunt us."

"Who knows? All in all, be careful! I came back suddenly after half a month away. Fortunately, I'm not in the wilderness."

"What the **** does this big boss want to do when he teleports back? Who knows? Looks like it's been a troubled time recently!"

"I can't afford to offend him, this guy must have come back from the Twelve Cities, right? And there is also an order to claim the title of king. I'm afraid he is the top of the emperor list!"

Wang Mang's heart tightened immediately after hearing the discussion of the Tianjiao.

But the next moment, Wang Mang suddenly felt something was wrong, and there was a sudden exclamation from behind:

"Damn it! It's not good! Be careful everyone! The portal in the third city, there is a big boss of the emperor's list teleported over! The strength is terrifying to the sky!"

"What? A big boss from the emperor's list has teleported over? How can this f*ck be killed? Is there an order to become king?"

At this moment, Wang Mang saw the streets in the city in the distance.

A golden dragon robe figure appeared in sight.

The most conspicuous thing is that above this guy's head, there is a line of small golden characters:

The next moment, Wang Mang immediately stepped into the third city gate.

Afterwards, Wang Mang looked at the streets in the city far ahead.

At the same time, Wang Mang was also listening to the discussions and speculations of these arrogances.

Good guy!

The ancient emperor.

Ranked 188th!

Name: [Ancient Great Emperor].

Ranking: No. 188 on the imperial list.

No wonder this guy dared to kill him!

This dog is really better than a dog!

After taking a deep breath.

It simply dumped him more than a thousand places!

Such a dibang guy actually came to hunt him down!

Isn't this too much to think highly of him?

Wang Mang is very familiar with this oppressive feeling, reaching the sixth level of extreme realm!

In other words, even after he breaks through the realm, there is still a gap of two heavens between him and the opponent!

This also proved that it was the right choice for him not to choose to fight against this guy!

Wang Mang's face was very serious.

And, with this guy coming.

There is a strong sense of oppression in the whole city.

Moreover, there is a hundredfold difference between the fourth heaven of the extreme realm and the sixth heaven of the extreme realm!

If he is outside the city now, I'm afraid there will be more disaster than good luck.

Because, a hundred times the gap.

If you really want to compete with this guy, you will be completely beaten!

Moreover, Wang Mang could feel that this guy's Tianjiao level was the same as his.

But judging from his aura, this guy's background is simply stronger than he knows how many times!

Even, there is a huge sense of threat to Wang Mang!

This also confirmed Wang Mang's guess.

This is definitely not Fanpin, it is very likely that it has reached the pseudo-sixth order level.

It's as easy as he is now, suppressing and killing the Tianjiao of the second level of the extreme realm, it can be said to be wiped out!

Similarly, after Wang Mang's careful observation, he found that this guy was holding a spear in his hand.

The spear **** is crystal clear and white, exuding the power of law, which is extremely extraordinary.

He couldn't help laughing in surprise.

No wonder this guy is so rampant.

This increase in strength is really fast!

at the same time.

The ancient emperor also saw Wang Mang.

When he saw a line of small golden characters above Wang Mang's head.

The ancient emperor played with the spear in his hand expressionlessly and walked over.

The Tianjiao in the surrounding streets gave way in panic, not daring to provoke such a big boss.

Because, just the conspicuous gold font information on the head of the ancient emperor basically scared the Tianjiao present to tremble.

Now it has reached the second level of extreme combat power.

It seems that daring to take such an arrogant name is still a bit of a skill.

Of course, that's all.

At this time, the ancient emperor who walked in front of Wang Mang looked at Wang Mang expressionlessly, put his arms around his body, and said with a light smile:

"Hehe, the name is very arrogant."

"Boy, do you dare to fight with the emperor in the same realm?"

Soon, the ancient emperor walked up to Wang Mang, which also made the Tianjiao around Wang Mang disperse immediately.

Even Hua Yunfei, who has a very good relationship with Wang Mang, has long been hiding in the rest of the Tianjiao group.

Because Hua Yunfei also saw that the situation was not good, and Wang Mang didn't go up to say hello after he appeared.

This emperor list boss who is likely to come back from the Twelve Cities.

It turned out that they came here specifically to trouble Wang Mang.

All of a sudden ~www.readwn.com~ the arrogances gathered all around were discussing:

"I don't bully you, I just fight in the martial arts arena in the city."

After hearing this, all the geniuses present were in an uproar.

Apparently, none of the Tianjiao present had expected this.

"You see, the maniacs will be taken away by others, I'm afraid the killing **** will be in trouble!"

"Hehe! He's the one who kills the gods! He just hides in the third city and bullies us."

"That's right! You're stuck in the third city, you only know how to bully the weak and fear the hard, and you kill gods? Pooh!"

"Keep your voice down, I don't know if it's bad luck for Killing God, but if he survives, it's going to be bad luck for you who speak ill!"

"It's ridiculous. Although the strength of Killing God has skyrocketed, and his ranking in the emperor list has risen to 2888, he is nothing in the eyes of this ancient emperor!"

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