I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 862: I watched the excitement, not only solved the enemy, but also prostituted for nothing.

The reason why Wang Mang said that was full of confidence.

Don't forget.

He cast a fake sixth-order bad luck card on the ancient emperor!

If this guy can still defeat the female supreme with the same level of combat power.

This guy is so against the sky!

Therefore, Wang Mang was not worried at all.

at the same time.

Facing Wang Mang's ridicule, the ancient emperor ignored Wang Mang's ridicule at all, and walked towards the martial arts field in the city with a silver gun in his hand.

Obviously, even in the face of the female supreme, he has no fear at all, and he also wants to experience the strength of the female supreme.

Soon, the female supreme and the ancient emperor came to the fighting arena.

At the same time, the female supreme also put away her coercion.

This also made all the arrogances breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, all the arrogances are also discussing:

"You say, can this ancient emperor be able to fight this female supreme?"

If the female supreme doesn't restrain her coercion.

They can only kneel all the time!

"It's just a female supremacy. After all, it's our men's world. I heard that there are many supremacy in Twelve Cities."

"That's right, even though a female supreme is somewhat different, she can't compare to the male supreme of the Twelve Cities!"

"Even if you can't fight, I'm afraid you won't lose your life. After all, you are also a perfect legend!"

"That's right, this ancient emperor is really mighty, at least he dares to fight the female supreme, I admire him."

But it also expressed support for the ancient emperor.

Wang Mang naturally listened to these words.

Obviously, many Tianjiao still have a good impression of the ancient emperor.

Although I dare not blatantly speak ill of the female supreme.

Why is it so popular?

This group of licking dogs must die!

This also made Wang Mang very unhappy.

The ancient emperor has just arrived.

At this moment, the female supreme and the ancient emperor entered the fighting arena one after another.

What shocked Wang Mang even more was that the ancient emperor dared to fight to the death with this female supreme at the same level of combat power!

After cursing a few words in my heart.

Wang Mang turned his gaze to the fighting arena.

Afterwards, Wang Mang saw the ancient emperor, furious, swung his dragon robe, and took the lead in killing the female supreme with a silver gun in his hand.

Then, Wang Mang couldn't see the battle between the two at all.

The so-called life-and-death battle means that once the battle is defeated, life or death depends entirely on the victor's thoughts!

Just as it was shaking, a terrifying white barrier rose from the arena, blocking the entire arena.

Even Wang Mang couldn't see the fighting speed of the two of them clearly.

As for the rest of the Tianjiao who were watching, they were even more confused, with blank expressions on their faces, as if they were lonely.

It can be seen that the speed of the two of them has reached the extreme.

White light and golden light criss-cross, chasing each other.

If we say that the previous martial arts were evenly matched.

But right now, the two sides' supernatural powers are competing, and the ancient emperor can be said to be helpless.

Soon, Wang Mang saw it, and the two separated again.

Afterwards, they began to use their supernatural powers to confront each other, but unfortunately the result was immediately judged.

Afterwards, the ancient emperor roared furiously and raised his spear again to kill the female supreme.

It's a pity that before the ancient emperor could kill him, a white light roared towards him.

After being suppressed by the female supremacy, she retreated in a row, her nose was scattered, and her body was covered in scars.

As a last resort, the ancient emperor began to evade the opponent's magical means.

Similarly, Wang Mang saw that the female supreme had already opened her small mouth with red lips and white teeth, and sucked lightly.

Afterwards, the ancient emperor turned into a cloud of blood mist, which was instantly sucked up completely.

I saw that a long sword pierced through the chest of the ancient emperor, and the people were firmly fixed in the midair of the barrier.

Similarly, the face of the ancient emperor, who was originally fighting, suddenly showed confusion, and his eyes became more and more dim.

Then, Wang Mang saw that the female supreme stretched out her hand and made a move.

The King's Token and the Silver Spear appeared in her hands.

On the fighting arena, only the silver spear and a king's order were left on the ground.

At the same time, the barrier on the fighting arena has automatically collapsed.

"At least this time, he will never have another chance to be the king's choice."

Hearing this, Wang Mang's heart suddenly moved, and then asked in a low voice:

At this moment, the sigh of the ancient true **** sounded in Wang Mang's ears:

"This guy is unlucky. He chose the ancient emperor, but the ancient emperor fell."

"For you, the old man is still very relieved, and you must be small and supreme."

"At the beginning, the old man chose you because of your cautious character."

"That means I'm dead, and you won't be able to choose a master for at least one term?"

Hearing this, the ancient true god, a very calm voice sounded:

"Your cautious old man is gratified, but your invincible belief makes this old man a headache."

"The invincible belief of others is not to fear the world, not to be afraid to fight at the same level."

"When I saw you flattering a female supreme."

"The old man knows that you have no advantages, you just can live!"

"Could it be that my belief in invincibility should be based on the fact that my opponent is stronger than me?"

"Look at this ancient emperor, this guy is beyond his control!"

"Your belief in invincibility is based on the fact that your opponent is weaker than you!"

Hearing the words of the ancient true god, Wang Mang didn't care, and sneered with disdain:

After hearing Wang Mang's words, what else could the ancient true **** say? I am speechless.

at the same time.

"I've already burped before even two sticks of incense, what's the use of being a bully?"

"He even swallowed the primordial spirit and true spirit by this female supreme! Did he die unjustly?"

Is this the Supreme?

Even if it's just a little Supreme.

All the proud people.

It was also a shock to see the ancient great emperor fall so quickly.

The consummation of the mythical pride,

It didn't even last for three sticks of incense.

Still incredibly strong!

A battle of the same level of combat power,

The supreme level Tianjiao is really not comparable to the mythical Tianjiao.

At the same level of combat power, it can absolutely suppress and kill Tianjiao.

This simply subverted their cognition and three views.

At the same time, it also made them feel more deeply.

"This Silver Dragon Spear, I gave it to you."

"Hope you don't become a second silver gun wax head."

At this moment, on the martial arts arena, the female supreme jumped up, sitting on the white horse~www.readwn.com~ smiled at Wang Mang with a relaxed face:

"You are very good, I am very optimistic about you."


I watched the excitement, not only the enemy was solved.

After finishing speaking, the female supreme raised her jade hand, and the silver dragon spear was firmly nailed to Wang Mang's feet.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was stunned immediately.

Then the sound of the system sounds:

Just when Wang Mang was in a daze.

He even bought one for nothing, a pseudo-sixth-rank magic weapon?

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Complete the mission successfully! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 50 billion energy values! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained Immortal King Blind Box X1! 】

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