I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 878: The arrogances who were framed by Wang Mang! Fighting to 1 and a half false 6...

The sound of the system sounds for the sixth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 100 billion tons of gold! 】

? ? ?


White makes me happy.

After listening to the lottery, Wang Mang was speechless.

When he heard 100 billion, he was quite excited.

The results opened a lonely.

What is the use of 100 billion tons of gold for him?

Now he completely regards money as dung!

Just when Wang Mang was complaining in his heart.

The sound of the system sounds for the seventh time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the six-color world teleportation stone X1! 】

After hearing the sound of the system.

Wang Mang was stunned for a moment.

The teleportation stone of the colorful world is compared with the world of Saint Emperor Continent and the world of Journey to the West.

Niubi! Bull pen exploded!

All of a sudden, Wang Mang was no longer excited.

So the six-color world teleportation stone should be the six-tier world?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang, who was thinking about complaining, was stunned.

Just when Wang Mang was excited.

A minute passed.

A more advanced world naturally means more resources and opportunities to become stronger.

Therefore, Wang Mang was of course happy.

【Ding! Accumulation has met the evolution conditions, do you want to start evolution? 】


The system's voice sounds for the eighth time:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the pseudo-sixth-order magic weapon, hit the dragon whip! 】

Wang Mang was stunned.

I never thought that this Immortal Emperor-level blind box not only released 300 billion energy values.

Can! Very good!

After listening to the system's lottery.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help laughing.

The rewards of this lottery can be described as very rich.

Moreover, he was given a fake sixth-order magic weapon!

Can! Very strong!

Wang Mang, who was in a good mood, couldn't help but say in high spirits:

"System! Let's start evolving!"

A full 600 billion energy value has been released!

Plus a fake sixth-tier magic weapon!

【Ding! Successfully deducted 600 billion energy value! It is starting to evolve...]

The next moment, Wang Mang completely lost consciousness during the evolution.

Obviously, Wang Mang can't wait to evolve!

At this time, the system voice also sounded:

in his evolution.

At this moment, in a wild jungle.

at the same time.

What Wang Mang didn't know was.

The strength of the two is even more even.

It can be said that the surrounding wilderness forests have been beaten, and the landslides and grounds are cracked!

Chu Yunfei who bought the White Demon Sword in his hand.

At this moment, he is fighting with a Tianjiao.

Moreover, if Wang Mang is here.

You will find that the guy who is getting excited with Chu Yunfei is the dog-headed half-orc.

The two first confronted each other with supernatural powers, and they were evenly matched.

In the end, the two began to compete in melee weapons.

Suddenly, the power of the law of the White Demon Sword in his hand collapsed and broke into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yunfei was stunned immediately.

But just after the two fought fiercely, the two separated again.

But just when Chu Yunfei was about to strike again.

He spent 3,500 talent stones to buy this!

It broke after just a fight?

What exactly is going on?

Seeing that the white magic sword was broken into pieces, Chu Yunfei collapsed immediately.

This is a fake sixth-order magic weapon!

How could it be so easy to destroy the fake sixth-order magic weapon?

Similarly, Chu Yunfei was not the only one with a confused face.

The dog-headed half-orc also stared wide-eyed, his face full of astonishment.

He didn't become a Tier 6 Divine Weapon either!

Then there's only one problem.

Could it be that his Clear Sky Hammer automatically turned into a sixth-order divine weapon?

After looking at the hammer in his hand, the dog-headed orc was sure that there was nothing wrong with his weapon!

Then, just for a moment, the dog-headed orc burst out laughing.

Obviously, he already knew where the problem was!

It's just that there is something wrong with the White Demon Sword that Chu Yunfei bought!

Thinking of this, the dog-headed orc suddenly recalled the scene of Chu Yunfei buying weapons at that time.

Looking at it now, it is very possible that Chu Yunfei's threat at the beginning angered the seller!

At this moment, Chu Yunfei also saw the problem.

There is no need to guess, it is obvious that there is something wrong with the fake sixth-level magic weapon sold by Wang Mang.

No wonder they wouldn't sell it to him at the same price back then, but insisted on selling it to Chu Yunfei instead.

At this moment, Chu Yunfei couldn't help roaring angrily: "Damn bastard! I will definitely not let you go!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunfei immediately fled towards the depths of the wilderness without saying a word.

Thinking that Wang Mang would actually sell him a fake sixth-rank magic soldier, he couldn't help but get furious.

He has never seen this kind of situation before, and he never thought that a fake sixth-rank magic weapon can be faked!

After seeing Chu Yunfei escape, the dog-headed half-orc couldn't help laughing wildly: "Don't try to run this time!"

After finishing speaking, the dog-headed half-orc followed closely, obviously unwilling to give up this golden opportunity!

If he had a pseudo-sixth-rank soldier in his hand, he would certainly not be afraid of the dog-headed half-orc.

But the problem is that he doesn't even have the pseudo-sixth-level magic weapon, so what can he use to compete with the dog-headed half-orc?

In another wild jungle.

Liu Awei was even more angry.


He was not the only one who was miserably cheated by Wang Mang.

Originally, he planned to find his old enemy to try his supernatural powers.

Therefore, after learning supernatural powers, he seized the opportunity and prepared to attack his old enemy.

At this moment, he is being hunted down by his old enemy.

As for the reason, it was because he learned the fake sixth-order supernatural power that Wang Mang sold to him, which was the pinnacle of combat power.

He was stunned to find that this supernatural power was useless at all.

Oh, it can't be said that it is useless, his opponent is even more tyrannical.

The result was that the fight was originally evenly split.

But when he uses this pinnacle of combat power and wants to improve his combat power and defeat his old enemy.

On the contrary, it is a supernatural power to increase the combat power of the opponent!

Thinking of this, Liu Awei regretted deeply.

Almost pressing him down, this immediately made Liu Awei very angry.

He's not a fool, he doesn't know yet, this is not a supernatural power to superimpose his combat power at all.

In anger, Liu Awei couldn't help roaring:

"Hao Ren, you unscrupulous trader, I curse you to die!"

If I had known it earlier, I would have tried my supernatural powers first!

Otherwise, I wouldn't be hunted down by my old enemies!

Wang Mang also slowly woke up from evolution.

When Wang Mang woke up, he could feel a more terrifying power of law all over his body.

at the same time.

The culprit of all this is Wang Mang.

"Is this the Fifth Heaven of the Extreme Realm?"

"Sure enough, it is more than ten times stronger than the fourth heaven of the extreme realm!"

Even the body is more than ten times stronger, and even the breathing is pure law power.

At this moment, Wang Mang, after looking at himself for a long time, couldn't help feeling extremely emotional:

As soon as the voice fell, personal information appeared in front of him.

Wang Mang: The powerful man of the heavens (the ancestor of all demons).

In a good mood, Wang Mang said silently in his heart: "System! Open your personal information!"

Because ~www.readwn.com~Wang Mang wants to know, how many billions of energy are needed to evolve once?

Body: 830 meters long, 38 meters wide, and weighs 2.1 billion tons.

Supernatural powers: Ancient Demon Hegemony (Consummation), Nine Heavens Thunder Seal (Great Accomplishment), Swallowing Yuan Devouring Art (Consummation).

Species: Nine-day Thunder Python (limit 850 meters).

Realm: God Emperor Bachongtian (mythical pride).

Space: 1 bottle of Forgetfulness Water, X1 Magic Weapon Fusion Card, X1 Pseudo-Sixth Rank Bad Luck Talisman, and X1 Half-orc Opposite-Sex Love Card.

Equipment: supreme mask, silver dragon gun, dragon whip, black sword, talent value 14000/15000 (little supreme).

Energy value: 435 billion (the fifth-order top tracker has been converted into energy value as compensation) / 800 billion.

Imperial ranking: 1888.

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