I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 987: Leaving the heavens and worlds to fight the road! Go directly to the top level of Tier

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the three disciples looked respectful and said:

"Disciple Haimei Shi, thank you Master."

"Disciple Tao De, thank you, Master."

"Disciple is proud of the world, thank you master."

Accompanied by the opening of the three people, this also means that Wang Mang's disciple acceptance meeting has come to a successful conclusion.

After seeing this scene, the onlookers were even more heatedly discussing:

"Look! There is no chance for your hesitation, this Senior Realm King has already recruited a full number of apprentices."

"Forget it, let me give up the invincible supreme, I am still not reconciled, I can't go against my heart."

"Hey, I shouldn't be entangled. After all, this deity is not qualified to compete for the Invincible Supreme. I don't know what happened just now. I was stupid and didn't choose to be a teacher."

"To be honest, if I knew that the senior was going to accept the Little Supreme as an apprentice, I would have prepared in advance to attack the Little Supreme."

"Hehe, you still attack the Little Supreme? Are you sure you can get it by attacking the Little Supreme? Have you accumulated enough background?"

"That's right, the seniors gave you a long time to think about it. It's surprising that no one stood up. It's no wonder that the senior king of the world chose to accept Todd Kuai and Ao Shitian."

"If the threshold for seniors is not so high, I would have to be a teacher for whatever I say! It's a pity that I haven't reached the realm of the Little Supreme."

Hearing this, Haimei Shi nodded and said with emotion: "Let's go, even if you don't come, master, the disciple will actually leave soon."

At this time, Ao Shitian couldn't help but asked in doubt: "Master, I heard that you have already reached the fifth place in the emperor list four years ago, why did you give up competing for the invincible supreme instead?"

After hearing the people's discussion, Wang Mang suddenly looked indifferent and ignored them.

On the contrary, Wang Mang looked at the three apprentices and said with a smile, "Let's go! I will leave the heavens and worlds with my master to fight the road."

Among them, the demon lord Da Zhizun is Wang Mang's friend.

I heard that Wang Shen is the supreme being, and he is related to Wang Mang, so they are brothers.

Hearing this, Master Survival also looked at Wang Mang, and he was also very curious about it.

At that time, Wang Mang's momentum was too strong, and now there are five Great Sovereigns in Fifteen Cities.

Especially the survival master who knows Wang Mang very well.

Accompanied by the inquiry of the two apprentices, the faces of Tianjiao and Little Supremes nearby were also full of curiosity.

But at the most glorious time, Wang Mang disappeared.

They were all very curious about this.

"Moreover, there is no strong need to attack the Invincible Supreme."

"Because the fifth-level invincible supreme does not mean that the sixth-level can also become the invincible supreme."

Hearing this, Wang Mang immediately put his hands behind his back, looking like a master, and said calmly:

"Because at that time, I didn't have the confidence to attack the Invincible Supreme."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, all the arrogances present were astonished, their faces full of astonishment.

But after they thought about it carefully, it was true, the fifth step was just a foreplay.

"Therefore, I have given up the competition for the fifth-level invincible supreme, but I will fight for the sixth-level battle in the world yesterday."

"Although I did not compete for the Invincible Supreme at the fifth level, as long as I reach the Little Supreme, it will not affect my future competition for the sixth-level Invincible Supreme."

Tier 5 has no chance, and Tier 6 has no chance either!

Suddenly, in the eyes of the surrounding Tianjiao, Wang Mang's image immediately became taller.

The sixth level also has the road to conquer the heavens and worlds, and it is also the last road to conquer the worlds.

Just because Tier 5 has no competition, doesn't mean Tier 6 won't be able to compete in the future!

Similarly, Wang Mang's three apprentices also looked in awe.

He really deserved to be their master.

It turned out to be like this, no wonder people gave up their qualifications to continue to fight in the heavens and worlds.

This is obviously to prepare for the future sixth-order impact on the battle road of the heavens and worlds!

Seeing the awe-inspiring eyes of the three apprentices.

Wang Mang suddenly felt a little proud.

This far-sighted strategic vision.

It simply surpassed too many people!

In the end, Wang Mang and others left the Fourteenth City under the watchful eyes of the crowd.

Afterwards, Wang and others traveled all the way from Fourteenth City to Thirteenth City, Twelve City...

Thinking of this, Wang Mang nodded with his hands behind his back: "Let's go!"

After speaking, Wang Mang walked out of the city, followed by the three apprentices.

When I came to the first city.

Wang Mang was surprised to find that there are still countless arrogances pouring into the heavens and worlds to fight.

Only three days.

Wang Mang and others came to the first city.

Compared with his three apprentices, these arrogances are far behind.

After arriving at the entrance portal of the heavens and worlds, Wang Mang immediately nodded to the three apprentices and said:

Similarly, along the way, any strong man who met Wang Mang and others would stay away from him.

Because Wang Mang himself is a world king-level combat powerhouse, and the three apprentices are also minor supreme beings.

After speaking, Wang Mang stepped into the portal, followed by three apprentices.

Accompanied by a whirlwind.

"Let's go! Let's follow as a teacher and traverse the heavens and worlds."

"Wait as a teacher to train you to be a strong world master."

Looking at the mighty, vast, boundless and endless universe, the universe of the heavens and the world.

Wang Mang couldn't help feeling a little emotional, the heavens and worlds are really big!

It took a few sticks of incense.

Wang Mang and his apprentices came to the heavens and worlds.

He can go to the sixth-order top world.

But the question is what about his three cheap apprentices?

As for the goal, Wang Mang has no goal now.

He didn't know where to go either.

Otherwise, once you enter the sixth-order world.

Even with him as a master, he would still be arrested and used as a slave.

It is impossible for them to be accepted by the sixth-order top world.

Unless they can become sixth-order powerhouses.

But the top-tier world of Tier 6 is not comparable to the low-tier world of Tier 6!

The sixth-order top world is already the highest-level world under the seventh-order world.

Of course, it is also possible to be accepted by the sixth-order top world, but not necessarily.

After all, his three apprentices would definitely be accepted in the sixth-order low-grade world.

Moreover, even if Wang Mang, the king of the world, exists, it is nothing in the sixth-level top world.

After all, in the sixth-tier top world, it is estimated that there is no limit to the number of world master-level powerhouses.

A Tier 5 Little Supreme is absolutely not qualified to be so important to them.

Therefore, Wang Mang took them to the sixth-level top world, and they were also very passive.

It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a huge difference. At the same time, Wang Mang is also very curious, what is the standard of the sixth-order top world?

Just when Wang Mang was deep in thought, the big apprentice Haimei Shi looked at Wang Mang with puzzled eyes, and said cautiously, "Master? Where are we going now?"

I'm afraid that only the king-level powerhouses start to have identity tokens that limit the need.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly discovered that the sixth-order top world is far from the ordinary sixth-order world.

【Ding! Detected that the host is currently present, give the host the following task options! 】

[Mission 1: Take the apprentices to the sixth-level top world and join a force. 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang didn't know how to answer, so he had to say: "Let's take a step and see! As a teacher, I don't know where to go."

But at this moment, UU reading www. Then the voice of uukanshu.com system sounded:

[Mission 2: Take the apprentices to the sixth-level top world, and join a party with a powerful world master! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 30,000 rule points! World Master Level Treasure Chest X1! 】

[Mission reward: 50,000 rule points! World Master Level Treasure Chest X1! World Master Level Blind Box X1! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission 3: Take the apprentices to the sixth-level top world, and join a party that has a master-level powerhouse! 】

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Mission reward: 100,000 rule points! Realm king treasure chest X1! Realm King Blind Box X1! 】

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