I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 998: Wang Mang, feeling extremely tired: You three apprentices...

after all.

He just joined the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Now is the time when the Holy Land of Demon Refining needs him.

He can't refuse directly, can he?

In this case, what do the rest of the ancestors think?

Because of this, it is impossible for Wang Mang to choose whoring for nothing.

Moreover, from the perspective of mission rewards, the second mission is a good choice.

Leading the disciples of the outer sect to participate in the Yunfantian Realm proved that this realm does not allow sixth-order powerhouses to appear.

This task is relatively easy, it should not be too difficult.

After all, the disciples of the outer sect, the leaders of the other forces, are not strong enough to use a realm king, right?

This task is the safest, and the rewards seem to be very good.

Of course.

If it is the third and fourth tasks that reward the most.

Even if he participates in leading the team, he is probably only a deputy.

It would be fine if the black and white old devil led the team with a good relationship with Wang Mang.

But if the ancestor of the corpse demon leads the team, or someone who has a good relationship with the ancestor of the corpse demon leads the team.

The third task is to let him also participate and lead the inner disciples.

But in Wang Mang's view, he Judui is not the only leader.

After all, inner sect disciples are very important, and there will definitely be ancestors who are responsible for leading the team.

After all, those who participate in the existence of the Magic Heaven Realm are likely to be disciples of many forces.

Directly letting him participate in the magical heavenly realm is equivalent to mixing with the other disciples of the world master.

This is also a good choice!

So for Wang Mang, it was a real disaster and nightmare.

Therefore, this task is somewhat risky, but the reward is indeed good.

As for the fourth task, it is also a good choice to directly participate in the magic world.

Moreover, it is also necessary to guard against whether the ancestor led by the magic world will be the ancestor of the corpse demon.

Therefore, Wang Mang was silent for a long time, and also struggled for a long time.

In the end, Wang Mang decided to take the risk and chose the fourth task!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly fell into hesitation.

The third and fourth missions have certain risks, there is no doubt about this.

After all, any method he can think of, other forces will probably do the same.

The next moment, the system's voice sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Select mission successfully! Please complete the task as soon as possible to get the reward! 】

After listening to the system sound, Wang Mang took a deep breath.

Because, the fourth task, although risky, has many rewards.

As long as he communicates with the black and white old devil, there should be no big problem.

At this point, Wang Mang felt ruthless, gritted his teeth and said silently: "System! I choose the fourth task!"

Hearing this, Patriarch White Demon nodded slightly and said: "The reason why I came here is to discuss something with you."

"Now there are two secret realms that are about to be opened, namely the Cloud Illusion Realm and the Magic Realm."

You can choose to lead the team of the outer disciples of the Cloud Fantasy Realm, or you can choose to follow and lead the team of the Magic Sky Realm. "

Afterwards, Wang Mang stood up, ready to go to the black and white old devil's cave.

But just after Wang Mang arrived outside the cave, he saw the white old devil flying from a distance.

Seeing this, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and the attendant hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I have seen the ancestor of the white demon."

But Wang Mang didn't show it. On the contrary, he said respectfully:

"Since the two ancestors are going to lead a team of inner disciples, the younger generation will participate in the magical heaven."

After hearing Wang Mang's answer, Patriarch Bai Mo immediately nodded in satisfaction and said, "Very good, except you."

"Or you can choose to mix with the disciples of the Magic Heaven Realm and enter the Magic Heaven Realm."

"However, this seat still recommends that you participate in the magic world, because this time, if nothing happens, this seat and the ancestor of the black demon will lead the inner disciples."

After hearing the words of Patriarch Bai Mo, Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was overjoyed.

Sure enough, as he guessed, other forces will definitely send out, the realm of the realm master, and the existence of the realm king's combat power to participate in the magic heaven realm.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately nodded and said:

"The younger generation obeys the wishes of the two ancestors."

"In our holy land of refining demons, there are three honorary elders of the holy land who will also participate in it!"

"Although they are realm masters, they also have the combat power of realm kings just like you."

After hearing the words of Patriarch Baimo, Wang Mang was surprised.

Hearing this, Wang Mang said respectfully: "Thank you for your concern, senior, this junior has recovered from his injuries."

The white devil patriarch nodded with a smile, put his hands behind his back and said:

"Very good, wait for news from me, Patriarch! I hope you can gain something in the magical heavenly realm."

Patriarch White Demon nodded slowly, and then asked:

"Okay! You should prepare well, and you will be leaving for the Magic Heaven Realm in at most two days."

"Also, your injury should have recovered almost by now, right?"

If nothing happens to the three apprentices, they will all go to the Illusory Cloud Realm.

Naturally, Wang Mang had to tell them well, and let them complete it as soon as possible, so as to impact the background and conditions of the World Lord.

Soon, Wang Mang arrived near the Houshan Cave Mansion of the outer disciples.

After speaking, Patriarch White Demon turned and left.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang also moved and flew towards the outer disciple mountain peak.

Because, he has to explain to his three apprentices!

"I have seen the old master!"

"Master, why are you here?"

Looking at the three apprentices, he looked at himself with some doubts.

When Wang Mang came to the mountain cave of the three apprentices.

The three apprentices hurried out from the cave.

"Meet Master!"

"Although you are already invincible at the fifth level, you must be more careful, and be careful not to capsize in the gutter."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the three of them remembered the scene of Wang Mang almost capsized in the gutter two years ago, and nodded.

Obviously, their extremely cautious master almost capsized in the gutter, how can they guarantee that they will not encounter it?

Wang Mang stood with his hands behind his back, and said slowly: "I understand what I have told you."

"In two days, the Secret Realm of the Illusory Cloud Realm will open. You can participate in it, but it's best to be careful."

"Safety must be the first priority at all times, even if it is a loss of profit, it doesn't matter, life is the most important."

Speaking of this, Wang Mang felt very helpless again, and couldn't help complaining:

"In addition, you are all little supreme beings on the road to conquer the heavens and worlds~www.readwn.com~ It has been so long now, and you have not yet met the conditions to attack the world lord."

After seeing the movements of the three of them, Wang Mang immediately nodded in satisfaction and said:

"In addition, after meeting the conditions to attack the world master, contact me as a teacher as soon as possible!"

"The position of the sixth-order world master has already been prepared for you as a teacher! The rest is up to you."

He will not be able to complete the task and get the reward!

It's not that Wang Mang is worried, these apprentices.

It's if these apprentices don't break through as soon as possible.

"You guys should give the teacher some credit!"

He is still waiting for the three apprentices to meet the conditions for attacking the Lord of the World, and to attack the Lord of the World as soon as possible.

In this way, he can get three free evolution opportunities as soon as possible!

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