I Swear I Don’t Have A Python In My Pool

Chapter 1001: It also belongs to the magical heavenly realm of the sixth-order world? Combine verti

"What are you doing looking at this seat? This is a place of mystery!"

"The land of the secret realm! Naturally, it's up to you! Opportunities and crises coexist."

"You wait and do it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang ignored him and flew towards the grassland in the distance.

For a moment, only a group of disciples from the Holy Land of Demon Refining who were completely dumbfounded remained.

Moreover, such a situation is not limited to the Holy Land of Demon Refining.

Among the other forces, there are realm kings who are mixed among the disciples.

They also don't care about these so-called disciples of our school.

The existence of these world kings' combat power broke away from the team one after another, and went their separate ways.

All of a sudden, there were only a lot of disciples of the forces left in place, staring at each other.

"Hey! It seems that these elders are unreliable, and they are all looking for opportunities. We should be careful."

"It's not once or twice. It's just a daydream if you want them to control you."

"Fuck! Is this the honorary elder of our Shaking Heaven Holy Land? Just leave us alone?"

"Paralyzed, it's not just you who shook the Heavenly Holy Land! The honorary elders of our Divine Light Holy Land didn't care about us!"

"They are one of the biggest dangers in our search for opportunities! I encountered a hiding point alone in the secret realm."

"That's right! The honorary elders of our Divine Light Holy Land killed a lot of World Master disciples last time, nothing happened."

"That's right! Unless you are in the holy place of the sect, there is an ancestor-level powerhouse who specially greets you."

"Hehe! Is this the first time you have entered the Magical Heaven Realm? Are you still counting on these elders, the honorary elders to take care of you?"

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Shenguang! Senior Brother Shenguang is covering me! I would like to follow your example!"

"I wish everyone good luck. In this magical secret realm, don't encounter tentacle monsters! Especially girls, be careful."

"In the secret realm, luck depends on one's means. Life and death are determined by fate and wealth. If we die in the secret realm, the sect will not ask about it."

"I'm sorry for everyone here, except for these elders and honorary elders, Lao Tzu's World Master Jiuzhongtian's combat power, ahaha!"

Although they are extremely precious inner disciples, the problem is that even if the sect has fallen in the secret realm, they cannot be investigated.

Because, the forces that can come here are not weak, there are too many forces, if you really want to know, whoever kills it will do?

"Fuck! I just remembered that an honorary elder once said that the tentacle monsters in the magical secret realm are very terrifying. If you encounter them, you should stay away."

A group of disciples gathered together, complaining and discussing. Of course, some disciples were discussing whether to form a group.

the other end.

Wang Mang, who was flying recklessly over the grassland, discovered that there are many tribes and races on the grassland, including the human race.

Moreover, in the secret realm, there is an unwritten rule, that is, freedom to fight, opportunity and benefit, each depends on means.

at the same time.

Wang Mang has been flying for so long, and only found a few on this prairie.

But this also means that there is a truth!

Among these human races, the strength is very good, and even some powerful tribal races have several world master-level powerhouses.

Similarly, Wang Mang also met the race of king-level powerhouses, but there are too few races with such powerhouses.

There are sixth-order powerhouses, which represent this secret world, and once belonged to a sixth-order world.

In fact, Wang Mang's guess was right!

This seems to be just a secret world, but it is actually a sixth-order world!

Otherwise, there shouldn't be sixth-order powerhouses in this secret world!

The king and powerhouse of the indigenous world in this secret realm is also one of the chances!

If he can hunt, he will not have to worry about the status of the king of the world and the place of the strong!

This so-called secret realm is also a world!

This also made Wang Mang understand a problem.

The king and powerhouse in this indigenous world!

It is also one of the opportunities in the magical world!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up.

Yes indeed!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang immediately started wandering on the grassland.

He didn't know where to look for other opportunities.

Of course.

The premise is that he can eat it.

If there is a weaker realm king, Wang Mang will choose to attack!

It is a pity that Wang Mang was greatly disappointed.

But if you can get a strong king of the world, this trip is worth it this time!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang began to look for targets on the endless grassland.

Even, there is the aura of the king of the world, chasing the existence of the black and white old devil!

What does this mean?

He wandered around for a long time, and the world kings and powerhouses he met were all very powerful.

Just their aura of the world king and strong man made Wang Mang deterred!

For a moment, Wang Mang couldn't help but muttered to himself in disappointment.

But just as Wang Mang flew over, there was a lion-headed tribe on the grassland.

It means that this magical heaven is more dangerous than he imagined!

"Is there really no weak king of the realm?"

One of the strong breaths is very powerful, almost as good as the White Demon Patriarch and the Black Demon Patriarch.

But the problem is that the aura of the king of another realm is very weak, which doesn't give Wang Mang a great sense of crisis.

Wang Mang's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because, in this tribe, he felt the aura of the kings of the two realms.

However, there is still a super strong king of the world, which also makes Wang Mang hesitate.

But at this moment, two strong youths with the fighting power of the realm king flew by in the distance, and stopped suddenly.

Wang Mang even guessed that this guy's strength would definitely not exceed the third heaven of the king of the realm, and it was very likely that he would be at the second heaven of the king of the realm.

This is also the only Realm King powerhouse that Wang Mang found among so many tribes on the grassland who can do it.

After seeing Wang Mang's expression, the two youths immediately stepped forward, smiled warmly at Wang Mang and said, "Fellow Daoist, don't worry."

"It seems that fellow daoists are also eyeing the place of the king of the realm?"

They seemed to have noticed something, and immediately flew towards Wang Mang one after another.

Wang Mang frowned when he saw these two youths who were comparable in strength to him and the world kings.

"Obviously we can strike, but the other realm king is too powerful."

Wen Yan ~www.readwn.com~ Wang Mang looked at the two indifferently, and said with his hands behind his back:

"The two of us also discovered the existence of two realm kings who can do it."

"However, the situation is similar to what Fellow Daoist found out now."

"Fellow Daoist, we can join forces and plan to hunt and kill these powerful world kings who can be attacked."

Hearing this, Wang Mang's heart skipped a beat, and then he couldn't help but nodded with a smile and said:

"Then what? What do you mean by coming to this seat?"

The two youths looked at each other, then smiled lightly at Wang Mang:

"Okay, since you have also discovered the target you each want to do."

"Let's do it! Help me figure out a way to successfully take down this king of the world."

"At that time, how about this seat helping you to win the target you are looking for?"

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