I! Sword Douluo! Silently Drawing Sword For Twenty Years

Chapter 273: One of the two, a strong enemy

Li Hao is a person who repays his gratitude. Since he has inherited this relic, he will naturally inherit all the karma of the old owner of this relic.

Otherwise, you will take other people's benefits, will you go and avenge others? What is this?

What's more, he who mastered the law of destiny better understands what is destiny, what is cause and effect, and what is reincarnation.

If you take the benefits of others and don't admit it now, then you must owe a karmic amount of cause and effect, and I am afraid that it will be counted on your head in the future.

This is the operation rule of endless time and space, and no one can escape.

"For the enemy of your old master, this time is a doom, he has passed the road ahead, he is honest, but he cannot survive the death.

But for me, why is this not the case? This is also a doom, I choose the cause and effect of all this, so some things have already been connected with me.

If my strength is not enough, it will inevitably fall because of your old master and enemy, but if my strength is enough, all of this is naturally not a problem. "For all of this, Li Hao sees clearly.

This doom is not only someone else's, but also his own.

Under the operating rules of endless time and space, there is already a strong causal connection between the two people who have never been masked.

Only one of them can survive. To put it bluntly, either you die or I die.

"Master's strength is as dazzling as the scorching sun, how can this little catastrophe stymie Master.||?"

He is now Li Hao's servant, and naturally he doesn't want Li Hao to be defeated.

What's more, his old master finally found such an excellent successor. If he died because he went to avenge the old master, wouldn't it be a pity?

Of course, what's more important is that his core is now in Li Hao's hands. If Li Hao dies, he will die too.

"Let's lead the way ahead! Since this cause and effect has been taken over by me, it's time to put an end to it." Li Hao said lightly.

He is very confident in himself, and now his strength has reached the realm of the 20th reincarnation, and because its combat increase is very powerful, if he actually fights, his real combat power will be even more terrifying.

So even if the enemy of the old master of the ruins is an old reincarnation realm, Li Hao is not very afraid of him in his heart.

He doesn't believe the other party, in a very short period of time, can the strength surpass the 20th reincarnation realm?

To know that all the existences whose strength can reach the 20th reincarnation realm are very rare in the entire endless time and space.

Which one isn't talented? And it uses qi to the extreme.

You must know that even if you have the system yourself, it takes a lot of effort to get to this step.

Especially the adventure he got in the ruins this time, if it wasn't for this adventure, he was still doing hard work.

Even with the help of the system, his current strength will not exceed the 15th reincarnation.

After all, a mere 5 million years is just a nap for the existence of the reincarnation realm where life is almost eternal.

"Yes, master." The puppet old butler heard that Li Hao was willing to avenge his old master, and led the way without saying a word.

He had been waiting for this day for too long. When his poetic master left, he left a deep shadow on the old puppet housekeeper's heart.

Now he can finally understand this wish and avenge his old master.


Soon, Li Hao and the puppet old housekeeper kept tearing apart the space and rushed towards the target.

The other party is very far away from where they are, and the distance is not known to be hundreds of millions of light-years.

If it is those who are weak in the realm of reincarnation, I am afraid that it will take several epochs to cross such a long distance.

However, because of Li Hao's strength and mastery of the laws of time and space, every time he jumps in time and space (good money), he spans a distance of tens of billions of light-years.

So it took less than half a day for them to reach their destination.

"..It's here, the guy who caused huge damage to my master is here. The 35 puppet old butler looked at an asteroid in front of him and said.

The other party had a deep hatred with his old master, so he naturally remembered everything about the other party.

"I don't think so!"

But Li Hao looked at the little star in front of him, his eyes a little dignified.

His keen mental power sensed that there was a formidable group of enemies on this asteroid.

The opponent is definitely a neck enemy.

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