However, when they just left the Zhe:jump space and reached the low earth orbit of Pluto, everyone was stunned by the sight in front of them.

"Camillas' base...since it's been destroyed..."

Gu Jin couldn't believe his own eyes, he really couldn't associate the waste area in front of him with the original Camillas base.

But those... buildings with Camillas' characters and blood are telling him everything, this is Camillas' base! "Captain, I think someone should be sent to investigate. a bit."

Sen Xue suggested that her heart was also very shocked at this time, so she wanted to find out what happened next.

"I agree with Sen Xue's proposal."

Vice-captain Shiro Sanada also said: "Maybe we can get something useful from below."


Okita Shisan nodded and said: "Sen Xue, Xinjian Xun, you two go down and have a look, you also accompany them in ancient times, is it true that you protect them?"

Moriyuki and Niimi Kaori are technicians in Yamato. The latter has studied Camilas' writing and has a certain understanding of Camilas' equipment, while the former has studied the civilization of Iskandar. Although she forgot due to amnesia, maybe she can come in handy after going down.

"Sanada-kun, let the people of the air force attack and guard from the sky."

After the three of them left, Okita Shisan said to Sanada Shirou again.

"Yes! I'll make arrangements now."

More than ten minutes later, Gu Jinsan 3 took a transport plane and came to a certain landing point of the base, and then the 3 people quickly entered the interior of the base.

Not long after they walked, the sight in front of them made the three of them stop, only to see a pile of human-shaped corpses lying across the corridor.

"This is... the Camilas are just like us humans..."

The ancients came in and squatted down next to a corpse to examine it carefully.

"Yeah, with hands and feet, and yellow skin, if they weren't wearing Camillas' text and clothes, I would have thought they were human."

Shinmi Kaori also said.

"Did they fight someone while they were alive?"

Sen Xue picked up a rifle on the ground, then pointed to the bullet hole on the wall, "Look, there are traces of battle everywhere."

"It won't be an infighting, right?" he said uncertainly.

"It doesn't look like it."

Gu Jin shook his head and pointed to the ground: "The positions where they lay are concentrated on one side, which means that they are in one team, and the corpses of another camp have not been found here.

"But whether or not there is an infighting, that's a good thing for us."

As long as there is no Kami here, their task will be much easier.

Afterwards, Kaoru Niimi and Moriyuki began to take out their cameras and photographed the place. After doing all this, the three of them set off again.

After groping in this base for a long time, the three of them finally came to the control room. As soon as they entered the door, they saw a pile of corpses. They were not surprised by this, because they came all the way to the control room. Saw the corpse.

"The equipment here has not been damaged and is still functional."

Xin Jian Xun's face showed joy, as long as these things could be used, she might be able to know what happened here.

Xinjian Xun immediately came to the console to operate.

After a few minutes, she put down her hands, a look of disappointment and helplessness on her face.

"No, all the materials and videos here have been deleted by someone, and they are so clever that there is no way to fix them."

"Tsk! Did Bai make a trip?"

Ancient Jin said unhappily.

Xinjian Xun shook his head and said: "Actually, it's not for nothing, at least I found a lot of resources here that we can use, and we can have people take them away later."

——On the other side, in the bridge of the Infinity, which has always maintained a distance of 30 light seconds from the Yamato.

Looking at the Yamato that has been docked at Pluto and will not leave, Lin Ziyun couldn't help but start to nag: "What is this ship doing with a plane, why is it always parked at a broken five, and it can't go above the base?"

Hearing this, Roland said with a hint of something on his face: "Captain, do you need to call to urge them?"

"Uh, no need, it's just an 'old boat', let it rest for a while."

Just as Lin Ziyun and Roland were talking, the Yamato finally started again. Not long after its engine ignited, the Yamato disappeared in this airspace. Obviously, they jumped.

"Can Roland track them down?"

Lin Ziyun asked immediately.

Roland nodded directly, "Yes, any ship will draw a trace in the subspace when it is folded: jumped, and this trace will not disappear in a short time, we can follow this trace to track. "

"Very good, start the switch immediately: jump the engine, catch up with the Yamato."

Lin Ziyun began to order, "Be careful, don't let them find us."

"Don't worry, they can't find us."

As Roland set the spatial coordinates, Infinity entered the fault space.

It didn't take long for Infinity to leave the fault space and return to the normal void of the universe.

Outside the Infinity ship, there are meteorites everywhere. Obviously, the Infinity ship jumped into a meteorite belt this time.

Just when Lin Ziyun was going to ask something, Roland started to introduce him in advance: "This is 8.

In a star field 4 light-years away, the Yamato is not far in front of us."

"According to the output signal of the opponent's engine, they should not make the second switch in the near future: jump."

Lin Ziyun nodded, "Flip and jump again and again, and each time it's such a short distance, they are really cautious."

"This is also the most sensible approach, after all, they have only been exposed to this kind of switch: jumping the engine for a long time."

Roland also replied.

The same is true of the earlier ones. When the colonization first started, the spacecraft only aimed at the planets near the solar system, and those planets were less than a hundred light-years away from the earth.

With the development of time, when the leap engine has been completely controlled, the exploration into deep space has begun, that is, in two or three hundred years, human colonies have spread all over the entire Orion spiral arm. multiple planets.

Chapter [-] The disappearing Yamato?

Time passed gradually, and a week passed in a blink of an eye.

Now that Infinity has left the solar system with Yamato, Yamato has also made several fold:jumps this week, and the distance of each fold:jump is very short, but each time it is more than the last zigzag:jump It's longer, maybe after a few twists: after the jump, they already know something about the wave engine.

This is a good thing for Infinity, because they are the only ones who fail: the longer the jump, the shorter the world will be after the distance, and the sooner you can get what you want.

And in this week, there was also a small episode, when the Yamato had a break: Leap out of break: Leap into space, it encountered the pursuit of the Camilas fleet. After a brief engagement with them, the Yamato used the The wave cannon managed to knock them back.

And in the distance where they were fighting, Lin Ziyun once again silently witnessed the power of the Yamato wave cannon.

At this time, inside the bridge of the Infinity.

"Captain, Yamato's engine output has increased, and they are going to make a space break again: jump!"

Upon discovering the change in the Yamato, Roland immediately reported to Lin Ziyun.

Lin Ziyun heard the words, nodded and said, "As usual, follow them."

Om! Shortly after the Yamato entered the Zhan: Leap space, the Infinity also followed closely. The difference is that the Infinity entered the fault space.

The fault space break: jump compared to the hyperspace break: jump, there are many advantages, I said one before, the people in the fault space can work normally, move normally, and the other is... the battleship can also control the speed.

That's right, you read that right, that is... control the speed. If you have to compare the difference between hyperspace transition and fault space transition, the former is equivalent to a god-mixed crossing, while the latter is more like speeding.

In the fault space, no object is negatively affected by the theory of relativity. Therefore, the warships use dozens of times, hundreds of times, or even hundreds of times the speed of light to move forward.

On this basis, the warship can also change the speed of its sliding in the fault space according to the situation.

That's why every time Infinity leaves the fault space, it's just after Yamato's break: after the jump, it's not because of Roland's good grasp, but because Infinity can accelerate and decelerate.

Om! A few minutes after entering the fault space, Infinity finally appeared in another unknown star field.

At this moment, Lin Ziyun on the bridge had a puzzled look on his face, "Roland, why did this stop? Did the Yamato stop too?"

Infinity has followed the Yamato's fold:jump once or twice. They have already figured out their fold:jump time. It stands to reason that the fold:jump time this time should be longer than the last time, but this time a few times. It's over in minutes.

"No captain, the traces of Yamato's passing in this star field suddenly disappeared in this star field."

Roland frowned and said, "But the strange thing is that in this star field, I don't exist Yamato."

"What's the meaning"

"It means we lost the Yamato."

Roland said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Captain, for disappointing you."

"No, you don't have to be sorry, it's wrong."

The Yamato disappeared and the space traces were also broken, which made Lin Ziyun puzzled.

It stands to reason that the space traces that take hours to disappear, how can it disappear in a few minutes? But then again, in the original work, the Yamato was in a break: an accident did happen, but he also forgot what the accident was, after all It's an anime I watched a long time ago.

——On the other side, just when Lin Ziyun was still there: While trying to recall the plot, the Yamato at this time came to another strange space.

"We... where are we going"

Everyone on the Yamato bridge looked at the scene outside the bridge in shock. The outside scene was just like the seabed on the early earth, with a blurry vision with a distorted light.

"Yamato's radar signal is a mess, it's not really the sea, is it?"

Moriyuki looked at the constantly beating radar waves and said.


Gu Jin shook his head, "The Yamato sensor shows that there is no seawater outside."

"Look, what is that!"

A crew member pointed to the blurry figure in the distance and said, and everyone followed his direction to look over.

Just in front of the Yamato, a green battleship was quietly floating there. They were familiar with this battleship, and even if it died, they would never forget it.

"Camillas' warship! And there is one more, Captain, this is a good opportunity, let's sink it now!"

Ancient Jin suggested.

——"Wait...! I remembered!"

Lin Ziyun seemed to have thought of something, and he hammered his palm.

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