"It seems that we need to find a time to talk to Mr. Lin Ziyun to see if he is willing to sell this technology to Earth."

Okita Shisan touched his chin and thought silently, anyway... Now that the earth is saved, there is no need to be afraid of not being able to afford the ticket for technology.

"Ah... so boring."

After watching the scenery outside the window for a while, Cape Lilyya lost interest in continuing to watch it. After all, the Infinity has entered the fault space, and there is only a white light in the fault space, and there is really nothing to see.

"Captain, can we go out and play?"

Misaki Yuriya looked at her captain and asked.

Due to the long time of the Infinity jump, in order not to have any accidents during this period, Lin Ziyun issued a control order to restrict their activity area, so as to prevent them from making any trouble when they play in important areas.

You must know that the Infinity is the life of the Infinity fleet. A car accident in the fault space is not... Just kidding, Lin Ziyun dare not let the Infinity have the slightest incident.

But Okita Shisan, who was worried about the earth and wanted to return to the earth early to save the mother planet, directly prevented the Yamato crew from going out during this period.

Okita Shisan shook his head and said, "This is no good. You now know what the current situation of this ship is. In the past three months, your activity area has only been a small part of the current one."

Although Lin Ziyun also suggested to them that they should enter the dormant cabin to hibernate, so that they could sleep and wake up to the earth, but they all refused. They didn't want to lie down like this for more than three months. wasted in the dormant cabin.

After listening to her captain's words, Misaki Yuriya felt disappointed in her heart, just when she was going to go back to her room to rest first, Okita Shisan's next sentence made her happy and puzzled: "Although everyone can't, you can go out freely. "


Misaki Yuriya looked at her captain blankly.

At this time, the deputy captain Sanada Shiro looked at her with a smile and said, "Why hahaha, do you think we are blind? You recognized Mr. Lin Ziyun as a brother. It has long been spread among us. Oh, as the captain's sister, you are naturally treated special."


Cape Lilyya blushed slightly when she heard the words, she really didn't expect the private affairs of the past few days to spread, she was so shy, as if she was looking for a hole to get in.

"I went out to play"

Seeing that these comrades looked at him with different eyes, Cape Lilya couldn't take it anymore, and fled here directly.

"Hahaha, I'm really young. If only I could be a few decades younger, I would be able to recognize someone as a brother."

A middle-aged man in the uniform of the Yamato hangar manager touched the back of his head and said.

Everyone: "..."

the other side.

After leaving the activity area carried by the Yamato crew, Misaki Yuriya went straight to the bridge of the Infinity, and the blush on her face was much less at this time.

"Brother Ziyun! I'm here to play with you!"

When the bridge opened, Misaki Yuriya couldn't help shouting.

"Hehe, this little girl..."

Shaking her head helplessly, she didn't need to look back to know who it was, "Sister Lily Ya came to play with my brother, shouldn't I be honored?"

"If you say that.

Turning his head and looking at me with awe, I might believe it!"

Cape Baiheya jumped to Lin Ziyun's side and watched the information on the holographic stage with him, even though she couldn't understand it.

"What are you looking at?"

Cape Lilya pointed at the hologram above and wondered, why is there a model of the Camilas battleship on it, "Didn't you take a few battleships from the Camilas planet a few days ago, I'm looking at them now. material."

Lin Ziyun continued to stare at the holographic platform.

Before Roland proposed to use these battleships as training ships, Lin Ziyun is planning to see how to refit them. After all, since it is to be used as a training ship for new crew members in the later period, the equipment and weapons on it must be changed. .

"Well, forget it, let you handle these things."

Lin Ziyun said to Roland next to him that Roland had all the data drawings of battleships and weapons in his mind, and he must have a way to transform these battleships in the most reasonable way.

"No problem Captain."

Seeing Roland nodding, Lin Ziyun said to Cape Lilya, "Lunch time is almost here, do you want to go to dinner with me, your sister Teresa's cooking is done by yourself."

"So what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Hearing this, Cape Lily Ya excitedly took Lin Ziyun's hand and left the bridge.

Cape Yuriya has lived underground since she was very young, and the food she was exposed to during her life in the underground was naturally not very good. Although the food has improved after getting on the Yamato, it is still one word - scum! Don't look at those. ........The appearance of the food is very good, but the taste is completely inconsistent with the appearance, but they are used to eating underground food, they have no objection to the food of Yamato, but like .

However, ever since Cape Yuriya ate the dishes on the Infinity ship, she felt nauseous every time she saw the food on the Yamato ship, especially when she came into contact with Teresa's dishes, she made those... .....the food is treated as hot cakes.

After a while, the two came to the captain's room of the Infinity. Because it was still early, Teresa did not start to cook. At this time, she was sitting on the sofa, holding a table.

Look at the dense text and information above.

"Sister Teresa, hello!"

Misaki Yuriya looked at Teresa on the sofa and couldn't help shouting.

"Hey Ziyun Lilyya, you guys are back. Is it time to make lunch already?"

Perhaps she was too fascinated to see it. When Lin Ziyun and Cape Baiheya entered the door, she didn't notice it, only when Cape Lilyya spoke up, did she react.

"How can it be so fast, it's just coming back early. After all, the Infinity has entered the fault space now, and I'm fine."

Lin Ziyun explained, and then asked, "Where are Sasha and Yulixia?"

Theresa said: "Sasha accompanied Yulisha to Glassman's place, it seems that Glassman has something to do.

I want to ask her about the fluctuation core."

"Sister Teresa hasn't told me yet, what are you looking at?"

Cape Lilya came to sit beside Teresa: and put her arms around Teresa.

Theresa is also very fond of this new sister Lin Ziyun recognized, she explained patiently: "I'm looking at the captain's command manual."

"Command Manual Teresa-san is going to be a captain?"

"Yeah, I've passed the assessment, and I'm just one boat away."

After speaking, Teresa put down her hands, then stood up and said, "Since you are back, I will make lunch for you in advance."

"Then I'll go play the game console for a while!"

Misaki Yuriya ran into Stella's room, and from her skillful start-up movements, it can be seen that she must have come here not once or twice.

Immediately, Lin Ziyun was left alone in the entire living room. Fortunately, within a few minutes, the two Sasha sisters came back, and the three of them chatted again soon.

Chapter [-] Earth!

Time, three months and twenty days later.

Somewhere in the underground city of Earth on the cantilever of the Milky Way Orion, an elderly man with white hair is playing shogi chess with another middle-aged man intently.

The middle-aged man placed a chess piece heavily on the chessboard, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Time flies so fast, it has been almost ten months since the Yamato left, and I don't know how the Yamato is now. ."

"You've said this sentence no less than thirty times this month, and it's a sentence or two almost every day."

The white-haired man said calmly.

"Eh is there so much?"

The middle-aged man looked at him suspiciously, then sighed and said, "It's okay to worry, sir, what about my father, sir, aren't you worried about your old friend? already."

"Yeah, looking back, I've known him for decades. Although I'm also worried about him, I believe in him more. He will definitely come back, absolutely!"

"I really envy your friendship. If things were better on Earth, maybe I could..."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man shook his head involuntarily.

The current situation of the earth is so bad that it can't be expressed in words. In this situation, people only care about themselves, and there is still time to make friends. Even if they do, a few are really "rest assured". Well, you can too, when the earth returns to its original state, we humans will no longer need to live underground, and then you will be able to make a few friends, I promise you."

"Then borrow your auspicious words from father."

Saying that, the middle-aged man took another step.

Di Di Di Di Di... At this moment, a siren sounded throughout the underground city, and immediately, the white-haired man immediately stood up and ran to the door, while his son followed closely behind him. Afterwards.

A few minutes later, the two came to the command center of the underground city.

The white-haired man immediately asked, "What's the matter, is Camillas here again?"

This alarm has been silent for more than nine months, and since the Yamato left, they haven't seen the Camilas battleship.

"Report to the earth commander, a warship suddenly appeared in lunar orbit, we don't know if it is Camillas!"

"I don't know if you are kidding me"

The commander named Hijikata questioned that the only warships that can appear in the solar system are Camillas, because only Camillas' warships have the ability to jump: jump.

The adjutant immediately explained: "According to the radar, the ship is 5.

7 kilometers, we have never seen Camillas with such a huge warship, so we don't know if that ship is Camillas's."

"What! 5.


With such a large volume, even their largest Yamato is just a little bit in front of this ship.

"Report Commander! The other party requests communication!"

At this moment, a correspondent next to him suddenly opened his mouth and said, which suddenly made Tufang's head feel a little square.

Since the other party requested to communicate with the earth instead of directly attacking, is that ship really not Camillas' battleship? Time goes back to five minutes ago... In the bridge of the Infinity, Roland is still standing on the holographic platform in his unchanging posture. He started a countdown and said to Lin Ziyun next to him: "Captain, there are still 30 seconds left for the exhaust to leave the fault space."

"Are you finally leaving the fault space? It's really hard for three months."

Usually, when the fold: jump time exceeds one or two months, Lin Ziyun usually chooses to leave a minimum number of on-duty personnel and let most people go to sleep, but this time he did not sleep due to some circumstances.

"Have you informed them about the Yamato gang?"

Lin Ziyun asked.

"The notice has been made, and it seems that Okita Shisan has called all his crew members into the Yamato, ah, thirty seconds have come."

As soon as Roland's words fell, Infinity left the fault space and appeared in the orbit of the moon. Her appearance was immediately discovered by the humans below.

"How is the situation under the earth, is there any sign of life?"

Lin Ziyun looked at the red planet under his feet. This was the first time he had seen the earth of this world at such a close distance.

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