Jie Zhongxue looked at Lin Ziyun seriously, she was deeply afraid that Lin Ziyun was teasing them.

No way, just those...techniques are too high, it's hard to believe that these....technologies that they can't even think about, will appear in Early 21st century.

"I don't believe you can just not buy it."

Lin Ziyun picked up tea and said indifferently.

"No, it's just these... The technology is so...advanced, for a while...it's hard to tell the truth from the fake."

Kiesuka Snow shook his head.

"Just say, buy it or not."

"Um...sorry, I can't make a decision on this, can you give me a few minutes, I'll call and ask."

Saying that, Jie Zhongxue took out a very ordinary mobile phone and shook it in front of him.


After getting Lin Ziyun's approval, Jie Zhongxue stood up and left the conference room when she opened the door.

After closing, she immediately started to make a call, and after a while, a middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

...Time passed bit by bit, about a few minutes later, Jie Zhongxue entered the room again, and before she could sit down, she couldn't help saying: "Your... ....technology we will buy."

"Very well, Nova, give her a contract, I'll go first."

Talking about playing, Lin Ziyun stood up and prepared to leave.

"Uh...where are you going?"

Nova couldn't help but ask when he looked at him in a hurry.

"Go pee!"

Everyone: "..."

From the beginning, Lin Ziyun has been drinking tea non-stop, and he couldn't bear it any longer. If it hadn't been done, he would have rushed out long ago. Now that things are done, he naturally has to hurry to liberate. a bit.

Chapter [-] Dynamics of Mars Knights

Even Lin Ziyun is still here: When talking about the order, the low-Earth orbit, which is thousands of kilometers away from the earth's space, is also lively.

Yang Lucheng, as a symbol of power among the 37 Mars Knights family, just like its name, it is a huge 'city' and a fully functional space mobile fortress.

At this time, 37 Martian knights in red tuxedos responded to the invitation and opened their correspondence with Yang Lucheng, and this was the first time in these years that 37 knights met with other 36 at the same time.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, one of the middle-aged men with short brown hair said, "You gentlemen, do you know why I called you all together?"

"I also want to ask you why. You know that I am a day-to-day manager. If you have nothing important to say, I will go back."

One of the women said casually, holding a nail clipper in her hand, seemingly ready to manicure herself.

"Fermian, don't be in such a hurry, Zazibarum must have something important to say when he asked us to meet, you said right, Zazibarum"

The other man looked at the man who started talking and said.

His words also made the others serious, and in their impressions, Zazibarum has always had something to do.

Only talk to them, other times unless you take the initiative to talk to him, or he will be mute the whole time.


The middle-aged man known as Zazibarum nodded, and then waved a virtual screen in front of everyone.

In this virtual screen, a black-gray battleship was quietly floating in the meteorite belt composed of lunar debris, and a large number of people in space suits flew out of the battleship with equipment, facing a 1 Huge meteorites were transformed, and it can be seen from the space suits of these people that they are people from the earth.

"How is it possible! How can those... inferior races on Earth create space battleships"

After seeing the words before, the woman didn't even trim her nails, and looked at the battleship with a shocked expression, and everyone else did the same.

In their impression, with the current technological level of the people on earth, let alone space battleships, they can't even build small spaceships for the universe.

Zazbarum continued: "Although I don't believe it, it's a fact. This picture was sent back by a patrol team a day ago."

"Are you sure your patrol team is fooling people?"

One of the men with a pair of squinting eyes said.

"Do you think they dare to deceive nobles is a capital crime."

Zazibarum glanced at it, "Not to mention that there were several people present at the time, and it was easy for one person to speak, but I don't believe that all of them dared to fool me."

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

Then, another blond man wondered: "If this is true, how did these inferior races build space warships?"

"Good question from Kuruteo."

Zazibarum said something.

With another wave of the back hand, the screen switches again, this time the screen becomes a high-altitude bird's-eye view.

And if Lin Ziyun was present, he would be surprised, because this top view is exactly the shipbuilding base where he is now.

"This is where they built the universe."

"This is... No, there was no such building here before, why is it now..."

A man who knew something about Earth muttered.

Zazibarum said: "Mazluka is right, there is no such building here before. According to our informant investigation, this building was built suddenly a year ago, and six months ago, it began to build a warship for the earth. ."

"Where did their shipbuilding skills come from?"

Kurutou said solemnly.

Zazibarum shook his head and said, "That's what I want to ask. Everyone must know where their technology came from. The people on earth don't have the technology to build space battleships."

When Mazruka heard the words, he immediately thought of the meaning of his words, "Your consciousness is that there are people inside us who secretly sell technology to the people of the earth, but most of our technology is developed around the development, even if it is given to the people of the earth, they It doesn't work either."

"You're right, but you also know that 'most' not all, even if it's not moving technology, it will be of great help to those... inferior earth people."

"Zazbarum is right, we must find out who is reselling technology."

At this time, Curuteo said.

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

"Since the matter is finished, then I will not disturb you gentlemen, please find out the traitors lurking inside as soon as possible."

After speaking, Zazibarum closed the communication first before they could reply.

At this moment, a man in a dark blue uniform walked over with his head lowered. Hearing footsteps, Zazibarum said without looking back: "How's the arrangement?"

The man continued to lower his head and said: "Everything is arranged, the informants below have gathered a few people with the strongest infiltration ability, and they should have news in a few days."

"very good."

When Zazibarum here was looking for the 'traitor' who didn't exist, he didn't forget the shipyard below.

As early as when he was on the phone with the other 36 Mars Knights, he ordered his men to connect with the informants below, let them sneak into the shipyard by any means, and collect useful information and materials as much as possible.

After all, isn't there an old saying among the people on earth: "Know yourself and know your enemy and win a hundred battles?" That plan is about to start. He doesn't want to be killed by the people of the earth when he goes to war with the earth in the future. Although he looks down on the people of the earth, he has to admit that, They are extremely cunning.

Zazibarum slowly turned around and looked at his loyal subordinate: "You are in charge of their actions. If you have any news, please report to me immediately."


With that said, the man exited the hall.

......Crack! There was a sound of the doorknob being twisted, and then Nova opened the door and entered, Lin Ziyun yawned, looked at her and asked, "Are they all gone?"

After Lin Ziyun left the reception room, he didn't go back. He left everything to Nova to deal with, so it was not clear whether Jie Zhongxue and the others... left.

"Yes, they are all gone."

Nova will sit on the table, then come to Lin Ziyun and sit down: put her head on his shoulder with one arm around him.

Lin Ziyun was not surprised by Nova's intimacy. You must know that a lot of things happened in the past year, including Nova's transformation from a 'girl' to a 'woman' thing.

Chapter [-]: Lin Ziyun: I want to be a people's teacher!

"so boring..."

Lin Ziyun was sitting on the sofa, looking up at the white ceiling, when he suddenly thought of something, and then said to Nova who was leaning in his arms: "By the way, why don't we leave here and go outside to relax. Well, it's like traveling."

"Well, it's all up to you."

Nova looked at him tenderly, as long as there was Lin Ziyun, no matter where she was, she would not be bored.

"Okay, that's it. I'll contact Lux and Xiaojing first and ask them if they can go."

Lin Ziyun picked up the .

Get started with Contact Infinity.

Lianfang Xiaolujing and Lux ​​did not come to Earth with Lin Ziyun, the former stayed in the room and played with the computer, while the latter stayed on the Infinity and helped Lin Ziyun in charge of the Infinity.

After all, the Infinity ship has no captain for a few days, but it will not work after a long time, so Lin Ziyun asked Lux ​​to be the acting captain of the Infinity ship.

Of course, although the word 'agent' is in front of the captain, as the captain's wife, her rights are completely the same as Lin Ziyun's.

As for whether Lux has... the ability to take charge of the Infinity, this Lin Ziyun has never been worried. You must know that in the original book, Lux was originally a captain, and her wheel command ability is no worse than Lin Ziyun.

It is worth mentioning that the Infinity and the five Steadfast-class frigates that she brought with her are actually in the solar system, but they are above Pluto at the edge of the solar system.

Since Lin Ziyun and others came to this world, the place where they descended was near Pluto, and they also found a huge ore vein on Pluto, so he built a huge mining farm there.

This is also the reason why Lin Ziyun can continuously build space battleships without acquiring resources from other countries.

As for those...how to transport the excavated minerals back to the earth, huh, of course, using a transmission device.

Under the building, there is a circular transmission device with a diameter of [-] meters, which transmits hundreds of tons of various minerals from Pluto every day.

When Lin Ziyun and others wanted to return to the Infinity, they also used this transmission device to return to the Infinity, and it was for this reason that Lin Ziyun seldom spent the night on Earth every night.

Straight to the point.

After the communication function was activated, Lux's graceful figure appeared in front of Lin Ziyun. At this time, she was wearing a female officer's uniform, which gave people a sense of heroism, and it was hard to resist looking at her.

Although Lin Ziyun had seen a lot, his eyes couldn't help but wandered around her for a few times. After he had seen enough, he opened his mouth and said, "My lady, are you busy right now?"

Lux rolled his eyes at him, "You're not busy, what's the matter? You seem to be very happy. Did something good happen?"

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