"That's not necessarily. To complete such a huge project in half a year, anyway, I don't think it is possible, so you should not be too happy now, if he is lying to us, then we will lose a lot. "Jenny Babuzadi, who had just stood behind her and had not spoken, reminded.

"Whether it's a lie to us, it will be revealed in half a year, isn't it?"


After leaving the harem, Lin Ziyun came to the residence that Marina arranged for him, and contacted the AI ​​Roland of the Infinity ship far away on Europa. "I've got all the manpower and material resources, and the power station is almost ready to start construction."

"The Infinity ship has also drawn the drawings, and the technicians and related equipment have also been mobilized, just waiting for your order." Roland replied.

Without sighing, Lin Ziyun said that it is good to have a super-strong AI, and everything becomes much easier, saving him a lot of steps, "Let's wait a few days, let our other partner cooperate first People put people and things together in the beginning."

After staying in this small Middle Eastern country for a week, when Lin Ziyun bought a ticket and planned to return to the island country, Wang Liumei contacted him at this time, and Lin Ziyun had to refund the ticket and buy a ticket to Huaxia.

When Lin Ziyun got off the plane, it was already seven or eight in the evening.

"Tell me, contact me in such a hurry, is everything I want ready?" Lin Ziyun came to the city again, but this time Lin Ziyun did not go to the Wang Group's building, but came to Wang In a private residence in the United States.

And today Wang Liumei is not in the last lady's suit, but in a blue dress with double ponytails on her head.

"Yes, I have prepared all the materials you want. As for the workers, due to the limited time, I can only mobilize some employees from the construction company under our name in China. There are only [-] employees, but I still got them. A large number of automated construction equipment can make up for the problem of the number of people."

Lin Ziyun nodded. It was a big group. It was possible to mobilize so many people in a week. In fact, the number of people was enough. After all, not all work must be done by humans. Titans can be added to the construction team.

"Then do they know where they are going to work?" Lin Ziyun asked.

"I know, after all, if you don't tell them, they won't be willing to participate." Wang Liumei saw that he didn't object to her approach, and asked again, "It's the same question as before, how do you send this group of people and materials to us? What about space?"

Lin Ziyun did not answer her question, but instead asked: "What about people and materials? Where do you put so many people?"

"The materials are all in 30 large container ships at the seaside port. As for the people, I mobilized them in a processing factory outside the suburbs." Wang Liumei looked at him suspiciously, "You won't want it now. Bar?"

"What do you think?" Lin Ziyun smiled slightly. Just after he finished speaking, there was a roar of engines in the sky, and a dark green aircraft was landing straight on the grass in the house.

Standing behind Wang Liumei, the red dragon immediately stretched out his hand to block the former, looked at the sudden transport plane vigilantly, and protected her like a bodyguard.

Lin Ziyun looked at the nervousness with a funny face, and the two did not speak. At this time, the transport plane opened the hatch, and several people wearing Thor's hammer power armor came out.

Team Osiris is back.

The Osiris team bowed to Lin Ziyun, who asked, "Have all the 'transport ships' I asked for come?"

"The report has already come."

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun didn't turn his head back and walked towards the Pelican transport plane, and waved to Wang Liumei and the two behind him, "Goodbye, thank you for your hospitality, I'll let my people take away the people and materials first."

"What a mysterious guy." Wang Liumei recovered from the shock, looking at the pelican transport plane that was about to disappear from sight, and said with a smile, "I just don't know how it compares with the heavens and humans."

Wang Liumei suddenly thought of something, and asked the red dragon next to her, "By the way, what's going on with the gods, shouldn't it be time to show your face?"

Recently, she has been busy working with Lin Ziyun, but she almost forgot about Heaven and Man.

"Heaven's side is still preparing, and it is claimed that it will take three or four months before it will start to act." The red dragon bowed and said respectfully.

"It seems that the transformation of the world is about to begin." Wang Liumei smiled mysteriously and said softly.


The next day, in the small Middle Eastern kingdom of Azadistan, 15 kilometers away from the capital, there used to be a huge mining field, but since the minerals here were mined, they were abandoned, leaving only a huge deep pit. .

Today, there are tens of thousands of people here, wearing yellow safety helmets and blue safety suits, busy here.Of course, in addition to these workers, a group of white mechas carrying heavy items and some commanders in white coats can also be seen.

These people are the workers that Lin Ziyun sent secretly from Huaxia yesterday, and what they are building is the receiving station that Lin Ziyun said.

The abandoned mining farm had assembled tens of thousands of workers. Naturally, they could not hide from the eyes of others. Soon the media reported the incident, but Lin Ziyun and Marina didn’t plan to publicize the incident, so no one went to give it to him. Outsiders explain what the workers here are doing.

At this time, Lin Ziyun had returned to the island country.

"Ah~ I'm finally back." Just after entering the house, Lin Ziyun sighed, then changed his shoes and went to the living room. After entering the living room, he found that there was no one at home, "Aren't they two going out to play?"

Just when he thought so, the door of the living room was opened, and Lux ​​walked in with a basket of vegetables, "I said, why is there no one at home, so you went shopping, but why is it only you, Stella?"

"Welcome home, Stella is probably next door to Louis' house," Lux replied.

"Luis's?" Lin Ziyun said in surprise after hearing this, "I didn't expect the two of them to get along so soon after they arrived?"

Lux entered the kitchen, put down the vegetables in her hand and said, "You don't know, when you're not at home, Louis often comes here to play, and sometimes takes Stella out for shopping, and she's almost become sisters. "

Lin Ziyun nodded, "That's fine, Stella does need some friends."

PS: I’ve been tired and busy recently. When I got home yesterday, I wanted to lie down on the bed for a while, but it ended at three in the morning. . . *

Chapter [-] Startup of Space Nuclear Power Plants

Days passed, and six months later.

During these six months, several major events occurred that shocked everyone.

The first thing is the Kingdom of Azadistan from the Middle East. Outside the capital of the kingdom, a huge circular building with a battlefield area of ​​5 square kilometers and a height of [-] meters rose from the ground.

This building is the power receiving station. Since its engineering volume is less than that of the power station on the moon, it was completed earlier than the power station. It was completed two months ago. At that time, the power station on the moon was Still under construction.

This circular receiving station looks nothing special from the side, except that there is a huge display screen on one side, but if it is viewed from the sky, it will be different.

The shape of the top of the circular building is concave inward, and it looks like a huge pot from the sky. At the bottom of the pot is a large hole with a diameter of [-] meters.

And because it is black, since this building was built, it has been called the big black pot of Azadistan Kingdom by the outside world. Some people even ridiculed Azadistan Kingdom for making such a big pot, is it used for cooking, even if If it is cooking, then you have to plug the hole at the bottom.

Queen Marina of Azadistan did not give any explanation for this.

The second thing is naturally the moon. When an astronomer on Earth looked at the moon with a space telescope at night, he found that there was an extra building on the moon. This incident quickly attracted the attention of all countries and major media around the world. .

And major mainstream countries also admit that this building is not their own, many people began to speculate who built this building on the moon, and some even thought it was the handwriting of aliens.

Although various countries want to investigate, but recently they have been in a lot of trouble because of certain things, so no one cares.

The last thing is about the mysterious private armed 'Heaven and Human'. A few days ago, it happened to be the tenth anniversary of the operation of the orbital elevator of the Human Reliant. The major countries in the All Human Reliant will hold a large-scale celebration banquet at the elevator terminal. Most of the people who participated were high-level leaders of these countries or big families who had a head and face in the People's Leather Company.

Originally this time it was just an ordinary celebration, but I didn't expect that terrorists wanted to attack the elevator. Just when the terrorists were about to blow up the elevator, an organization claiming to be a heaven and man popped up out of nowhere and took it. The group of terrorists did it, and they also claimed that they would intervene in all disputes in the world to stop the war.

Not only that, but the AEU alliance far away in Europe was also thrown into chaos by a MS organized by Heaven and Earth, and the mysterious MS killed several squadrons of MS.

For the appearance of the heavenly beings, Lin Ziyun just laughed, and then stopped paying attention to them. After all, the heavens and their UNSC are simply incompetent, not to mention that they are just a group of poor bastards who are used by bald men as gunmen. , there is something to pay attention to, it is better to spend more energy to pay attention to them, to spend more energy to engage in research and black technology.

Although Lin Ziyun needs their GN solar furnace for research, there is no need to go to Tianren to grab it now. Anyway, it won't be long before the technology of the GN solar furnace will be announced, just wait quietly.

Today, Lin Ziyun believes that there will be another major event that will cause a global sensation.

On the outside of the receiving station of Azadistan Kingdom, there is a temporarily built square. At this time, it is full of people. Among the crowd are reporters who have been invited, some unidentified civilians who come to join in the fun, and even some people who maintain public order. The guards, and of course the queen of this country, as well as Lin Ziyun and Wang Liumei and others.

One of the male reporters was facing the camera to report: "This building, which has always been considered a big black pot, I heard that it will be officially opened today, but so far I don't know what it is selling, it should not be It will be an iron pot, haha, of course this is a joke, viewers who want to know the answer, please don't go away, because the answer will be revealed later."

After the reporter finished speaking, the photographer pointed the camera at the center of the square, and saw a red ribbon placed in the center of the square. Queen Marina and Wang Liumei, the eldest lady of the famous Chinese family, were standing on the ribbon. On both sides, and in the middle, a young man is standing in the middle with a pair of scissors in his hand, preparing to cut the ribbon.

"Today, I officially announce that the fourth space power station in the world is officially in operation!" Lin Ziyun finished and cut the ribbon with scissors.

After listening to his words, the group of people and reporters who came to join in the fun immediately looked at him like an idiot. Just this big black pot has returned to a space power station. will believe you.

Lin Ziyun ignored the group of eating melon seeds, took out a PDA from his pocket, and clicked on it. This long-completed building finally started after more than two months of silence.

At the outermost periphery of the recess at the top of the building, five spires up to [-] meters tilted inward slowly rose. The spires encircled the recess, like a palm with open fingers.

At this time, the super-large building on the surface of the moon was also activated. The building is composed of four semi-circular nuclear power plants in the shape of a field.

There are two rectangular tower-shaped buildings with a length and width of [-] meters and a height of [-] meters in the middle of the Tianzi. circular giant cave.

From a distance, the whole building looks like a super-large magnetic acceleration gun, and the round hole at the bottom is like the exit of the projectile.

After the start of the building, a current that can be seen clearly with the naked eye shines between the two towers. As time goes on, the current increases, and the opening at the bottom becomes brighter.

A few seconds later, a very bright energy plasma ball flew out of the hole, flew through the middle of the two towers at a speed of 1000 kilometers per second, and flew towards the earth.

When the plasma left, the current of the twin towers disappeared, completely dimmed.

In the earth, Lin Ziyun and the UNSC personnel who were sent to work here silently took out a pair of sunglasses and kept them in their eyes. When others saw them like this, they didn't know what they were doing. Wearing sunglasses at night, their brains estimated It's got water.

Even Wang Liumei next to them looked at them with a look of mental retardation.

"Hey, look, there seems to be something in the sky!" At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly pointed to the sky and said.

"There really is, and it's shining."

"Why do I feel like it's getting bigger?"

Wang Liumei also looked at the glowing object in the sky, suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted: "No, that thing is not getting bigger, it is flying towards us, get out of here!"

It's a pity that their reaction is too slow. The speed of 1000 kilometers per second is not a joke. During the time they were talking, this white light had come to the earth. As it got closer, the brightness became more and more bright. Strong, human eyes can't adapt to this brightness at all, everyone closes their eyes tightly, and the dark night is brighter than the day.

A few seconds later, the plasma slammed into the center of the giant building, and the sky returned to its original darkness. *

Chapter [-] Energy Plasma Comparable to Nuclear Bombs

After waiting for a while, everyone who thought they were going to die found that they seemed to be fine, and gradually opened their eyes, and then looked at their body and looked around, and nothing changed. The only thing that has changed is the display on the side of the giant building. The original black display has been turned on, and there is a pattern of a mobile phone battery on the display, and the word 100% is displayed next to it.

"Is this how you send electricity to the earth?" At this time, Wang Liumei finally realized that the light just now was nothing but the energy that the receiving station needed to receive.

Before, she had always wondered, how could they send energy to the earth at such a long distance without any link.

"That's right." Lin Ziyun took off his sunglasses and said, "We compress the energy generated by the nuclear power plant to turn it into a high-concentration plasma, and then inject it into this receiving station, and this receiving station can receive performance once The energy that this country needs for three years can be used for at least three months even if all the countries in the Middle East are used together.”

"As for the super nuclear power plant on the moon, it only takes a week to complete a charge. How about it? Let's have advanced technology and throw away dozens of elevators." Lin Ziyun looked proud.

This technology is also my inspiration from the Forerunner facilities. When I played HALO in the past, I often saw that there was a device in the Forerunner ruins that could emit a beam of energy, which was then received by the same device at the other end. Lin Ziyun wondered if he could Build a building like this too, and Roland told him it would work.

"How safe is it? If the energy cannot fall into the receiving station accurately, will it cause a disaster?" Marina asked worriedly.

"If the plasma doesn't fall into the building accurately, it can indeed cause disaster, but you don't have to worry about it. Each launch will go through the most accurate calculations to ensure every success. Even if there is an error, there is no need to worry."

Lin Ziyun pointed to the five leaning towers at the top of the receiving station and said: "Those towers are called guiding towers, as their name suggests, they can play a guiding role, you can compare those towers to magnets, and to plasma Compared to an iron block, the closer the two objects are, the greater the attractive force. When the plasma enters the earth, it is the time when the gravitational force between the two parties is the greatest. At this time, the plasma will ignore the earth's gravity and fly straight toward here."

When Lin Ziyun finished explaining, Marina was also a little relieved.

The reporter next to them listened to their speech all the way, finally reacted, and said to the camera: "Shocked! Since the mysterious building on the moon is the fourth space power station in the world, and this 'cauldron' is also a part of it! TV Were you also shocked in front of the plane?"

The news quickly spread around the world, sparking wave after wave of buzz.

"What! Block [-]? Was it built by UNSC Energy?"

"SUNC Energy Company? Is it the one mentioned in the news a few months ago? It's amazing! Since they really do what they say, I always thought they were bragging."

"I didn't expect it to be built in the Middle East. It's great, so my country doesn't have to worry about energy issues."

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