"no problem."

An hour later, the Stalwart-class frigate bridge.

"Report! The AEU agreed to publicly execute everyone on the list, and promised to do it within an hour!" Just when Lin Ziyun was about to order the fire, a correspondent said.

"Haha~ I finally confessed, I thought they would hold on for a while." Lin Ziyun mocked.

Just when Lin Ziyun wanted to wait quietly for news from the AEU, another correspondent brought him another piece of bad news: a civil war broke out in the Kingdom of Azadistan, and the receiving station was affected as a result! *

Chapter [-]: The Source of Civil War

"Why did a civil war break out in the Kingdom of Azadistan? How is the situation at our receiving station?" Lin Ziyun asked with a frown.

Although he could deploy [-] troops to guard the receiving station in the Kingdom of Azadistan, Lin Ziyun felt that there was not much turmoil in the Kingdom of Azadistan, so he only sent two or three hundred people to guard and five aircraft. titan.

This amount of protection of the receiving station is naturally not a problem, but what he is worried about is not the receiving station, but the safety of the personnel in the receiving station.

There are many ways to get resources and equipment, but Lin Ziyun has no solution to the personnel problem so far, so if these people die, there will be one less, and Lin Ziyun can't afford to lose it.

"Sorry sir, we don't know the specific situation, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that there are no casualties among our personnel."

"Tsk." Lin Ziyun looked unhappy. He didn't expect that a civil war would break out in the Azadistan Kingdom at this time. It was too coincidental. "Contact Infinity and let Roland investigate the matter, navigator, Change the course and target the Kingdom of Azadistan!"

It was not only Lin Ziyun and the others who received the news, but the Heavenly Man beside him also received the news.

"A civil war broke out in the kingdom of Azadistan, and the angels of energy and strength are ready to attack!" Emperor Lee Lonija ordered, and the two who had just returned to the Ptolemy had not had time to take off their combat uniforms and walked into the driver. cabin.

"Really, don't let anyone rest, I haven't eaten lunch yet." The pilot of the Angel of Strength, Loo Stance, complained softly.

"Don't complain here, you go to this coordinate to wait first, Miss Wang Liumei will meet you there, presumably she has prepared lunch for you." Kistina passed the coordinate to the two of them and said.

"Miss Huang, you see they are leaving." Fitt pointed to the firm-class frigate outside and said that the ship was flying in the direction of the earth.

"Presumably they are also preparing to go to the Kingdom of Azadistan." Huang Li Luonijia said as he looked at the departing firm.

After an hour of flying, Lin Ziyun and the others finally came to the sky above the capital of the Kingdom of Azadistan. At this time, the capital was no longer as prosperous as when Lin Ziyun came last time, and now only the scene after the explosion can be seen.

"Report! Found that several mechas are heading for the palace. They are mechas of the rebels of the Azadistan Kingdom!"

"I'll leave it to you here. Remember to send some reinforcements to the receiving station. I'll go to the palace first." Lin Ziyun said to the captain, and then walked towards the hangar.

The captain nodded, and then began to order: "Aim the artillery on the rebels, and don't let any rebels get close to the palace!"


"Mr. Lin! You're here." Lin Ziyun, who had just stepped into the palace, was seen by Marina, who said sadly, "I'm sorry, but you were implicated because of the country's problems."

"It doesn't matter, I don't have much loss on my side." Lin Ziyun shook his head and asked, "Who initiated the coup?"

"It's conservative people. Conservative people have always been more rigid in their thinking. They think that we should not cooperate with you, but continue to use traditional oil energy." Marina replied.

Lin Ziyun still knows a little bit about the two major forces of conservatives and reformists in this country.

Conservatives have always believed that this piece of land and the oil that has been almost exhausted under the land were given to them by God. They believe that oil should not be abandoned. To put it bluntly, they are a group of religious lunatics.

"Then why did they have no objection at all when we were constructing, and only came out to jump after the facilities were already in operation?" Lin Ziyun wondered.

"Because they had no reason to object at that time, and this time the top conservatives were kidnapped. The conservatives believed that the reformers did it, so they took this opportunity to start a coup d'etat," Marina said. , "But so far, no one from the reformists has come out to admit this, so we don't know whether the reformists kidnapped him or not."

At this time, a UNSC navy who followed Lin Ziyun here came to him and said something, and then Lin Ziyun said: "It seems that the people who kidnapped the conservatives are not the reformers."

Marina looked at him suspiciously, "Eh? It's not a revolutionary, who would it be? Are they directing and acting?"

Lin Ziyun shook his head, "According to our information, it is another third-party force who kidnapped the hostages!"

"Third-party forces? Who would they be, and why did they do this?"

"It's very simple, start a war and profit from it!" Lin Ziyun said, "As for who it will be, hehe, only PMC can do this kind of thing in this world!"

PMC, also known as the Civil Military Society, is the most notorious blackwater company in the United States in the [-]st century. It is a PMC. They usually use dirty means to provoke wars and then intervene to profit from them.

"How can they do this!" Marina said angrily, just for a little benefit in their eyes, since they started a civil war in this already very chaotic country, "Then what should I do?"

"I can help you solve this civil war," Lin Ziyun said, "but there is one condition that allows me to let the army enter on a large scale."

"Are you going to intervene in this civil war?" Marina said, looking at him.

"That's right, as long as we deal with these conservatives, it's over? And since PMC has hit me with an idea, I can't just let them go. They like war so much, so just come once." Lin Zi Cloud showed a dangerous smile.

Although the PMC only provoked the war, they used the receiving station as the source of the conflict between the two factions to provoke it. This is undoubtedly using the receiving station or the UNSC as the head of the gun.

This undoubtedly angered Lin Ziyun, so he planned to take revenge on PMC.

"However, this will kill a lot of people!" Marina looked sad. "Although conservatives are the bane of this country, in the end, it's also a lot of people's lives."

"You are too naive, Marina. If you don't solve this group of conservatives, more people will die in the future. Even if this crisis is solved, as long as they are still there, there will be another time."

When Marina heard the words, her face was struggling and she didn't know what to do. At this time, Jenny, her staff officer, said, "Your Highness the Queen, I think Mr. Lin is right, only conservatives still exist. There will never be peace in this country."

"Okay, I agree with your proposal." Marina finally agreed.

Lin Ziyun nodded, "That's how you look like the head of a country, and sometimes it doesn't hurt to be decisive."*

Chapter [-] Wang Liumei's Conjecture

"What about the anti-aircraft missiles? Let me launch anti-aircraft missiles and shoot down that ship!" The commander of the rebel army was roaring at his subordinates. He was so angry because of the huge warship that suddenly appeared in the sky. Since she appeared, the rebels who were in the upper hand have been beaten all of a sudden, and even the occupied area is rapidly shrinking.

"The missile has been launched, but it's useless. Our missile can't penetrate her defense at all. By the way, we don't even bother to stop it."

boom!The table in front of the commander was overturned by him, "Damn reformers, **** Queen Marina, they actually let those outsiders interfere in domestic affairs, they are simply a group of traitors!"

On a hillside dozens of kilometers away from the capital of the Kingdom of Azadistan, a small pink aircraft landed here, and Wang Liumei took the red dragon out of the aircraft.

"This is not a war at all, but a unilateral massacre." Wang Liumei said, holding a telescope, looking at the firm-class frigate showing its mighty power in the distance.

"Miss, they're here." The red dragon pointed towards the sky in the distance, and two Gundams flew slowly, and the two Gundams were the Angel of Power and the Angel of Strength.

Momo and Loo got off the Gundam. In front of Wang Liumei, Loo took the lead and asked, "Miss Wang Liumei, long time no see, how is the situation here?"

"You can see for yourself." Wang Liumei pouted in the direction of the capital, "I originally thought that the UNSC would at most send people to guard the safety of the receiving station, but I didn't expect them to directly interfere in the civil war in the kingdom of Azadistan."

"Do you know why they intervened in the Azadistan civil war?" Loo asked.

Wang Liumei shook her head, "I'm not sure, but it's certain that someone touched the UNSC's inverse scale (interest), and with that man's style, he wouldn't do such a thankless thing for no reason. "

Just as they were talking, a huge mouth was suddenly torn out in the sky, and in less than a second, several huge warships flew out of the giant mouth.

Seeing these warships suddenly appeared, everyone was shocked.

"Looks like I'm right, someone definitely touched the man's inverse scale." Wang Liumei recovered from the shock and said affirmatively, "But it's really surprising, I didn't expect them to have so many battleships. , I just don’t know if they still have them, but just relying on these can already destroy a big country, not to mention that there is a bigger one that has not yet come out.”

"Miss Wang Liumei, now is not the time to sigh, what should I do next?" Instantly, he returned to his standard three-faced expression, looking at the fleet in the distance.

"What else can be done, of course it's up to you, do you want to participate in this battle? You are undoubtedly dying." Wang Liumei shrugged and said helplessly.

"Well, Miss Wang Liumei is right, intervening in this battle is indeed a death sentence, but we can end this war in another way." Luo said, "The intelligence does not say that the origin of this war is Was it because someone from the conservatives was kidnapped, and we might be able to get him out in our own way so that the conservatives can stop."

"What if all this is directed and acted by conservatives, even if they rescue the hostages, they may not admit the credit." Shanna asked.

Loo threw a PDA to Setsuna and said: "According to Weida's speculation, the cause of the civil war in this country is likely to be caused by a third-party force, not to mention that the conservatives are now beaten like this, and they can't admit it. ."

(Note: Veda is a super quantum computer of Tianren.)

Wang Liumei nodded, "It is indeed a solution, then the task of rescue is left to you, and it's time for me to meet that man."


Lin Ziyun has returned to the Steadfast-class frigate at this time. This time, he mobilized five destroyers and two Paris-class frigates from the endless fleet to join the battle. This time, he vowed to completely uproot the PMC.

"Report! All the mecha units of the rebels have been eliminated, and our ground troops have been deployed. In ten minutes, they will attack from three sides of the capital to encircle and suppress the remaining strength of the rebels."

Lin Ziyun nodded when he heard the words, "How is the strength of the remaining troops and how is the equipment level?"

"The remaining troops are weak and small, and they are all scattered people. Occasionally, some people gather together, and the number is less than [-]. As for the equipment, they are all light weapons, which are not suitable for our soldiers wearing special armor. threaten."

"Report Commander! An aircraft outside the fleet sent us a communication request, and the other party claimed to be your collaborator!" Another correspondent said at this time.

Lin Ziyun frowned when he heard the words, "Wang Liumei? Why did she come here to join in the fun? Could it be... a god? Heh~, the gods really need to stir up any shit."

"Take over the communication." As soon as Lin Ziyun finished speaking, Wang Liumei's figure appeared on the holographic stage.

Lin Ziyun pretended to be seeing an old friend and said, "Miss Wang Liumei, it's been a long time since I haven't seen you, how have you been recently~"

"What do you think?" Wang Liu gave him a white look. Recently, he almost fell out with Heavenly Man because of his affairs. He was too embarrassed to ask her if she was doing well recently.

"What? The big boss of the dignified UNSC, he won't take me in for tea or something when he sees an old friend. You must know that my broken aircraft is not comparable to your luxury warship, and it can't fly in the sky for long, in case mine If it's broken and out of power, if it falls, there will be one less lovely girl in the world."

Lin Ziyun raised his eyebrows, how can anyone be so shameless, how can they praise themselves so much?Lin Ziyun said to the captain next to him: "Let her come in, and then let her be brought here."

After getting the permission to enter, Red Dragon drove the aircraft towards the naval port on the left side of the Steadfast-class frigate, and soon the aircraft passed through the blue air shield.

Wang Liumei looked at everything in front of her and was shocked again, "The construction of this warship alone should be enough to cover the entire country for several years. Could it be that UNSC is another unknown fourth world alliance? ?"

It is not surprising for her to think so, because since she came in, she has seen many faces of different races, including African blacks, Asian yellows, and of course Western whites.

"If this is the case, what is the purpose of everything they are doing now, to dominate the world? It should be impossible. With the strength they have exposed today, it is easy to dominate the world, and they can directly declare war on the world, and there is no need to do other superfluous. things." Wang Liumei became more curious the more she thought about it. *

Chapter [-] About the bald man's plan

After two hours of encirclement and suppression operations, the UNSC forces finally completely eradicated the remaining rebels in the Azadistan Kingdom, and the capital of the Azadistan Kingdom finally ushered in peace.

Seeing this, Wang Liumei couldn't help feeling speechless for Momo and Luo. The battle was over, but there was no news about the two of them who saved the hostages. It is estimated that the two of them were busy at the moment.

"Are you doing this just to restore peace to the Kingdom of Azadistan?" Wang Liumei had been standing beside Lin Ziyun since she came in.

"How could my purpose be so simple." Lin Ziyun said with a smile, Wang Liumei's expression was as expected.

Before she could say anything, Lin Ziyun said, "My ultimate goal is PMC. Doesn't PMC like fighting very much? I'll let them fight enough today."

"PMC, when did they make you angry, wait, did they start this war?" Wang Liumei asked suspiciously.

I still know about PMC Wang Liumei. As long as they can make money, they can do any dirty things. If it was them, they might really have the idea of ​​fighting the 'dragon' of the UNSC.

"That's right, although this group of people who don't know whether to live or die is only provoking war in this country, but he uses the UNSC as a spearhead. What I hate most is being used by others." Lin Ziyun sneered: "I don't know. Where did they get the confidence that we couldn't discover their means."

Lin Ziyun said to the navigator: "Notify the fleet, change the route, it's time to go to the Republic of Moralia."

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