As soon as Roland's voice fell, the picture on the holographic stage changed, and Captain Kobayashi with a mask appeared in front of Lin Ziyun.

"Captain Kobayashi, this time the multi-joint ship needs to rely on heavy particle emitters to solve it."

Before waiting for Captain Kobayashi to say anything, Lin Ziyun was the first to speak.

Captain Kobayashi: "Oh, it seems that this time, Mr. Lin Ziyun and I have thought about going together. In fact, you don't say wait: I will do the same."

"Then trouble you."

Lin Ziyun nodded and closed the video communication.

"Roland, notify the mecha troops ahead and let them move out of the way, but don't block Sidonia's way."


Om......Boom!!! After the current mecha unit received Lin Ziyun's order, Sidonia's heavy particle emitter was just charged, and then a dark red heavy particle beam rushed out, and a few seconds later, the heavy particle beam hit the small public ship.

Boom!!! Zhonghe Ship is like a soft rice cake, easily penetrated by the heavy particle beam from the middle.

The real body was broken down. It stands to reason that the aftershocks of the congregation ship would begin to disintegrate in the next second, but at this moment, a huge gravitational force appeared in the heavy particle beam.

This gravitational force directly sucked away the Zhonghe Ship that had not yet had time to decompose, and in the next second, the entire space would no longer be able to see the Zhonghe Ship's figure, and even the true body near it disappeared.

The operators of the hundreds of guards in front of the fleet looked at their mothership in amazement. They did not expect that, after not returning for three months, their mothership has an extra weapon of this height! "Heavy Particle Launch The weapon is a space-type weapon. The heavy particle beam it emits does not have gravity itself, but after hitting the object, the neatly arranged space particles will instantly disperse, and then form a small black hole in that space... I have to say , this weapon is really good!"

Roland pinched his chin and commented on the heavy particle emitter, nodding his head incessantly.

"So it is! I finally know why Father-sama said that just now!"

After hearing Roland's words, Bai Yuyi slapped his palm and said.

"Just now, the Qijuzi are all scattered, and it is very troublesome to break them one by one. Since they are actively merging, they can be solved at one time with the black holes generated by heavy particles, right?"

After finishing speaking, Bai Yu Yizhu raised his head with an expression of 'I'm right, reward me quickly'.

Lin Ziyun smiled, stroked her hair and said, "Yes, my white feather clothes are really smart."

"Hey Hey."

Bai Yuyi squinted, enjoying Lin Ziyun's touch very much.

Chapter [-] Yuehang

"Report to Captain! There are more multi-ships approaching! Number 29!"

Hearing Roland's words, Lin Ziyun couldn't help but complained in his heart: "If you don't pay attention, since they have assembled so many boats together, you must find a way to solve the public boats first."

But it's easier said than done.

The only ones that can do damage to the public ship are the Star Shatter Cannon and the Heavy Particle Launcher, but now the Kaidarin Crystal is still: charging, so the Star Shatter Cannon.

It seems that only heavy particle emitters can be used.

Thinking of this, Lin Ziyun operated on the holographic stage for a while and opened the communication with Sidonia: "Captain Kobayashi, can the heavy particle emitter still be used?"


Without waiting for Captain Kobayashi to say anything, Valerian Midorikawa, who was standing beside her, said, "The heavy particle launcher can't do burst shots, and now it takes at least two hours of cooldown before the next attack!"

Lin Ziyun: "Two hours and two hours are too long, the day lilies are cold if you keep waiting, you must find other ways to solve them!"

"Captain, why don't we use that... well, it is also a space weapon, and its power is stronger than that of a particle launcher. If used properly, it is enough to destroy the public in one blow."

At this time, Roland suggested.

"That... is..."

Lin Ziyun's Way of Nature What Roland said about 'that...' is the black hole weapon, one of the anti-planetary weapons in the endless fleet.

Lin Ziyun pondered for a while and then said: "No, although that weapon is powerful, don't forget, its range is very short, and its flight speed is also very slow."

If you want to attack the black hole missile to the Volkswagen ship, you must drive the ship to its side. Now the Volkswagen ship is surrounded by tens of billions of Qijuzi, and it is easy to be set fire when running over. Such a dense attack, It's just... Infinity probably won't be able to handle it either.

"What are you talking about... If you have any means of this, just say it and listen."

Captain Kobayashi on the side looked at the two of them playing a riddle, and couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun thought about it and finally told Captain Kobayashi about the existence of the black hole weapon, and also explained what Roland had just said.

"That is to say, as long as someone is willing to go over and launch the black hole missile you mentioned, they can solve that mass-merged ship with one blow, right?"

Captain Kobayashi said while pinching his chin.

"That's right."

Lin Ziyun nodded.

"I see, I'll have people drop missiles."


Lin Ziyun was greatly surprised, "You have a way to pass through Qijuzi's line of defense"

"Yes, just recently East Asia Heavy Industry has given a good piece of equipment. At 90% of the speed of light, it should be able to complete the bombing mission."

"Approaching 90% the speed of light"

Lin Zhong was startled, since East Asia Heavy Industry has vigorously developed this top-level sub-light speed equipment, it is not a problem for human beings to fly faster than the speed of light, but it is not so simple to make the speed of warships close to light.

Why do you say this? Because the universe that human beings are currently in is a three-dimensional, three-dimensional universe, and in a three-dimensional, three-dimensional universe, the speed of light is... the limit.

As an object's velocity gets closer to light, then any clutter in the universe can be an obstacle to that... object.

For example, when a one-kilometer-long spacecraft is flying with 50% beam, if the hull is not hard enough, those small meteorites the size of human heads are enough to smash the ship. may be broken down.

Take Infinity as an example, if the shield is not turned on, the ridiculously thick titanium alloy armor alone can only ensure that the Infinity will not be smashed by debris in the universe when it flies at 15% the speed of light.

Of course, this data is not very accurate. If it hits a relatively large and hard object, the Infinity will still be able to.

But the speed of light is different.

Because when the speed of the spaceship exceeds the speed of light, the plane will leave the three-dimensional space and enter a subspace composed of multiple dimensions.

There are many kinds of multidimensional universes, and the interspace is also a kind.

In fact, to put it bluntly... It's not that humans don't have the technology to speed up the ship, but because they haven't found enough hard materials to build armor for the ship.

But now that Captain Kobayashi told himself that East Asia Heavy Industry has developed equipment that can fly at 90% of the speed of light in normal space, this really shocked him.

"Can you tell me what material your... equipment is made of?"

Lin Ziyun asked curiously.

Captain Kobayashi: "Of course.

The name of this equipment is 'Yuehang', and it is an auxiliary equipment specially developed by East Asia Heavy Industry using artificial intelligence for the guards..."

In the next few minutes, Captain Kobayashi began to introduce his new equipment to Lin Ziyun.

It's a pity that Lin Ziyun didn't pay attention to her words at this time, and saw that he frowned while pinching his smooth chin.

"Why does Yuehang feel that this name is so familiar... Wait..., is it the... big cone in the comics?"

Lin Ziyun suddenly thought of something.

Since the comic "Knights of Sidonia" was read a long time ago, he forgot a lot of things in it except... about the plot and characters, but there was one thing he didn't know. I have a bit of an impression, that is the... big cone that appeared in the later period! If I remember correctly, the name of that... big cone also seems to start with the word moon, and its speed is indeed very fast.

It only takes one hour to fly the distance that Sidonia needs to fly.

"...Yuehang's whole body is made of artificial Ying, so it can be used as a spear when necessary."

Captain Kobayashi continued to introduce.

"If the black hole weapon you mentioned is installed on the lunar voyage, it should be easy to approach the public ship!"

Lin Ziyun nodded and said: "Okay, let's do it like this! Send Yuehang to me, and I will appoint someone to be responsible for the renovation of Yuehang."

It's not that Lin Ziyun can't believe Sidonia's technology, it's just that the black hole missile is very attractive. He is afraid that after handing the black hole missile to Sidonia, the people on Sidonia will not be able to help it. research it.

In this urgent situation, he didn't want to waste his extra time on those... meaningless things.

What's more, this black hole weapon is one of the top weapons in the endless fleet. It has an anti-theft device installed on it. If the missile leaves its missile slot, it will activate immediately, and if it is not fired or put back within 30 minutes, it will will explode.

At that time, the entire endless fleet will suffer! "I know, I will send Yuehang to you."

Captain Kobayashi didn't think too much like Lin Ziyun did, she nodded directly.

Chapter [-] Ending the Battle

Soon, two guards escorted a two-hundred-meter-long cone out of Sidonia and came to the side of Infinity.

Seeing that the equipment had arrived, Lin Ziyun hurriedly ordered Yuehang to be recovered.

After half an hour.

"Captain, Yuehang and Jiwei are ready and ready to go."

Roland, who was standing on the holographic stage, said.

Because Yuehang was specially designed for the guards, it must be controlled by the guards in order to fly at sub-light speed. For this reason, Lin Ziyun deliberately called Gufeng Changdao from the front line back.

No way, other guard manipulators can't trust him.

After all, Gu Feng Changdao was first-rate in terms of combat power and operational skills, so Lin Ziyun was very relieved to let him carry out this mission.

The most important thing is that he also has the protagonist halo above his head, which greatly improves the success rate of the mission.

Originally, when Lin Ziyun asked Captain Xiaolin for Gu Feng's long way, he thought she would not agree. After all, this mission is very dangerous, and it is still unknown whether he can come back after going out.

But to his surprise, Captain Kobayashi just nodded and agreed after hesitating for a while.

Isn't she afraid that her little lover will never return? Of course, since Lin Ziyun wants Gu Feng Changdao to serve, naturally he will not let him die.

When Gufeng Changdao entered the hangar of the Infinity, Lin Ziyun had someone give a one-time teleportation device to Gufeng Changdao.

Drip! Lin Ziyun lightly pressed the button on the holographic stage with one hand, and a virtual screen appeared in front of his eyes, only to see Gu Feng Changdao on the screen! "Gu Feng Changdao, be sure to send that... weapon to him. To the destination, it is the key weapon in the battle."

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Gu Feng Changdao replied with a serious face.

"Well, let's go, but don't die, otherwise I don't know how to explain to Captain Kobayashi."


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