You read that right, this tower was built with the titanium alloy used by the Lin Ziyun warship.

The reason for using titanium alloy is also helpless. After all, the tower is too high, and the floor area at the bottom is too small. If ordinary reinforced concrete is used as the building material, it may collapse one day.

What's more, the diameter of the upper layer of the tower is larger than that of the middle layer, and the diameter of the middle layer is larger than that of the lower layer. From a distance, the tower looks like a standing nail.

Such ordinary building materials are more difficult to perform this project, so it is best to use only warship-grade titanium alloys.

Although it is not difficult to produce titanium alloys with the current level of craftsmanship in the endless fleet, there are not many titanium elements in the fleet.

Fortunately, when Lin Ziyun experienced the last world, he discovered a planet rich in 1 titanium element, which gave him a lot of money.

Otherwise, just to build this tower may have to use the spare resources in the endless fleet that are specially used for emergencies.

"Yes, it is about 10% more than the predetermined amount: all the resources of this 10% are used for the reinforcement at the bottom."

Miss Ji Ye nodded and said.

"%? Forget it. If you exceed it, you should exceed it. It doesn't matter anymore."

Anyway... there is no regret medicine, even if there is, Lin Ziyun may not be able to take it.

"By the way, how is the clone body on the Dyson sphere going?"

The cloned body naturally refers to the human soul carrier that Lin Ziyun promised to create for artificial intelligence, that is, the empty shell body.

Due to the limited area of ​​the scientific research department in Infinity, most of the space is managed by Glassman, and Glassman is an alien technology expert, so those... space piles are all Mechanical technology products.

In order not to occupy his space, Lin Ziyun put the biotechnology laboratory in the Dyson sphere, so the cloned body was carried out in the Dyson sphere, and Yulixia was in charge.

"Miss Yulixia said that it will take about three days: it will be completed in time."

Speaking of which, there was a hint of excitement on Miss Ji Ye's face.

In these days, Lin Ziyun went back to the Dyson Ball, and when he went back, he also brought Miss Ji Ye, after all, she is now Lin Ziyun's secretary.

When Miss Yoba came to the fleet and saw the Dyson Sphere, she, who has always been calm and calm, couldn't help but be shocked.

She never expected that her master not only controls a huge ship, but also a huge fleet and a huge artificial planet! Since she was created...., the largest artificial object she has ever seen is Infinity, I thought Infinity was... the biggest, when she saw the Dyson sphere, she completely refreshed her three views.

What shocked her the most was that when she entered the Dyson sphere, she saw a bustling urban scene. These scenes made her feel extremely shocked.

Because these pictures of human life can only be seen in ancient photos, no, photos are still photos after all, and these pictures give her a more realistic feeling.


Lin Ziyun stretched his waist and said, "As expected, it's my Yulixia, the efficiency is... fast."

Originally, according to the normal speed, it would take more than a month or even two months to create some cloned bodies, but in Yulixia's hands, it only took a month.

"Indeed, Miss Yulixia is indeed at the forefront in the field of biotechnology."

Miss Zhi Ye also said.

"I heard she's going to start the fifth Spartan program, I don't know if it's true or not."

"That's right."

Lin Ziyun smiled and said.

The fifth Spartan Warrior project was proposed to him by Yulisha a few days ago.

Originally, Lin Ziyun was a little hesitant, but after thinking about it carefully, he agreed.

After all, the Infinity Fleet has obtained a lot of biotechnology from Sidonia, and it is not a problem to develop the fifth Spartan warrior.

Lin Ziyun is also looking forward to this, but I don't know who is stronger in the fifth phase of her development and the second and second phase developed by Dr. Ha Erqian.

Chapter [-] The sudden army of mechanical life forms

The combat effectiveness of the 2nd Spartan warriors is obvious to all. During the war between humans and the Covenant, the 2nd Spartans played a great role.

The Master Chief alone can turn the tide and defeat the Covenant.

Although the combat power of the ordinary 2nd and [-]nd phase cannot be compared with that of the Master Chief, it will not be much worse.

It can be said that sometimes a four-man 4-team 2nd Spartan is more powerful than a small fleet, especially the Master Chief.

Now that Yulixia is going to start the fifth Spartan Warrior plan, can Lin Ziyun not expect it?

He just hopes to develop a fifth-stage Sparta with a slightly higher average level than the average two-stage Sparta.

"Master Captain, in fact, there is a lot of biotechnology stored in the lunar base. These technologies may be able to help Miss Yulixia. Maybe you should contact the moon and talk to the artificial intelligence to see if it is willing. Transfer those...technologies to you as well."

Miss Ji Ye said.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

Lin Ziyun clapped his thigh with one hand.

If the history of this world is the same as the world he lives in, it means that human beings have been exposed to biotechnology for the first time since the nineteenth century.

Today, although the human beings in this world have become extinct, most of the human technology has survived, including biotechnology, and is mastered by the artificial intelligence.

After nearly [-] years of accumulation, improvement and development, these biotechnologies are no less developed than Sidonia, and even surpassed in some fields.

It is precisely because of this that the artificial intelligence can create a Yokoba unit that is more advanced and more powerful than ordinary androids.

If you can hand over these technologies to Yulisha, it may be possible to greatly improve the level of the fifth-generation Spartan warriors.

"But don't be in a hurry now, anyway... I will meet it again in a few days, and it doesn't matter if we talk at that time."

Lin Ziyun shrugged, not in a hurry at all.

Generally speaking, when starting a research and development plan, the required technologies, materials and resources are already planned.

Especially the Spartan plan, which already has technical reserves, if some new technologies are suddenly added in the middle, it is likely to cause the entire plan to be delayed.

However, Lin Ziyun is not worried about this, as Yulixia's five-phase Spartan warrior plan has only just started a few days, and it is impossible to make any progress in a short period of time.

Judging from the current situation, even if there is a new technology to join, there is no problem in waiting for a few days and a half months to hand it over to her.

What's more, procrastination means procrastinating, anyway... For these people, there is not much, just a lot of time, ,, the kind that can't be recharged even if it is used to charge the phone bill...

"By the way, more than [-] days have passed. Glassman's group has researched whether alien motherships have... researched anything new."

"Uh...not yet."

Ji Wenyan shook his head helplessly and said, "Without energy, the mothership's equipment cannot be activated. These days, they can only be in the periphery, and they have no way to enter the core area to view the data and information inside."

"Well, as expected"

The electricity used by the alien mothership is not nuclear energy, but the energy of the mechanical core, which cannot be produced with the current technology of the endless fleet.

And wanting to start the terminal of this mothership requires a lot of this energy, so those... scientists can only study insignificant things.


Lin Ziyun leaned on the soft back of the chair and couldn't help yawning, and a sense of drowsiness followed.

Di Di Di Di Di... But just when Lin Ziyun was about to close his eyes and squint for a while, an alarm sounded suddenly, and the sleepiness was wiped away without a trace.

"What's the matter, is there another mechanical lifeform to destroy it?"

Lin Ziyun asked with a frown.

In the past twenty or so days of construction, it was not very peaceful. Every three days, some mechanical lifeforms came in groups to destroy and attack.

When there are few, there are only a few, and when there are many, hundreds of them together, it is simply annoying.

"Master Captain, Infinity's radar found that a large number of mechanical lifeforms are rushing towards this side from all directions."

Miss Jiye looked at what was in her hand and said, only to see that the screen was covered with dense red signals.

"how much"

"The number cannot be estimated, but it is conservatively estimated that there are more than [-] million, of which there are more than [-] large-scale mechanical life forms."

After listening to Miss Ji Ye's words, Lin Ziyun immediately stood up from the chair.

"! What's the situation with more than [-] million"

He didn't care much about it just now, but he didn't expect that this time it was not dozens or hundreds, but [-] million, and it was conservatively estimated that even large mechanical lifeforms were as high as [-]. It's time to fight.

"Wait..., this is... Captain, the signal that a large mechanical life form has been found in the eastern sea area, this is a super large mechanical life form that appeared once 320 years ago! "

Miss Ji Ye looked at the information on the website with a shocked expression.

Sun! The one that appeared once in 320 years... The super-large mechanical life form can't say that... The monster whose whole body is enveloped in energy. I didn't expect it to be awakened in the end. Sure enough, so many mechanical life forms came this time. It's not accidental, but someone manipulated it behind the scenes.

"Is there someone behind the commander who is silently controlling these... Mechanical lifeforms?"

Miss Ji Ye quickly thought of something with Lin Ziyun.

"It should be right. After all, this group of mechanical lifeforms just appeared, and the super-large mechanical lifeform also came. This is too coincidental. I don't believe such a coincidence in this world."

Lin Ziyun said.

"Who is behind them"

Now that she has been in the Endless Fleet for a while, Miss Yoba already knows many things, such as the fact that the aliens have been destroyed, and the aliens have been destroyed, she can't figure out who else can Manipulate these......machine lifeforms.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be two special mechanical lifeforms that control the network of mechanical lifeforms."

Lin Ziyun explained.

"Remember the two humanoid mechanical lifeforms I mentioned earlier that the team met?"

Miss Yoshiba nodded, "Remember, you said they were called Adam and Eve. Could it be that they are controlling these...... Mechanical lifeforms"

"That's right, the two of them control the network of mechanical lifeforms, and most of the mechanical lifeforms in the world have not left the network, so only they can launch such a large-scale mobilization."

For .. mechanical lifeforms, Adam and Eve are equivalent to a terminal that issues command codes, no matter whether they are loyal to them or not, as long as they open their mouths, all mechanical lifeforms that are not out of the network will obey their commands.

Although I haven't seen how strong the two of them are, but they can control more than [-] million mechanical life forms at one time, apart from them, Lin Ziyun really can't think of anyone else who can do it.

Chapter [-] When the battle begins

A few minutes later, Lin Ziyun left the office with Miss Yoba and came to the bridge of the Infinity.

When the two entered the bridge, the bridge was filled with a busy atmosphere, and Roland on the holographic stage had already displayed a stack of data for Lin Ziyun to consult.

"Roland, how is the situation?"

Lin Ziyun didn't talk nonsense, and went directly to the theme when he came to the holographic table.

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