She also looked at the Thor's hammer power armor of the Spartans carefully, and she was also very interested in these equipment.

In terms of appearance, it's really good, and its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the first and second generation, but unfortunately... it can't fly.

"Surrender, hehe, we Spartans have never surrendered in their lives, it's you who should surrender."

Edward Buck looked more ignorant with disdain.

Even more knowledgeable, she frowned, and just when she was about to say something, the kidnapped Chifuyu Orimara spoke up.

I saw her face trembling with a calm face: "More knowledgeable, look behind."


Even though she was puzzled, she still turned around.


When she and the students around her looked to the rear, she was completely stunned and saw that in the sky behind, a huge space was opened, and a battleship with a length of more than [-] meters slowly sailed from it. out.

However, this is not the end, after the appearance of the thousand-meter warship, the space around the warship also distorted, and after a while, twenty smaller ships were entered: the warships also came out.

"This... what is this"

Knowing more, Zhen Wu was shocked.

Boom!!! Just when I knew Zhenwu and those students were still: shocked, a crimson light beam shot out from the side of the Clarifying-class battleship.

In the next second, an island country navy military base not far from the academy was instantly razed to the ground, and even the warships that were coming to support them were evaporated in that instant.

Huhuhu... A heat flow came oncoming, making everyone feel a little difficult to breathe, and only then did they reflect from their shock.

"Now, I order you to surrender immediately, otherwise, the next attack of the Clarification-class battleship will be aimed at... this school."

James Locke raised his head, looked at the more knowledgeable and said.


More Zhi Zhenwu's face sank, and now in this situation, she naturally knows that these dozens of warships that suddenly appeared are in the same camp as the people on the opposite side.

Orimara Chifuyu shouted: "Are you crazy, don't forget that you are still here, do you want to die with us?"

James Locke shook his head, "No, no, we don't want to die with you. We have teleportation technology here. If we don't surrender, we will be teleported away in an instant, and you will be the only ones who will die."


Hearing this, Zhizhen Wu's face became even more gloomy.

"Don't grind, you only have half a minute to think about it."

shouted James Locke.

"We surrender!"

More Zhi Zhenwu gritted her teeth and said, she waved her hand, and the students standing behind her immediately put down their weapons, then released their state, and all returned to the ground.

"Good, wise choice."

James Locke winked at Paul DeMarcoro behind him.

"Take your people to confiscate their belongings, remember to be careful to prevent them from playing tricks."

Paul DeMarcoro nodded, "I see."

Ten minutes later, everyone present was confiscated. At this time, James Locke breathed a sigh of relief. As long as those students were gone, he would not be afraid of their tricks.

James Locke: "Kerrigan, Nova and other ghost members are resting in place, and it is possible to restore your psionic energy. Tanaka, Weier, you two are holding this woman to continue to search for the repository, others are optimistic about these students!"


"Captain, the support fleet has arrived on Earth, and Locke and the others have also completed their mission."

Inside the Infinity bridge, Roland reported the situation to Lin Ziyun.

Lin Ziyun nodded, "Is there any reaction from every country in the world?"

Roland said: "The island country originally sent a surface fleet to reinforce the academy, but it was destroyed by a pulsed laser cannon from the Clarification-class battleship, and now it has become honest. As for other countries, they have not done anything for the time being. , should still be discussing countermeasures.”

"Well, as expected."

Lin Ziyun was not surprised by this.

A strong space fleet suddenly appeared in the earth, and no one would be a little overwhelmed, and they would not go to war easily without absolute certainty.

"Roland, contact Captain Kate and ask him to take the New Era-class aircraft carrier to Earth. I feel that those people on Earth are likely to sit still."


In terms of combat power, a Clarification-class battleship can wipe out human civilization in this world.

You must know that the wave cannons on the Clarification-class battleships are not...just kidding.

But the Clarifying class is not suitable for fighting in the atmosphere, let it do damage, bomb the planet is ok, like this kind of more detailed combat, it is better to let small warships or Titans go.

However, there were not many Xiaoxin warships this time, less than [-]. Letting the New Era class aircraft carrier go with hundreds of Titans can just make up for this shortcoming.

A few minutes later, the New Era-class aircraft carrier left the port in the Dyson sphere, and the single ship went to Earth.

When the huge body of the New Era aircraft carrier appeared in the sky above the academy, the students who were gathered together were once again shocked.

Chapter [-]: Glassman, who is eager to study is

In a spacious basement in the island country of Tokyo, a man with a... Mediterranean hairstyle sat at the top of a ten-meter long table.

Opposite him is a large display screen several meters long and wide.

I saw that the display screen is divided into thirty and forty, and there are small display screens, each of which has a man and woman of the same age as him. From the skin color of these people, it can be seen that they are people from different countries around the world.

"Now that the other party has completely occupied the academy, I request you to immediately reinforce and retake the academy together!"

Now the fleet in the sky has destroyed a naval military base in the island country, and this base happens to be stationed with most of the island country's naval combat ships.

As the prime minister of the island country, he had to bow his head and ask for help from other countries.

"Don't worry, our Seventh Fleet of Emperor Midi has already started to go to the island country, and it won't take long to reach the island country's waters. At the same time, I believe that other big countries will not be left without help. I'm right."

After the president of the United States finished speaking, he turned his attention to several other countries.

The president of the country, Italy, and Australia nodded at the same time.

"That's right, my British Empire, as a responsible country, naturally won't let you go...


"I'm Italian too..."

"Australia is the same..."

"Bah, don't come and take those... some are not to oppress others, your own business is none of my Russia's business, do you think it is China's leader comrade?"

"Mr. Russian President is right. I, China, do not want to be involved in your affairs."

The head of Huaxia nodded calmly.

"You, the two of you, now that aliens invade the earth, human beings are in danger at this time, since you are not doing anything"

The U.S. president is furious with the duties of two people.

"Ah, the aliens invaded the gods. The aliens still use English letters. Don't think that you have blocked the news. I don't know. Those battleships are engraved with English letters. Tell me, which aliens are there? also use the English alphabet of the earth"

The Russian president was disdainful.

The head of Huaxia also nodded, "Mr. Russian President is right, and don't forget that although the college is in an island country, it is an independent country after all, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a country, and now people have fallen. , we are not obliged to help."


Speaking of which, the President of the United States was also a little hesitant.

Before, because I decided to help the island country, I wanted to try to fight, maybe I would lay down a few warships and then go to the wreckage to get some new technology.

The second is to take this opportunity to balance the strength between the two camps.

You must know that the navy of his iron ally, the island nation, has already been abolished, and the island nation that has lost the navy will have a much smaller right to speak in the world. In this way, the strength of his own circle will be greatly reduced. .

Mi, who is all about national interests, doesn't want such a thing to happen, so he plans to pull other big countries in the world to fight.

The prime minister of the island country was silent when he saw the president of the United States, and suddenly said unwillingly, don't forget, in the academy, the representative students of our country, do you want to give up them?"

"Hehe, I'm sorry, the representative students of our country were also dug from your country. If you don't have it, you'll be gone."

The Russian president shrugged and did not put those students in.

After all, what he said was right. After entering the academy, students can abandon their current nationality and choose a country they like to join it.

And most of the representative students in Russia are dug from other countries, including the student council president who is even more ignorant.

"I don't care about this. After all, the opening time of our Huaxia school is different from that of the college. Our representative students of Huaxia are still on vacation."

The opening time of the academy is the same as that of the universities in the island country, which is completely different from that of Huaxia. At this time, the students of Huaxia are still lying in bed and sleeping late.


The prime minister of the island country stood up angrily and pointed at the big screen, unable to say anything.

......Speaking of which, on the other side, in the bridge of the Infinity, Lin Ziyun held his forehead with one hand and looked helplessly at Glassman in front of him.

"You can just wait here for a while. I will have someone bring it back for you to study. You really don't need to go to Earth. It's not safe there yet."

Lin Ziyun regretted showing the information to Glassman, he would not have given it to him sooner if he knew he would be so interested.

"But I can't wait. It will be a few days before those people arrive."

Glassman said.

Lin Ziyun has always been very cautious in his work. For the sake of safety, he previously stipulated that all equipment snatched from the enemy, especially those... black technology equipment, must be strictly reviewed to confirm that there is no Only after being threatened can it be sent back to Infinity for research.

The time for this review will vary according to different equipment. It is estimated that this relatively mysterious black technology will take several days, and Glassman can't wait.

At this time, Roland also said: "Captain, you can rest assured that although the earth is not safe, the academy where Dr. Glassman went, has been fully controlled by us, and there should be no danger."

"Yeah, Captain, just let me go, anyway... I'll go take a look, I promise I won't stay on the ground for too long."

Glassman also agrees.

Lin Ziyun pinched his chin and thought for a while, and finally sighed helplessly, "Okay, let's go together, it just so happens that I am also a little interested in the academy."

The academy, an academy for cultivating talents, all of the people in it are extremely talented in mecha, and Lin Ziyun is also very interested in such an academy.

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