Geng Zhizhenwu explained: "Your current international identity is a bit memorable, but this does not mean that this cannot be changed. As long as you can allow the outside world to recognize that the academy belongs to you, then you are equivalent to having an internationally recognized identity. certificate."

"With this 'identity card', there is no need to worry that no one will be in trouble: you have made a deal."

"When you say that, it seems to be quite reasonable."

Lin Ziyun pinched his chin and thought about it, and finally felt that this method was really good.

As long as people in the world recognize that the college belongs to him, he can walk normally in the world.

Chapter [-] Talks

"Very good, Miss 2, contact Roland and ask him to drive the Infinity ship over. By the way, I will inform the various member states of the United Nations and let them meet me here in two days."

Lin Ziyun waved his hand, and finally agreed to the proposal of more knowledgeable.

As for whether the various member states of the United Nations will send people over, Lin Ziyun doesn't need to worry, but he can come. After the matter is over, he is driving the Infinity to go around their country and banging on them.


Miss 2 nodded and started to contact Infinity, which is far outside the solar system.

Soon after, Infinity entered the fault space, crossed a distance of billions of kilometers, and came to the earth.

...two days later.

A two-hundred-meter-long luxury cruise ship slowly entered the port of the academy. The cruise ship was carrying leaders from various countries who came to talk.

The first person to get out of the cruise ship is naturally the leader of the three giants of China, Russia, and the United States Blue Star, followed by the younger brothers of these three countries.

"Welcome leaders from all over the country."

Knowing more about Zhen Wushang, he opened his mouth to the crowd.

You read that right, it was neither Lin Ziyun nor Captain Kate who came to greet the leaders of various countries, but the president of the student union of the academy, who is more acquainted! Yun is of the same level, and these... 'big' people should be received by Lin Ziyun in person.

But Lin Ziyun was really too lazy to walk a few more steps, so he left this important task to the more knowledgeable.

What's more, even if they don't receive them personally, they don't dare to have any dissatisfaction, because in this day and age, whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.

Obviously, Lin Ziyun's fist is bigger than theirs! "This little girl is..."

The head of Huaxia looked at the more knowledgeable, and subconsciously frowned.

It's not that he is picky, it doesn't matter to him who comes to receive guests, but if I remember correctly, she is wearing the school uniform of the academy, why are the students here helping those mysterious people to pick up the guests? It's too fast. In fact, what he thought was.... Yes, the academy at this time has completely fallen to Lin Ziyun's side.

Before, Lin Ziyun just occupied the place temporarily, and when Glassman finished his research, he patted his butt and left.

But after the conversation with more knowledgeable Chenwu two days ago, he began to take over the academy in an all-round way, and it is no exaggeration to say that this is his home.

After two days of ideological education and the secret help of the student union, the students who did not reject Lin Ziyun's rule in the first place did not care much at this time.

After all, after so many days of getting along, the students of Ziyun have a little understanding, and it doesn't matter if they rule this place.

No, to be precise, it doesn't matter who will rule the academy as far as... their students are concerned.

"Hello sir, my name is Gengzhi Zhenwu, and I'm the student council president of this college."

Knowing more, Zhenwu bowed slightly to the crowd and introduced himself.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and the prime minister of the island country even said directly: "The president of the student council of the academy, have you accepted the other party's rule so quickly?"

Knowing more, Zhen Wu nodded and said, "Yes."

"Then this... Miss more acquainted, can you tell me what that gentleman asked us to come here for?"

The Russian president stepped forward and asked curiously.

Hearing this, everyone present focused their attention on more knowledgeable people, especially the president of the United States.

Since the news in the academy is blocked, no one outside knows the changes here. Just two days ago, when they were racking their brains to get the news, they suddenly received an unsolicited message from the academy. .

Since the commander-in-chief of the mysterious fleet wants to see them! At first they thought that someone was joking, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt that it was impossible. After all, it is possible to send information directly to them through layers of firewalls. What ordinary people can do.

What's more, they also confirmed that the information really came from the college.

After [-]% confirmation that the information was true, they began to panic, and even the President of the United States, who was shouting and killing before, had a solemn expression.

Before, it was because the President of the United States did not know the strength of the other party and thought that the dozen or twenty warships were... all the combat power of the other party, but then when he saw the New Era class aircraft carrier, he felt a little cowardly in his heart.

Later, after witnessing the titan mech hanging and beating with his own eyes, he became even more embarrassed. Finally, when the Infinity came, he directly ordered the fleet on standby in the Pacific to go home quickly.

He didn't want to wake up one day to find that his Seventh Fleet had been removed from the establishment of the US Navy.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him solemnly, and even more aware of Zhenwu's face as usual, he said: "Don't worry, this time the adult invited you to come, it is just an ordinary meeting, the specific content still has to wait for you to enter the conference room. to know."

"Not much to say, please come with me now."

Seeing what else they wanted to ask, more knowledgeable Zhenwu immediately interrupted.

Helpless, in the end everyone had to shut up and follow her honestly.

Now they have come, no matter what they are waiting for: what they will face, they can only bite the bullet and push forward.

Ten minutes later, everyone followed Geng Zhi Zhenwu to the door of a conference room in the academy, only to see Geng Zhi Zhenwu lightly knocking on the wooden door.

"Come in!"

Kacha! The door was pushed open by Geng Zhizhenwu, and then she took the initiative to open her body and let the people behind her enter.

"Everyone, please come in."

"You... come so slow."

Lin Ziyun, who was sitting in the living position, glanced at the clock on the wall and said displeasedly.

It's already past ten o'clock in the morning::, they were told to arrive here before ten o'clock before, but they were late, don't they take their words seriously, everyone heard the words, cold sweat broke out, and the head of Huaxia was the first to speak Said: "Sorry this..."

"Lin Ziyun."

"Sorry this... Mr. Lin Ziyun, we are deeply sorry for the delay on the way here."

Saying that, the head of Huaxia bowed deeply to Lin Ziyun, and the others saw this as well, and none of them wanted to offend Lin Ziyun now.

"Forget it, let's all sit down."

Lin Ziyun waved his hand.

When everyone was seated, Lin Ziyun said again, "I don't talk too much nonsense. I called you here this time just to let you recognize that I am the actual ruler of the academy."


When everyone heard the words, they suddenly felt their heads go big. Except for Lin Ziyun and others, everyone on the scene turned their attention to the three big Blue Star giants.

The President of the United States thought about it and said, "Actually, it's nothing. If you want to be the ruler of the academy, we will naturally not object, but those... in those academies... please raise your hand."

In the academy, there are many students from the United States and the United States, and some of these students bring their own. These are the top third generation of the country, and they don't want to Give up these gear.

Chapter [-] Transactions

Internationally, although it is verbally said that it cannot be used in the military field, everyone knows that this is just talk, and when necessary, who will care about these...and those. ......The third generation with the core is undoubtedly more valuable than gold, and no one wants to give them up just like that.

Lin Ziyun thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Naturally, it can be returned to you, but the premise is that you need to wait. After the scientists on my side have finished their research, they will return it to you."

It's nothing to return it to them, anyway... he doesn't like this kind of equipment, the reason why people will study it is mainly because of the miniaturization technology and the technology in the core.

When they acquired these............ items of technology, they were no different from scrap iron in front of him.

"Excuse me, how long does it take for your scientists to finish their research?"

The head of Huaxia frowned slightly.

I'm afraid it's not because I don't want to pay it back, so I just found an excuse to fool them. In the ten years since the birth of this kind of thing, no one has been able to study it thoroughly except... the developer Shinobu no. With the technology inside, he naturally couldn't believe that the people on Lin Ziyun's side could do it.

"It won't take long, maybe a few months or so: time."

Lin Ziyun said.

"And you can rest assured that if we don't study it thoroughly within half a year, we will also return it to you."

"You are telling the truth"

"It's absolutely true."

Lin Ziyun nodded.

"Oh, by the way, those students in the academy belong to me, so you should have no opinion."

"This... well, everyone in the academy belongs to you."

The three Blue Star giants looked at each other, and in the end they could only agree to this request.

Although there are thousands of unwillingness in their hearts, but who wants to have a big fist and the other party is willing to give them back, it is not bad. If they ask for more, it may make the other party disgusted, and they may even fart at that time. Don't keep one for yourself.

"Now that the student's problem has been resolved, let's talk about the next thing."

After saying that, Lin Ziyun made a look at Miss 2 next to her, only to see the latter nodded, and then handed the stacks of documents to everyone present.

"Now I am a person of status in this world. Since my status is legal, you shouldn't mind doing some business with me."

Hearing Lin Ziyun's words, everyone looked at each other in dismay, wondering at the same time curious, they wanted to know what business the other party wanted to do with them.

"Naturally, as long as your business does not violate international laws, we are willing to do business with you."

The President of the United States said.

When he said that he did not violate international law, he also increased his accent. Obviously, he was still very wary of Lin Ziyun.

Lin Ziyun didn't care about this, he said, "Don't worry, I will never break the law when doing business. The specific content is learned on paper, and you will know if you look carefully."

When everyone heard the words, they started to read the contents of the document. There was not a lot of content on the document. Everyone watched it carefully for seven or eight minutes, and then:.

After reading it, everyone couldn't help but feel angry, especially the three giants of Blue Star.

Originally, they thought that Lin Zi wanted to take the opportunity to do some strong business, but after reading the documents carefully, they realized that they were wrong.

Blue Star's three giants can be said to be the makers of the game in this world. They have the absolute right to speak in the world. If the other party really wants to force a deal, they can only endure it.

This definitely breaks the existing rules of the game in the world, which none of them want to see.

But fortunately, the other party did not embarrass them, because what was written above was only about the transaction of food and daily necessities.

"Mr. Lin Ziyun, to acquire these......, are you planning to continue to open the academy?"

The types and quantities of orders written on the document were all the same as the material orders the college had purchased from the island country before, which made the prime minister of the island country immediately think of a possibility.

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