One day, Lin Ziyun was in the room looking at the information sent from the Infinity, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

"Captain, we have a ride to take us, it will be tomorrow." Wei Er, who just walked in, said excitedly. After staying here for so long, she can finally go back.

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun smiled and said, "Oh? Who is so 'kind' to take us away?"

"It is reported that a civilian boat will be heading to Junius 7 tomorrow to mourn the refugees on Junius 7, and we can slip in and leave on that boat."

Lin Ziyun nodded, "Very good, let them all prepare, they will leave here tomorrow."

Early the next morning, a civilian ship called 'Any Name' was preparing to go to Junius 7. A few minutes later, the ship started and slowly left December. *

Chapter [-] Pink Hairy Diva

After two days of sailing, the civilian ship had almost left Zaft's sphere of influence and came to a huge wreck, which was the destination of their trip, Junius 7.

Two days ago, Lin Ziyun and the five secretly sneaked into the ship, and for the sake of safety, they have not been in contact with anyone here since they sneaked in.

Looking at the mixed picture of meteorites, building debris and floating corpses floating outside the window, Lin Ziyun's face turned pale, his stomach rolled for a while, but fortunately he didn't spit it out.

The four Spartans of the Osiris team next to Lin Ziyun did not change their faces.

"Captain, are you okay? Your face doesn't look very good." James Locke looked at his pale face and asked with concern.

Lin Ziyun shook his head, "I'm fine, I'll be ready. After they dock, we'll leave and contact the Infinity."

Everyone nodded and started to prepare. Wei Er took out a space suit stolen from here and handed it to Lin Ziyun.

It may be that God didn't want Lin Ziyun to go home so smoothly. At this moment, a notification sounded in the ship: "An earth warship is planning to hijack this ship. For everyone's safety, please go to the rescue cabin immediately. Prepare to flee, repeat..."

"Day! These shit sticks don't come so early or late, but they come to make trouble at this time, but why is this plot so familiar?" Lin Ziyun cursed inwardly.

James Locke hurriedly said: "Let's go, Captain, let's go to the escape pod as well. Your space suit alone is not enough. If they want to sink this ship, the powerful explosive energy space suit is cannot protect you."

After saying that, the Osiris team surrounded Lin Ziyun and ran to the escape area to protect him.


A loud noise spread throughout the ship. From the direction of the sound, it can be determined that the loud noise came from the belly of the ship, which happened to be the entrance and the location of the escape area.

When the five people came to the escape area, they happened to see seven or eight login troops of the Earth Army killed two bodyguards in black suits and pointed guns at a pink-haired girl.

This young girl Lin Ziyun knows, no, it should be said that anyone who has watched Gundam SEED anime knows this person, Lacus Klein, a very shrewd heroine, no wonder I just felt this plot so familiar, it turned out to be Lack The story before silk appeared.

At the same time, the Earth Army and the others also discovered the five Lin Ziyun who suddenly broke in. Seeing that four of them were holding weapons and wearing strange armors, they immediately aimed their weapons at Lin Ziyun and others.

And one of the people who was obviously the commander said: "Who are you, put down your weapons and put your hands on your heads, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Lin Ziyun glanced at them lightly, ignored him, and said to James Locke, "Resolve them, don't hurt that civilian."

The four James Locke who received the order immediately opened fire on the people in front, and the Earth Army, who had been prepared, had already started to fight back when they heard what Lin Ziyun said.

Although they have an absolute advantage in numbers, unfortunately, what they met today were Spartan warriors who could hang and beat aliens, and soon all the Earth Army was wiped out.

Lin Ziyun glanced at the escape pods, most of them had become empty, presumably they were used by others, and now only one remains here.

"As you can see, we are also the ones who are going to escape, and there is only one escape pod. If you don't mind, you can come with us." Lin Ziyun said to Lux who had been watching him curiously.

Hearing the words, Lux said softly, "How could you mind? It's better to say thank you for saving me. If it wasn't for you, I would definitely be dead now."

After a few people entered the escape pod, Lin Ziyun found that the escape pod was not big, but it was perfectly fine to pack six people if squeezed.

After everyone entered and sat down, James Locke manually pressed the gate, and with a bang, the escape pod popped out.

"Captain, do you need to contact Infinity now?" Wei Er asked in a low voice.

Lin Ziyun shook his head, "The plan has changed, let's stay here first, I think someone will come to rescue us soon."

My original plan was to call a transport plane to pick me up from the wreckage of Junius 7 after the spaceship docked in Junius 7, but since I encountered the plot, I naturally couldn't let it go.

Of course, he didn't want to do anything to the Archangel, but as a traveler of the Great Celestial Dynasty, how could he not join the plot to brush it up.

"You mean Zaft will come? Isn't everything we've done before?"

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't say it was Zaft who came to save people, so don't think about it, just follow my orders."

"Yes! Captain."

Although the conversation between the two was relatively quiet, the escape pod was so big, and Lux, who was sitting on the side, was playing with the hello in her hand on the surface. In fact, she had already heard all what Lin Ziyun said just now, and her face changed slightly.

'Although I don't know where he got the news, I can be sure that it must be the Earth Army who came to save people. Hey, just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den. ' Lux thought uneasily.

Time passed slowly, hours passed, and with a jolt, everyone in the escape pod could feel that they were moving.

'Looks like the protagonist is here. 'Lin Ziyun thought to himself, you must know that this escape pod itself has no power, and that it can move means that they have been discovered.

After about ten minutes or so, the escape pod stopped moving. Lin Ziyun, who had a good ear, had already heard a faint cutting sound from outside. It was obvious that someone was trying to open the escape pod.

Of course, not only Lin Ziyun heard the sound, but the four members of the Osiris team also heard it. They immediately raised their weapons and entered a state of preparation for battle. They would fire without hesitation if there was a situation.

Outside the escape pod, the cutting has stopped, as Cojero Madek, the groomer on the Archangel, is holding a machine in his hand, and the other end of the machine is linked to the escape pod, "Okay, the safety lock has been cut. , it's going to open now, you get ready."

After listening to Cojero Madeke's words, everyone present became alert, and no one knew who was inside.

Zi~!The door was opened, but when everyone thought that the people inside would come out, they found out that it was not a person, but a long column-shaped metal object the size of a palm. *

Chapter [-] Unsc's Boss

When he saw this metal object, Captain Mu La Frada, an old soldier who had been in the army for several years, quickly thought of what it was, and hurriedly shouted to the crowd: "No, get down! , it's a grenade!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. The 'grenade' floating in the air disintegrated, Weng made a loud noise, and a shock wave dispersed, and the shock wave rang out in the entire hangar with a noise of 100 decibels.

Everyone fell to the ground, holding their heads in pain.

Concussion bombs, a weapon that uses high-decibel sounds to paralyze opponents, were commonly used by UNSC Hell Paratroopers (ODST Special Forces) before the war, and were extremely effective against separatist forces.

After a few seconds, the shock bomb stopped working, and then four people walked out of the escape pod one after another. The four were wearing armor they had never seen before and holding what seemed to be very advanced weapons.


After hearing James Locke's words, Lin Ziyun and Lux ​​walked out one after another. Looking at the group of people who fell to the ground holding their heads and groaning, Lin Ziyun silently apologized.

(PS: The Archangel hangar does not have an artificial gravity system. As for why it is lying on the ground instead of floating, it is because the plot needs it here, so don't worry about these details.)

The shock bomb was also used after Lin Ziyun's consideration. After all, five of the six of them were armed with weapons (Lin Ziyun had a pistol on his waist). If they went out like this, they would definitely be attacked by them. The Angel is a special period, and they do not want any accident to happen.

"Put down the gun." Lin Ziyun said to the four people who were still carrying guns for warning, and then came to Maliu who was still lying on the ground, "Don't worry, we have no malicious intentions, we thought we entered Zaft's house. That's why the ship (deceived her) attacked, and the effect of the concussion bullets will soon wear off."

After speaking, Lin Ziyun stretched out his right hand and placed it in front of Maliu, the pain in his ears slowly disappeared, and Maliu finally separated a hand to grab his right hand, Lin Ziyun pulled her gently and lifted her up.

Maliu looked at the man in front of her and wanted to scold him, but after all, they said it was a misunderstanding. She and the others were just unlucky, so she gave Zaft a shot, and if the other party really wanted to deal with him, now he It must be dead by now.

Mariu shook her head, which still felt a little swollen, and said: "It's just a misunderstanding, but for safety, can you hand over your weapons, let us keep them."

Lin Ziyun refused decisively without thinking, "Impossible, if I hand over my weapon, who will guarantee my safety? Don't tell me you can, it's not that I look down on you, you must know that all of you together are not me. Four opponents."

In addition to Lin Ziyun and six people, there are at least hundreds of soldiers from the Archangel, but so what, the fourth phase of Sparta is not a joke, it is not a problem to hang hundreds of stars, not to mention that these equipment are backward Earth Army.

The effect of the concussion bullets had disappeared, and everyone on the Archangel stood up one after another. As soon as they stood up, they heard Lin Ziyun's speech and raised their brows.

He actually looked down on them so much, actually said that hundreds of people don't have to be more than four people, and his heart suddenly burst into anger, and he clenched the weapon in his hand. As long as Captain Maliu orders, they will definitely open fire, teach them a lesson, let him know not to look down upon them.

Looking at the earth army with weapons looking at their captain angrily, the Osiris team also raised their weapons and alerted them.

"All put down your weapons." Maliu hesitated for a while after giving the order to her subordinates, and said to Lin Ziyun, "Actually, Your Excellency is unwilling to hand over your weapons, and we do not force others to do so, but please come with me. Go to the reception room, we have to register everyone."

Mariu doesn't really believe that the four of them can kill them all. Of course, neither side will benefit from the fight. As the captain of the Archangel, she does not want her crew to have an accident, so she can only compromise , Fortunately, the few people in front of them seem to be really not enemies.

Soon Maliu left the hangar with Lin Ziyun and the others.

"Little devil, don't pick up things randomly next time, look what you picked up today." As soon as Maliu and Lin Ziyun left, Cojero Madeke said to Kira, who was dazed next to him.

Kira looked apologetic, "I'm sorry."

"Forget it, I can't blame you all this time, just pay attention next time."


On the other side, Lin Ziyun and the others came to the reception room of the Archangel.

"Let me introduce myself first, I need to have your basic information." As soon as she sat down, Maliu said.

Lin Ziyun was the first to speak: "Name: Lin Ziyun, remember, Lin is my surname, and Ziyun is my name, don't get confused, as for my identity... well... I'm the boss of a military organization. Well, the four of them are my personal bodyguards."

Then James? Locke four began to say their names.

Hearing this, Mariu raised her brows, hey hey hey, what the hell are you 'thinking', your identity is too casual.

"Can you tell me what kind of organization this military organization is? If it's inconvenient, then don't ask me."

"It's called UNSC. Lin Ziyun answered indifferently. Anyway, if I told them, they didn't know each other.

As for the self-proclaimed boss of UNSC, there is nothing wrong with it. Anyway, in this world, UNSC only has people like himself, and these people are all his subordinates. It is not wrong to say that he is the boss of UNSC.

Mariu frowned. Although she has a certain understanding of the world's military enterprises or military-industrial enterprises and private armed organizations, she has never heard of it called UNSC. Could it be that he made it up?

The more Maliu thought about it, the more likely it was, but in the end she didn't say anything. Now that people don't want to tell you her true identity, you can't do anything about it. As for the use of strength, you have to use it in the hangar.

Finally, it was the turn of the pink-haired singer who had been playing soy sauce since the beginning. "Hello, my name is Lacus Klein, and I am a singer."

After listening to Lux's introduction, the Archangel represented by Mariu looked at her in shock, and then Mariu asked Lin Ziyun, "What is the relationship between the two of you?"

"It doesn't matter, it just happens to be in the same escape pod." Lin Ziyun replied with a shrug.

Mariu nodded and said: "Thank you for your cooperation, my subordinates will arrange a room for you to rest, but because you are carrying firearms, so sorry, you can only move in a fixed area, as for Miss Lux, please please Come with me."

Lin Ziyun nodded, took his subordinates, and followed the leader to the rest area. As for Mariu taking Lux, he said that he had no opinion. Anyway, this matter is none of his business, so why bother. *

Chapter [-] Cursing People in Front of Himself

"Thank you, Captain Maliu, then I won't bother you."

When Lux left with her subordinates, Mariu asked the Captain Mu La Frada next to him: "Captain, what do you think of what the man named Lin Ziyun said?"

"One point is true and nine points are false. I haven't heard of the UNSC he mentioned, and it may be a small organization, but looking at the equipment of his four bodyguards, it doesn't look like a small organization can have it at all."

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