"Listen to Ziyun."

"That's right, everything is decided by Ziyun."

"Me too! I'll go wherever my father goes!"

"As long as there is Big Brother Ziyun, I, I don't care."

Ladies, you said my words one by one.

"Okay, since you all said so, let's go and see in other special zones!"

After having a target, Lin Ziyun immediately asked Nova to set a route and prepare to break: Leap.

A few seconds later, I saw a flash of white light, and the class battleship disappeared in this star field.

"Have you left... I don't know when the next meeting will be."

Looking at the empty void, Gudilia sighed.

"Don't worry, Miss, you should be able to meet Mr. Lin Ziyun again soon."

Fermitan said lightly.

"Well, that's right, as long as you accomplish this goal, we will definitely meet again in the future."

Gudilia's face showed an extremely confident smile.

"By the way, Fumitan, what did Mr. Lin Ziyun say to you just now? Why did you turn back?"

"...No, nothing."

After being silent for a while, Fermitan finally shook his head.

At that moment, she had thought about telling Gudilia the truth, but just when she wanted to speak, she couldn't make up her mind for some reason.

On the other side, after being separated from the Fishing Fire and the Warhammer, the class battleship came to a colony satellite, near the swarm.

In order not to cause trouble, Lin Ziyun did not directly fold the battleship this time: he jumped to the colony satellite, the group, but the satellite that came first, the radar blind spot of the group, and then slowly drove past.

The appearance of these... Colonial satellites is exactly the same as the Dort special zone, the only difference is the pattern of the satellites, , in the cluster.

"Yoba, send them a request to enter the port."

After entering the range of the satellite group, Lin Ziyun spoke to Yooba.


Due to the false identity of the class warship as a private warship and no criminal record, within a few minutes, the request to enter the port was allowed.

Then Lin Ziyun and others drove the warship into the designated port according to the guidance of the other party.

In the same way, after changing the battleship to automatic mode, Lin Ziyun took his family to the commercial area located on the colonial satellite.

The girls who had been in the battleship for nearly a week finally had an opportunity to go out to play.

In just four hours, everyone only walked two streets.

And until now, Lin Ziyun has not seen even a trace of fatigue in their expressions, which shows how terrible women are when they are serious.

Fortunately, they knew they had to eat after lunch time, otherwise even Lin Ziyun would not be able to hold on.

Of course, it wasn't because of his lack of physical fitness that he couldn't hold on, but mainly because he didn't have that... stamina.

After lunch, everyone rested for a while and then started to set off, but just after everyone entered a store, the content of the TV hanging on the ceiling caught everyone's attention.

The content of the broadcast is about some news about Gudilia and Tiehua.

"Looks like they've reached the Dort colony satellite, swarm."

Lin Ziyun murmured.

At the same time, the hands behind the scenes are quietly promoting the development of the whole plot.

Chapter five hundred and ninetieth goddess of hope

Time flies, a few hours later.

With an explosion, the battle in the colony satellite of Dort was kicked off.

The Earth government forces are not hiding themselves, revealing their ugly hearts.

Every move of the rebels seems to have been arranged in advance, and they can only quietly watch the Earth Army come to slaughter themselves.

In just one hour, the rebels were killed and wounded.

Nearly two-thirds of the people were killed by the guns of the government army, and the remaining [-]% were either injured or... hid in a corner to survive.

And at this moment, a goddess stood up! The goddess used the photography team 'picked up' from halfway to spread her voice throughout the world.

And this... goddess is none other than Gudilia, who is called the goddess of hope by those who resist! Gudilia shakes out what she has seen and heard in the colonial satellite of Dort. For a moment, the government army was disgraced.

Just when the fleet was about to sink the Fishing Fire where Gudilia was, they received an order from the Earth's economic circle - stop the slaughter! This immediately made the fleet commander grit his teeth in anger.

Seeing that... the woman who the government forces tried to kill was about to die in front of his eyes, but at this time, the high-level officials suddenly called him to stop, do you think he could not be angry, and the Yuhuo went away safely in front of everyone's eyes. .

the other side.

When Lin Ziyun and the others saw it was getting late, they also stopped shopping.

Everyone spent more than ten minutes returning to the battleship from the business district.

After returning to the battleship, Lin Ziyun habitually came to the bridge.

Suddenly, he found a small red dot flashing in the mid-air of the holographic platform.

"Well who would have the mail"

Lin Ziyun came to the holographic table with curiosity, reached out and clicked the red dot.

In the next second, the holographic table lit up, and a virtual screen appeared in front of him. Only a short sentence and the sender and time of the email appeared on the screen.


Lin Ziyun quickly read the contents of the email, and then saw the corners of his mouth curl slightly.

"Gu Dilia is interested in me."

After speaking, he came to the captain's seat and pressed a button on the armrest.

"Everyone, come to the bridge, we are leaving here."

After hearing Lin Ziyun's voice, all the girls put down what they were doing and walked towards the bridge.

A few minutes later, the girls entered the bridge one after another.

"Ziyun, why are you leaving suddenly?"

When everyone arrived, Lux asked first, and the others looked at him curiously.

Lin Ziyun explained: "Half an hour ago, Gu Dilia sent an email, saying that there is something to talk to me, so that I have time to go."

"I see."

The girls didn't say much after hearing the words, they came to their seats and sat down:.

Seeing this, Lin Ziyun also took his captain's seat.

After a while, the class battleship left the port.

...rewind to half an hour ago, now in the bridge of Yuhuo.

"I'm sorry, brother, I promised you not to cause trouble before, but in the end..."

Olga said apologetically to Naase who was beside her.

Naase waved his hand and said with a look of indifference: "No need to apologize, you are not wrong, even if I encounter this kind of thing, I can't help but take action."

After saying that, Naze turned his eyes to Gudilia who was beside him, "I also heard about Fumitan, people can't be resurrected from the dead, so be careful."

"Well, I know."

Gudilia nodded lightly, her face full of sadness.

"What to do next"

At this time, the chocolate royal sister next to Naze said, "After the previous incident, now that the government army has been eyeing us, it is impossible to sneak close to the earth."

The original plan of everyone was to go to the customs after unloading the goods in Dort 2, and then take the customs space shuttle to sneak into the earth.

But now that the matter of Dort 2 is so big, it is impossible to secretly enter the earth.

As for attacking, hehe, it's just because of them, "Yeah."

Naze also covered his head and said, "Entering the earth is more difficult than going to the sky now, what are you going to do?"

"......do not know."

After a while of silence, Olga finally sighed.

"Let's find Mr. Lin Ziyun, he must have a way to let us enter the earth."

Gudilia spoke up.

Hearing this, Nagase pinched her chin and thought for a while: "Indeed, if it were him, it would indeed be possible to send you to Earth."

Still the same sentence, space break: jumping is... beer! As long as there are space coordinates, it is not appropriate to break through the defense line of the government army where you can't go. "But... will he help us?"

The little fat Bisquette who had been silent just now suddenly spoke up.


Bisquette's words also silenced everyone.

Lin Ziyun also said that he just wanted to take his family to play, and he followed them just because he had no purpose for the time being. Now they have a purpose, why do they still help them Gu Dilia said: "He can help or not, Don't you know if you try it?"

Olga also nodded and said, "That's right, you don't know the answer to things you haven't tried. Whether he helps or not, we'll know if we ask him first."

After saying that, he said to Meribeide who took over the position of the maid below: "Please send an email to Mr. Lin Ziyun."

Merribead said: "No problem, but in whose name it is posted"

"Use mine."

Gudilia patted her chest and said.

Merribeid nodded and started writing the email.

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