"Hmph, just snort, Ziyun is coming to my room tonight."

Origami wrapped his arms around Lin Ziyun's hand and declared his sovereignty domineering.

"Do not!"

Tohka immediately disagreed, "Ziyun wants to come to my room!"

"No, Ernie-chan can't go to any room tonight!"

Qin Li also spoke up.

"Alala, Ziyun is really popular."

Kuang San looked at the three girls who were jealous, and the smile on his face deepened.

Lin Ziyun glared madly three times, you guys are still in the mood to chatter here, if it weren't for you girl, they wouldn't be like this.

Finally, Miss 2 came out to help Lin Ziyun out of the siege: "Well, let's talk about tonight's matter tonight, let's have dinner first."

"Yes, yes, our stomachs are still empty now, let's eat quickly."

Lin Ziyun also said immediately, giving a thumbs up to Miss 2 in his heart.

The two elder sisters who are seniors all spoke up, and the three girls could only stop fighting for Lin Ziyun in the end, but the three girls still did not intend to give up, each of them had their own set of plans in their hearts.

The lunch ended soon, and the lunch break continued, so Tohka and the others did not return to the classroom immediately.

Dong dong dong... There was a knock on the door, Miss 2 came to the door and opened the door, only to see Tong Yanju's teacher Xiaozhu standing at the door.

"Teacher Xiaozhu, why are you here? Are you here to find Tohka and the others?"

Looking at Teacher Xiaozhu at the door, Lin Ziyun asked curiously.

"No, I didn't come to find Yatoshen classmates and the others."

Teacher Xiaozhu shook his head.

She wasn't curious that Tohka and others would appear in the principal's office. After all, as the head teacher, she had long known that Tohka and the others had something to do with the... young principal in front of her.

Chapter [-]: The tragic villain

"That's right, because the school trip starts next week, I'm here to ask the principal, where should we choose the location of our school trip this time?"

Teacher Xiaozhu pushed her glasses and asked.

Since Lin Ziyun became the principal, Teacher Xiaozhu was also promoted and became the dean: Is there any in the island country... I don't know the dean, anyway, that's what it means, you just need to understand.

So many small things were handed over to her by Lin Ziyun to manage, and the same is true of school trips.

Are you on a school trip? Before you know it, half of the semester has passed.

Lin Ziyun thought to himself.

In the original book, because of the secret manipulation of a company, the purpose of the study trip to Zen High School changed from Okinawa to a small island called Ormi Island.

It is precisely because of this that the protagonist Shidou Wukawa met the twin spirits Yagiya and Yaguma by chance.

But this time, because Lin Ziyun became the principal, he didn't set a place for the school trip, and because the club was hit hard, he didn't come out to do anything during this time.

It's almost time for the school trip, so Miss Xiaozhu came to ask about the school trip.

After thinking about it, Lin Ziyun decided directly, "Let's go to Ormei Island for this school trip."

After all, if I didn't go to Ormi Island, I wouldn't be able to meet the Eight Mai sisters.

If we can't meet, then what are we talking about? "Or Mishima? I know."

Teacher Xiaozhu silently wrote down the destination of the school trip, "Then I won't disturb the principal."

After saying that, Teacher Xiaozhu bowed slightly to Lin Ziyun, then turned and left the principal's office.

"Hey...!!!, Ziyun, what is a school trip?"

Tohka tilted her head and looked at Lin Ziyun suspiciously.

"A school trip is simply...going to play."

Before Lin Ziyun could say anything, Miss 2 answered Tohka's question in advance.

“It was great to go and have fun!”

After hearing this, Tohka became excited.

During the holidays, Lin Ziyun often takes her out to play, and every time she goes out to play, she can eat a lot of delicious food, so she especially likes to play.

Seeing this, Lin Ziyun shook his head helplessly, he naturally knew what Tohka was thinking, but he did not intend to correct it.

Soon, the lunch break at noon passed, Tohka and others left the principal's office in a group, and immediately Lin Ziyun, Miss 2 and Kotori were left in the entire office.

"Is Kotori-chan going with us on the school trip too?"

Lin Ziyun asked Qin Li who was drinking tea beside him.

Kotori shook his head, "No, I'm going back to Ratatosk's headquarters for a meeting that day, so I don't have time to go."

"Let's cancel the meeting, and then go to Ormei Island with us to play, anyway... I guess your meeting is not important."


Qin Li hesitated.

She also wanted to go with Lin Ziyun and the others to Or Mei Island, after all, it was her Oni-chan's invitation.

Seeing her hesitant, Lin Ziyun said again, "Just tell those people that I invite you to travel, presumably those people wouldn't dare to say anything."

"All right."

Finally, Kotori nodded in agreement.

On one side is her favorite Oni-chan, and on the other is her kind boss, Kotori naturally chooses the former.

...Meanwhile, in a dark basement.

A woman with long blond hair stood in front of a glass jar that was taller than herself.

The glass jar is full of green bodies, and in the liquid lies a silver-haired man with a breathing mask and a naked upper body.

As for why the silver-haired man has only the upper body naked, it is because his lower body is gone! If Lin Ziyun is here at this time, he will be surprised to find out that these two people are not others, they are the two major members of the society, Aizac Reperham Westcott and Ellen Miramathers! Ellen stood there quietly, looking at Aizac in the nutrition tank with a complicated expression.

With the company's superb medical technology, it is not too difficult to repair a person's half body.

However, Aizac's wound was wounded by psionic energy, and there was still psionic energy left in his hideous wound, no matter what they did, they couldn't get rid of them....... psionic energy.

I am afraid that in order to completely repair Aizac's lower body, he must obtain the spiritual power of the elf.

Because the spirit power of the elf has a very strong healing ability, although it cannot be brought back to life except Qin Li, it is not a problem to repair the damage on his body.

"Ellen, are you here?"

At this moment, Aizac in the nutrition tank opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at Alan in front of him.

"Did you come here to show that you have something important to say?"

Aizac's tone was very weak, if it wasn't for the nutrition tank, he probably wouldn't be able to speak at all.

Allen nodded, "Yes, Mr. Isaac, I heard that the annual study trip to Zen High School is about to begin."

Laizen High School will hold a school trip at a designated time every year, so she doesn't need to do any research to know about it.


Hearing this, Aizac's expression was a little excited, but because he was too weak, it made people look a little scary.

The students who come to Zen High School will go on a school trip, which means that the elves will leave the forbidden area in Tiangong City that they dare not set foot on, and then they will be able to act.

Thinking of this, Aizac continued to ask: "Do you know their purpose?"

"Sorry, I don't know yet."

Allen shook his head.

"Yes, I see, you pay close attention to them, I will give you the command of the rest of the troops."

"I see."

Finally, Aizac slowly closed her eyes, Allen didn't intend to disturb him anymore, she turned and left the basement.

At this moment, Aizac, who had closed his eyes tightly, opened his eyes again, and a hideous smile appeared on his face.

"Wait, when I get spiritual power, it's time for my revenge."

...After leaving the basement, Alan entered a room.

When she came out of the room a few minutes later, she was completely transformed.

The original black clothes were replaced with jeans and a white T-shirt, and a brown coat was still on his body. Those purple eyes were covered by a pair of large sunglasses, and the long golden hair on his head was also coiled back. Pressed down by a beret.

Allen came to the elevator entrance in the basement and took the elevator to leave the basement.

The elevator stopped after a full five minutes had passed, from which we could see how deep the basement was.

Brush! When the elevator door was opened, the dazzling sunlight shone on Allen.

When she got out of the elevator, she appeared in an uninhabited vegetable field, and since the elevator behind her was a wooden hut that looked dilapidated! No wonder Lin Ziyun's people couldn't find Aizac and the others. It turned out that they Hiding in such a rare place all the time.

And even one entrance: it is so concealed that if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard for others to believe that this small thatched hut that was about to collapse after the wind and rain was an entrance to the basement that was hundreds of meters deep:! Ai Lun took an earphone from his coat pocket, put it to his ear, and pressed the button on it.

"Restaurant owner, I have a batch of green vegetables here, would you like to come and have a look?"

Of course, Allen doesn't really want to sell vegetables, it's just their secret code.

After all, they were afraid that the endless fleet would monitor their communications, so in order to avoid being exposed, they simply unencrypted the channel and replaced every sentence with an easy-to-understand code.

"...Okay, I'll be right here."

After the earphones were silent for a while, a man's voice came.

Hearing this, Allen cut off the communication, and then stood there as if waiting for something.

Not long after, about ten minutes later, a helicopter flew from a distance and finally stopped in front of Allen.

Chapter [-]: Chong Palace? Snail?

That night.

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