After the other party looked at it, he returned the fake identity to him: "Mr. Lin, thank you for your cooperation and wish you a pleasant journey."

After leaving here, Lin Ziyun led someone to find a hotel on the side of the road and stayed in. Then he opened the computer he brought from Infinity, and connected the computer to the network. Finally, he took out a small chip from his pocket and inserted it into it. in the computer.

Whoosh! "Hoo! It's finally out, and honestly, it's a pain in your pocket."

A yellow holographic figure suddenly appeared on the computer.

And he is the shipboard Roland of the Infinity. This time, Lin Ziyun did not hesitate to bring Roland out of the Infinity in order to find out the information of the Hidden Blade plan.

"Tsk, it sounds like you feel when you're on standby."

Lin Ziyun complained that he was not a novice, so when he was in the standby state, he couldn't feel the surrounding environment at all.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get down to business. We don't have much time. It won't be long before an interstellar war will engulf the entire human population in the Koprulu Sector, and by then, this place will soon become a battlefield."

Roland nodded and said, "I'll try my best, but don't expect it to be fast. If you want to secretly invade the Federation's main computer and steal data without disturbing anyone, I'm afraid it will take some time with my ability."

"Of course I know this, but in short, don't exceed 15 days."

Roland shrugged and agreed, 15 days is not a short time, it should be able to do it, now his only hope is that the defense of the Federation's main computer is weaker.

After a while, Roland entered the working state. The network of this era is no longer divided, and the entire Tarsonis network is linked by one line, which saves him a lot of time.

——Time passed quietly, and more than ten days passed in a blink of an eye. In the early morning of this day, Lin Ziyun just got up, just when he was going to wash up in the bathroom, Roland suddenly said: "Good morning Captain, I have obtained the information you asked for."

"What are you saying, you are saying it again."

Lin was surprised to look at him, with a hint of excitement in his eyes, afraid that he had just heard it wrong.

Roland smiled helplessly. As for the surprise, he explained patiently: "I mean, I have already obtained the information you asked for."

"Very good! Contact the others, have them get ready, bring something within 5 minutes, and be ready to leave."

Lin Ziyun didn't care about washing up, he put on his clothes and pulled Roland out of the computer... Then he left the room.

More than an hour later, the Infinity bridge.

"According to the information just obtained, the training base of the Hidden Blade Project is at this location."

Roland, who was standing on the holographic stage, opened the star map and clicked on a certain position on it.

The star map was instantly enlarged, and the last inconspicuous planet was displayed on the holographic stage.

"This is a planet called 1 by the Tyranid Federation. The environment on the planet is very harsh. Its interior is a huge magma layer. Most of the planet's surface is engulfed by the magma sea, and the training base is Built on the planet's few remaining lands."

"It's really an ideal location."

Lin Ziyun touched his chin and said.

On such a planet that cannot survive human beings, no one would have thought that since someone would build a base on it, it has to be said that some people in the Federation still have brains.

"Navigator, change course, show us over there."

The location of the planet is not very far from Tarsonis, the capital of the Tyranid Federation. This distance can be reached in half a day for the Endless Fleet.

"Is this planet 10 looks like the later Redstone star."

From space, the surface of the entire 10 planets is dyed red, and there are tumbling magma everywhere. Unlike Redstone, the surface here is relatively stable, and there are not so many Eugene veins.

"Report Captain! A fleet appears in the high-altitude orbit of Planet 10, it is the Federation!"

At this time, the radar operator suddenly shouted.

"I didn't expect the Federation to put a fleet here, but yes, as one of the Federation's most important secret facilities, it's not surprising that there are heavy guards."

Lin Ziyun said to Roland: "Go ahead and let our people get ready for battle."

At this time, the distant Federal Fleet sent a message to Infinity: "This is the Thirteenth Federal Fleet! Please report your identities to the unknown fleet, or we will attack you on the grounds of breaking into the military center!"

Lin Ziyun didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, so he closed the communication directly, and then said: "Don't worry about them, just open fire and fuck him, we don't have much time, we must dare to leave here with what we want before the arrival of the federal reinforcements. ."

Now the fleet here only has more than thirty monster-class battlecruisers and hundreds of interstellar fighters, how could this lineup be an opponent of the endless fleet that has been upgraded several times.

In less than half an hour of fighting, the Endless Fleet was 0 to 24.

The other party's flagship was smashed into space junk by a magnetic acceleration cannon from the Infinity ship just after the start of the war.

"Captain, the opponent has surrendered!"

"This is surrender. It's not a loss to be a soldier of the Federation. Before the battle, he was arrogant. After the battle, he behaved like a grandson. This is very federal."

Lin Ziyun said in disdain.

"Roland, inform the Spartan team to prepare for the login operation."

"Are you trying to capture these six ships?"

Roland asked.

"That's right, don't do it for nothing, anyway...these six ships are very intact of the right decks is slightly damaged, and it happens that we have some fresh from the Naval Academy. The graduates don’t have a car yet, so it’s good to improve these ships and assign them to use them temporarily, and it can also increase our combat power.”

: The Hyperion is also a behemoth-class battlecruiser, so the lengths are almost the same, but the difference is that the Hyperion has more firepower and has its own protagonist halo.

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nuowenbei?Tai??

On the largest and highest mountain on the planet, there is a tower-shaped building. From the outside, this building is actually not big, but when one enters the interior, they will find that the entire mountain has been hollowed out and become a part of this building.

At this time, the periphery of this tower-shaped building was surrounded by dozens of tall Titans, and at the same time, the only port of call in the tower was also occupied by a team of Spartans.

After half an hour of engagement between the space and the federal fleet, Lin Ziyun spent another half an hour to control the entire ghost training base.

Fortunately, the people here are honest and know that they can't fight without the fleet, so after a symbolic resistance, these people surrendered.

At this time, a federal researcher in a white coat led Lin Ziyun, Sarah Palmer, and a team of four in the corridor of the facility, and occasionally introduced a few people. Fan.

This... researcher is the top management of the entire facility, and he is the person in charge of the entire human psionic development and planning the ghost training program.

After attacking here, in order to save his life, he became the first person to surrender at this facility. It was because of his help that Lin Ziyun's troops could control this place so easily.

"Lord Lin, here we are, these people are... the latest children with psychic potential sent by the Federation."

This... scientist bowed to Lin Ziyun and the others like a dog's leg and introduced.

I saw that in front of them, there was a small holding room. The four walls of this holding room were made of half glass and half energy. Inside the holding room, a group of teenagers and girls in white underwear were being held. .

Lin Ziyun came here naturally to ask for someone, after all, everything he does now is to train a ghost of his own in the future.

As for why he didn't go for those...the ghosts who have been trained and matured.

That's because those ghosts have been brainwashed by the Federation, and their consciousness has been bound by the Federation, and they will never betray the Federation.

So instead of... wanting those who... are unfaithful to themselves and may kill themselves at any time, it is better to put these... new people, Take them away, and then I will slowly train them into ghosts.

It is believed that with the current technology of the endless fleet combined with the ghost training method just obtained, it is possible to train a group of ghosts more powerful than the federal ghosts in a short period of time.

The arrival of Lin Ziyun and others naturally attracted the attention of this group of young girls. At this moment, Lin Ziyun suddenly felt a strange energy roaming around him. The soul sees the same.

But this energy comes and goes quickly.


Lin Ziyun's mouth twitched.

Looking at a blond girl in the prison room, he could feel that the... energy just emanated from her.

Lin Ziyun stepped forward and walked over, and the blond girl also came to his face, Lin Ziyun said across the wall, "What's your name?"

Before the girl could speak, a researcher took the lead in saying, "Lord Lin, your voice cannot pass through this energy wall."

Lin Ziyun nodded when he heard the words, and was about to let him open the call. When the call system, a beautiful voice appeared in everyone's mind: "My name is Nuowen Bei Tai La."

I'm so tired, Novinbetella! Isn't this Nova, the cold-blooded killer of the late Tyranid Empire, I didn't expect myself to be so lucky to meet this...a very popular character.

Lin Ziyun still vaguely remembers that Nova seemed to be from a big family lady before, since she appeared here, it means that her family has been destroyed, and now she is probably thinking about how to take revenge.

Just when he was about to continue talking to Nova and promote more feelings with her, he was interrupted by a surprised voice.

" is this possible! This wall can isolate the psionic energy within the fifth level, how did she do it! Is, this is absolutely impossible, the level of psionic energy of human beings has never exceeded the level in history. This level!"

The researcher had a frantic expression on his face, as if he had discovered some rare treasure. He ignored Lin Ziyun and went straight to the terminal next to him and started typing on the keyboard.

In fact, Lin Ziyun is not very clear on how strong the fifth-level psionic unit is, but what is certain is that the fifth-level absolutely has the combat power of the Protoss high-level templar, and since Nova has exceeded this level, it seems that he This time I really found a treasure.

Sister Kai's level was actually so strong, or even stronger when she was a human, but her potential was not fully developed at the Ghost Military Academy, so this... the scientist said 'everytime' At this time, Sarah Palmer left. In the past, he was about to pull the scientist over, but Lin Ziyun waved to stop him, "Let him go."

Lin Ziyun continued to look at Nova opposite the wall and said, "Would you like to follow me, I will give you more power."

"Can the strength you give me help me fulfill my revenge?"

When she spoke of revenge, her expression turned cold, and Lin Ziyun immediately felt as if he was being stared at by a reckless beast, but he was not dissatisfied with it, instead he was even more happy.

Because of this, it can better reflect Nova's strength.

"Yes! Follow me, you will have almost unlimited room for development, let alone the power of revenge, even if you want to destroy the country, you will have it."

Lin Ziyun has decided to focus on cultivating Nova in the future to see if he can cultivate an existence that is more powerful than the Queen of Blades.

"Hey, that guy over there... in a white coat, open this door and let her out."

"Okay, Mr. Lin."

When Nova left the detention room and came to Lin Ziyun, he opened his mouth and said, "Your original name sounds a bit awkward. I'll call you Nova from now on, it's okay."

"I do not mind."

Nova shook her head, the name was just a code name to her, whatever it was.

"Sarah Palmer, I'll leave it to you here. Remember to order people to take these children away. Of course, if they don't want to go with us, let them drive the spaceship home by themselves."

After speaking, Lin Ziyun took Nova and left here first.

:Actually, according to the plot time, Nova should have been in the Ghost Military Academy for about two years at this time:, but I personally like this character, so let her appear here.

Chapter [-] Nova's Curiosity

After returning to the Pelican transport plane, Lin Ziyun couldn't help asking Nova, "Why do you keep looking at me like this, do you have flowers on my face?"

After walking back from the prison, Nova kept looking at him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. If he hadn't known what Nova's character was, he really thought that she had taken a fancy to him.

"You're peculiar and different from other men."

Nova said.

Hearing this, Lin Ziyun raised his eyebrows.

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